from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import storage.recovery from trezor import ui, wire from trezor.enums import ButtonRequestType from trezor.ui.layouts import confirm_action, show_success, show_warning from trezor.ui.layouts.common import button_request from import ( # noqa: F401 continue_recovery, request_word, request_word_count, show_group_share_success, show_remaining_shares, ) from .. import backup_types from . import word_validity from .recover import RecoveryAborted if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import Callable from trezor.enums import BackupType async def confirm_abort(ctx: wire.GenericContext, dry_run: bool = False) -> None: if dry_run: await confirm_action( ctx, "abort_recovery", "Abort seed check", description="Do you really want to abort the seed check?", icon=ui.ICON_WIPE, br_code=ButtonRequestType.ProtectCall, ) else: await confirm_action( ctx, "abort_recovery", "Abort recovery", description="Do you really want to abort the recovery process?", action="All progress will be lost.", reverse=True, icon=ui.ICON_WIPE, br_code=ButtonRequestType.ProtectCall, ) async def request_mnemonic( ctx: wire.GenericContext, word_count: int, backup_type: BackupType | None ) -> str | None: await button_request(ctx, "mnemonic", code=ButtonRequestType.MnemonicInput) words: list[str] = [] for i in range(word_count): word = await request_word( ctx, i, word_count, is_slip39=backup_types.is_slip39_word_count(word_count) ) words.append(word) try: word_validity.check(backup_type, words) except word_validity.AlreadyAdded: await show_share_already_added(ctx) return None except word_validity.IdentifierMismatch: await show_identifier_mismatch(ctx) return None except word_validity.ThresholdReached: await show_group_threshold_reached(ctx) return None return " ".join(words) async def show_dry_run_result( ctx: wire.GenericContext, result: bool, is_slip39: bool ) -> None: if result: if is_slip39: text = "The entered recovery\nshares are valid and\nmatch what is currently\nin the device." else: text = "The entered recovery\nseed is valid and\nmatches the one\nin the device." await show_success(ctx, "success_dry_recovery", text, button="Continue") else: if is_slip39: text = "The entered recovery\nshares are valid but\ndo not match what is\ncurrently in the device." else: text = "The entered recovery\nseed is valid but does\nnot match the one\nin the device." await show_warning(ctx, "warning_dry_recovery", text, button="Continue") async def show_dry_run_different_type(ctx: wire.GenericContext) -> None: await show_warning( ctx, "warning_dry_recovery", header="Dry run failure", content="Seed in the device was\ncreated using another\nbackup mechanism.", icon=ui.ICON_CANCEL, icon_color=ui.ORANGE_ICON, br_code=ButtonRequestType.ProtectCall, ) async def show_invalid_mnemonic(ctx: wire.GenericContext, word_count: int) -> None: if backup_types.is_slip39_word_count(word_count): await show_warning( ctx, "warning_invalid_share", "You have entered\nan invalid recovery\nshare.", ) else: await show_warning( ctx, "warning_invalid_seed", "You have entered\nan invalid recovery\nseed.", ) async def show_share_already_added(ctx: wire.GenericContext) -> None: await show_warning( ctx, "warning_known_share", "Share already entered,\nplease enter\na different share.", ) async def show_identifier_mismatch(ctx: wire.GenericContext) -> None: await show_warning( ctx, "warning_mismatched_share", "You have entered\na share from another\nShamir Backup.", ) async def show_group_threshold_reached(ctx: wire.GenericContext) -> None: await show_warning( ctx, "warning_group_threshold", "Threshold of this\ngroup has been reached.\nInput share from\ndifferent group.", ) async def homescreen_dialog( ctx: wire.GenericContext, button_label: str, text: str, subtext: str | None = None, info_func: Callable | None = None, ) -> None: while True: if await continue_recovery(ctx, button_label, text, subtext, info_func): # go forward in the recovery process break # user has chosen to abort, confirm the choice dry_run = storage.recovery.is_dry_run() try: await confirm_abort(ctx, dry_run) except wire.ActionCancelled: pass else: raise RecoveryAborted