import shutil import tempfile from contextlib import contextmanager from pathlib import Path import dominate from dominate.tags import br, h1, h2, hr, i, p, table, td, th, tr # These are imported directly because this script is run directly, isort gets confused by that. import download # isort:skip import html # isort:skip REPORTS_PATH = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / "reports" / "master_diff" RECORDED_SCREENS_PATH = Path(__file__).parent.parent.resolve() / "screens" def get_diff(): master = download.fetch_fixtures_master() current = download.fetch_fixtures_current() # removed items removed = {test: master[test] for test in (master.keys() - current.keys())} # added items added = {test: current[test] for test in (current.keys() - master.keys())} # items in both branches same = master.items() - removed.items() - added.items() # create the diff diff = dict() for master_test, master_hash in same: if current.get(master_test) == master_hash: continue diff[master_test] = master[master_test], current[master_test] return removed, added, diff def removed(screens_path, test_name): doc = dominate.document(title=test_name) screens = sorted(screens_path.iterdir()) with doc: h1(test_name) p( "This UI test has been removed from fixtures.json.", style="color: red; font-weight: bold;", ) hr() with table(border=1): with tr(): th("Removed files") for screen in screens: with tr(): html.image(screen) return html.write(REPORTS_PATH / "removed", doc, test_name + ".html") def added(screens_path, test_name): doc = dominate.document(title=test_name) screens = sorted(screens_path.iterdir()) with doc: h1(test_name) p( "This UI test has been added to fixtures.json.", style="color: green; font-weight: bold;", ) hr() with table(border=1): with tr(): th("Added files") for screen in screens: with tr(): html.image(screen) return html.write(REPORTS_PATH / "added", doc, test_name + ".html") def diff( master_screens_path, current_screens_path, test_name, master_hash, current_hash ): doc = dominate.document(title=test_name) master_screens = sorted(master_screens_path.iterdir()) current_screens = sorted(current_screens_path.iterdir()) with doc: h1(test_name) p("This UI test differs from master.", style="color: grey; font-weight: bold;") with table(): with tr(): td("Master:") td(master_hash, style="color: red;") with tr(): td("Current:") td(current_hash, style="color: green;") hr() with table(border=1, width=600): with tr(): th("Master") th("Current branch") html.diff_table(master_screens, current_screens) return html.write(REPORTS_PATH / "diff", doc, test_name + ".html") def index(): removed = list((REPORTS_PATH / "removed").iterdir()) added = list((REPORTS_PATH / "added").iterdir()) diff = list((REPORTS_PATH / "diff").iterdir()) title = "UI changes from master" doc = dominate.document(title=title) with doc: h1("UI changes from master") hr() h2("Removed:", style="color: red;") i("UI fixtures that have been removed:") html.report_links(removed, REPORTS_PATH) br() hr() h2("Added:", style="color: green;") i("UI fixtures that have been added:") html.report_links(added, REPORTS_PATH) br() hr() h2("Differs:", style="color: grey;") i("UI fixtures that have been modified:") html.report_links(diff, REPORTS_PATH) return html.write(REPORTS_PATH, doc, "index.html") def create_dirs(): # delete the reports dir to clear previous entries and create folders shutil.rmtree(REPORTS_PATH, ignore_errors=True) REPORTS_PATH.mkdir() (REPORTS_PATH / "removed").mkdir() (REPORTS_PATH / "added").mkdir() (REPORTS_PATH / "diff").mkdir() def create_reports(): removed_tests, added_tests, diff_tests = get_diff() @contextmanager def tmpdir(): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="trezor-records-") as temp_dir: yield Path(temp_dir) for test_name, test_hash in removed_tests.items(): with tmpdir() as temp_dir: download.fetch_recorded(test_hash, temp_dir) removed(temp_dir, test_name) for test_name, test_hash in added_tests.items(): path = RECORDED_SCREENS_PATH / test_name / "actual" if not path.exists(): raise RuntimeError("Folder does not exist, has it been recorded?", path) added(path, test_name) for test_name, (master_hash, current_hash) in diff_tests.items(): with tmpdir() as master_screens: download.fetch_recorded(master_hash, master_screens) current_screens = RECORDED_SCREENS_PATH / test_name / "actual" if not current_screens.exists(): raise RuntimeError( "Folder does not exist, has it been recorded?", current_screens ) diff( master_screens, current_screens, test_name, master_hash, current_hash, ) if __name__ == "__main__": create_dirs() create_reports() index()