from micropython import const import storage.device from trezor import wire, workflow from trezor.messages import ButtonRequestType from trezor.messages.PassphraseAck import PassphraseAck from trezor.messages.PassphraseRequest import PassphraseRequest from trezor.ui import ICON_CONFIG, draw_simple from trezor.ui.passphrase import CANCELLED, PassphraseKeyboard from trezor.ui.text import Text from . import button_request _MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN = const(50) def is_enabled() -> bool: return storage.device.is_passphrase_enabled() async def get(ctx: wire.Context) -> str: if is_enabled(): return await _request_from_user(ctx) else: return "" async def _request_from_user(ctx: wire.Context) -> str: workflow.close_others() # request exclusive UI access if storage.device.get_passphrase_always_on_device(): passphrase = await _request_on_device(ctx) else: passphrase = await _request_on_host(ctx) if len(passphrase.encode()) > _MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN: raise wire.DataError( "Maximum passphrase length is %d bytes" % _MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN ) return passphrase async def _request_on_host(ctx: wire.Context) -> str: _entry_dialog() request = PassphraseRequest() ack = await, PassphraseAck) if ack.on_device: if ack.passphrase is not None: raise wire.DataError("Passphrase provided when it should not be") return await _request_on_device(ctx) if ack.passphrase is None: raise wire.DataError( "Passphrase not provided and on_device is False. Use empty string to set an empty passphrase." ) return ack.passphrase async def _request_on_device(ctx: wire.Context) -> str: await button_request(ctx, code=ButtonRequestType.PassphraseEntry) keyboard = PassphraseKeyboard("Enter passphrase", _MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN) passphrase = await ctx.wait(keyboard) if passphrase is CANCELLED: raise wire.ActionCancelled("Passphrase entry cancelled") assert isinstance(passphrase, str) return passphrase def _entry_dialog() -> None: text = Text("Passphrase entry", ICON_CONFIG) text.normal("Please type your", "passphrase on the", "connected host.") draw_simple(text)