# Trezor firmware on STM32F429I-DISC1 The [STM32F429I-DISC1](https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/32f429idiscovery.html) evaluation board has similar MCU to Trezor Model T as well as compatible touchscreen. On the board, mini-USB is used to flash the firmware using the integrated ST-Link, as well as power the board. The micro-USB connector is used by the firmware to communicate with the trezor client. I.e. normally you need both cables connected. Make sure JP1, JP2, JP3, and CN4 are fitted with jumpers (board is in this state by default). ## Building and flashing Follow the [normal build instructions](../build/embedded.md) however pass `TREZOR_MODEL=DISC1` to `make`: ``` # build firmware images make build_boardloader build_bootloader build_firmware TREZOR_MODEL=DISC1 # use openocd to flash everything through st-link make flash ``` Reset board after command finishes.