use heapless::Vec; use crate::{ error::Error, micropython::buffer::StrBuffer, translations::TR, ui::{ component::{ text::paragraphs::{Paragraph, ParagraphSource, ParagraphVecShort, Paragraphs, VecExt}, Child, Component, Event, EventCtx, Pad, Paginate, Qr, }, geometry::Rect, }, }; use super::{ theme, ButtonController, ButtonControllerMsg, ButtonDetails, ButtonLayout, ButtonPos, Frame, }; const MAX_XPUBS: usize = 16; const QR_BORDER: i16 = 3; pub struct AddressDetails { qr_code: Qr, details_view: Paragraphs>, xpub_view: Frame>, StrBuffer>, xpubs: Vec<(StrBuffer, StrBuffer), MAX_XPUBS>, current_page: usize, current_subpage: usize, area: Rect, pad: Pad, buttons: Child, } impl AddressDetails { pub fn new( qr_address: StrBuffer, case_sensitive: bool, account: Option, path: Option, ) -> Result { let qr_code = Qr::new(qr_address, case_sensitive)?.with_border(QR_BORDER); let details_view = { let mut para = ParagraphVecShort::new(); if let Some(account) = account { para.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_BOLD, TR::words__account_colon)); para.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_MONO, account)); } if let Some(path) = path { para.add(Paragraph::new( &theme::TEXT_BOLD, TR::address_details__derivation_path, )); para.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_MONO, path)); } Paragraphs::new(para) }; let xpub_view = Frame::new( "".into(), Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_MONO_DATA, "").into_paragraphs(), ); let result = Self { qr_code, details_view, xpub_view, xpubs: Vec::new(), area: Rect::zero(), current_page: 0, current_subpage: 0, pad: Pad::with_background(theme::BG).with_clear(), buttons: Child::new(ButtonController::new(ButtonLayout::arrow_none_arrow())), }; Ok(result) } pub fn add_xpub(&mut self, title: StrBuffer, xpub: StrBuffer) -> Result<(), Error> { self.xpubs .push((title, xpub)) .map_err(|_| Error::OutOfRange) } fn is_in_subpage(&self) -> bool { self.current_subpage > 0 } fn is_xpub_page(&self) -> bool { self.current_page > 1 } fn is_last_page(&self) -> bool { self.current_page == self.page_count() - 1 } fn is_last_subpage(&mut self) -> bool { self.current_subpage == self.subpages_in_current_page() - 1 } fn subpages_in_current_page(&mut self) -> usize { if self.is_xpub_page() { self.xpub_view.page_count() } else { 1 } } /// Button layout for the current page. /// Normally there are arrows everywhere, apart from the right side of the /// last page. On xpub pages there is SHOW ALL middle button when it /// cannot fit one page. On xpub subpages there are wide arrows to /// scroll. fn get_button_layout(&mut self) -> ButtonLayout { let (left, middle, right) = if self.is_in_subpage() { let left = Some(ButtonDetails::up_arrow_icon_wide()); let right = if self.is_last_subpage() { None } else { Some(ButtonDetails::down_arrow_icon_wide()) }; (left, None, right) } else { let left = Some(ButtonDetails::left_arrow_icon()); let middle = if self.is_xpub_page() && self.subpages_in_current_page() > 1 { Some(ButtonDetails::armed_text(TR::buttons__show_all.into())) } else { None }; let right = if self.is_last_page() { None } else { Some(ButtonDetails::right_arrow_icon()) }; (left, middle, right) }; ButtonLayout::new(left, middle, right) } /// Reflecting the current page in the buttons. fn update_buttons(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { let btn_layout = self.get_button_layout(); self.buttons.mutate(ctx, |_ctx, buttons| { buttons.set(btn_layout); }); } fn page_count(&self) -> usize { 2 + self.xpubs.len() } fn fill_xpub_page(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { let i = self.current_page - 2; self.xpub_view.update_title(ctx, self.xpubs[i].0); self.xpub_view.update_content(ctx, |p| { p.inner_mut().update(self.xpubs[i].1); p.change_page(0) }); } fn change_page(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { if self.is_xpub_page() { self.fill_xpub_page(ctx); } self.pad.clear(); self.current_subpage = 0; } fn change_subpage(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { if self.is_xpub_page() { self.xpub_view .update_content(ctx, |p| p.change_page(self.current_subpage)); self.pad.clear(); } } } impl Component for AddressDetails { type Msg = (); fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect { // QR code is being placed on the whole bounds, so it can be as big as possible // (it will not collide with the buttons, they are narrow and on the sides). // Therefore, also placing pad on the whole bounds.;; let (content_area, button_area) = bounds.split_bottom(theme::BUTTON_HEIGHT);;;; self.area = content_area; bounds } fn event(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, event: Event) -> Option { // Possibly update the components that have e.g. marquee match self.current_page { 0 => self.qr_code.event(ctx, event), 1 => self.details_view.event(ctx, event), _ => self.xpub_view.event(ctx, event), }; let button_event = self.buttons.event(ctx, event); if let Some(ButtonControllerMsg::Triggered(button, _)) = button_event { if self.is_in_subpage() { match button { ButtonPos::Left => { // Going back self.current_subpage -= 1; } ButtonPos::Right => { // Going next self.current_subpage += 1; } _ => unreachable!(), } self.change_subpage(ctx); self.update_buttons(ctx); return None; } else { match button { ButtonPos::Left => { // Cancelling or going back if self.current_page == 0 { return Some(()); } self.current_page -= 1; self.change_page(ctx); } ButtonPos::Right => { // Going to the next page self.current_page += 1; self.change_page(ctx); } ButtonPos::Middle => { // Going into subpage self.current_subpage = 1; self.change_subpage(ctx); } } self.update_buttons(ctx); return None; } } None } fn paint(&mut self) { self.pad.paint(); self.buttons.paint(); match self.current_page { 0 => self.qr_code.paint(), 1 => self.details_view.paint(), _ => self.xpub_view.paint(), } } #[cfg(feature = "ui_bounds")] fn bounds(&self, sink: &mut dyn FnMut(Rect)) { sink(self.area) } } #[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")] impl crate::trace::Trace for AddressDetails { fn trace(&self, t: &mut dyn crate::trace::Tracer) { t.component("AddressDetails"); match self.current_page { 0 => t.child("qr_code", &self.qr_code), 1 => t.child("details_view", &self.details_view), _ => t.child("xpub_view", &self.xpub_view), } } }