use crate::{ error::Error, micropython::{ buffer::{hexlify_bytes, StrBuffer}, gc::Gc, list::List, obj::Obj, util::{iter_into_array, try_or_raise}, }, storage::{get_avatar_len, load_avatar}, ui::{ component::text::{ paragraphs::{Paragraph, ParagraphSource}, TextStyle, }, util::set_animation_disabled, }, }; /// Maximum number of characters that can be displayed on screen at once. Used /// for on-the-fly conversion of binary data to hexadecimal representation. /// NOTE: can be fine-tuned for particular model screen to decrease memory /// consumption and conversion time. pub const MAX_HEX_CHARS_ON_SCREEN: usize = 256; pub enum StrOrBytes { Str(StrBuffer), Bytes(Obj), } impl StrOrBytes { pub fn as_str_offset(&self, offset: usize) -> StrBuffer { match self { StrOrBytes::Str(x) => x.skip_prefix(offset), StrOrBytes::Bytes(x) => hexlify_bytes(*x, offset, MAX_HEX_CHARS_ON_SCREEN) .unwrap_or_else(|_| StrBuffer::from("ERROR")), } } } impl TryFrom for StrOrBytes { type Error = Error; fn try_from(obj: Obj) -> Result { if obj.is_str() { Ok(StrOrBytes::Str(obj.try_into()?)) } else if obj.is_bytes() { Ok(StrOrBytes::Bytes(obj)) } else { Err(Error::TypeError) } } } pub struct ConfirmBlob { pub description: StrBuffer, pub extra: StrBuffer, pub data: StrOrBytes, pub description_font: &'static TextStyle, pub extra_font: &'static TextStyle, pub data_font: &'static TextStyle, } impl ParagraphSource<'static> for ConfirmBlob { fn at(&self, index: usize, offset: usize) -> Paragraph<'static> { match index { 0 => Paragraph::new(self.description_font, self.description.skip_prefix(offset)), 1 => Paragraph::new(self.extra_font, self.extra.skip_prefix(offset)), 2 => Paragraph::new(self.data_font,, _ => unreachable!(), } } fn size(&self) -> usize { 3 } } pub struct PropsList { items: Gc, key_font: &'static TextStyle, value_font: &'static TextStyle, value_mono_font: &'static TextStyle, } impl PropsList { pub fn new( obj: Obj, key_font: &'static TextStyle, value_font: &'static TextStyle, value_mono_font: &'static TextStyle, ) -> Result { Ok(Self { items: obj.try_into()?, key_font, value_font, value_mono_font, }) } } impl ParagraphSource<'static> for PropsList { fn at(&self, index: usize, offset: usize) -> Paragraph<'static> { let block = move || { let entry = self.items.get(index / 2)?; let [key, value, value_is_mono]: [Obj; 3] = iter_into_array(entry)?; let value_is_mono: bool = bool::try_from(value_is_mono)?; let obj: Obj; let style: &TextStyle; if index % 2 == 0 { if !key.is_str() && key != Obj::const_none() { return Err(Error::TypeError); } style = self.key_font; obj = key; } else { if value_is_mono { style = self.value_mono_font; } else { if value.is_bytes() { return Err(Error::TypeError); } style = self.value_font; } obj = value; }; if obj == Obj::const_none() { return Ok(Paragraph::new(style, StrBuffer::empty())); } let para = if obj.is_str() { let content: StrBuffer = obj.try_into()?; Paragraph::new(style, content.skip_prefix(offset)) } else if obj.is_bytes() { let content = hexlify_bytes(obj, offset, MAX_HEX_CHARS_ON_SCREEN)?; Paragraph::new(style, content) } else { return Err(Error::TypeError); }; if obj == key && value != Obj::const_none() { Ok(para.no_break()) } else { Ok(para) } }; match block() { Ok(para) => para, Err(_) => Paragraph::new(self.value_font, StrBuffer::from("ERROR")), } } fn size(&self) -> usize { 2 * self.items.len() } } pub extern "C" fn upy_disable_animation(disable: Obj) -> Obj { let block = || { set_animation_disabled(disable.try_into()?); Ok(Obj::const_none()) }; unsafe { try_or_raise(block) } } pub fn get_user_custom_image() -> Result, Error> { let len = get_avatar_len()?; let mut data = Gc::<[u8]>::new_slice(len)?; // SAFETY: buffer is freshly allocated so nobody else has it. load_avatar(unsafe { Gc::<[u8]>::as_mut(&mut data) })?; Ok(data) }