from micropython import const from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from trezor import wire from trezor.crypto import bech32, bip32, der from trezor.crypto.curve import bip340, secp256k1 from trezor.crypto.hashlib import sha256 from trezor.enums import InputScriptType, OutputScriptType from trezor.utils import HashWriter, ensure if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import Tuple from enum import IntEnum from apps.common.coininfo import CoinInfo from trezor.messages import TxInput else: IntEnum = object # type: ignore BITCOIN_NAMES = ("Bitcoin", "Regtest", "Testnet") class SigHashType(IntEnum): """Enumeration type listing the supported signature hash types.""" # Signature hash type with the same semantics as SIGHASH_ALL, but instead # of having to include the byte in the signature, it is implied. SIGHASH_ALL_TAPROOT = 0x00 # Default signature hash type in Bitcoin which signs all inputs and all # outputs of the transaction. SIGHASH_ALL = 0x01 # Signature hash flag used in some Bitcoin-like altcoins for replay # protection. SIGHASH_FORKID = 0x40 # Signature hash type with the same semantics as SIGHASH_ALL. Used in some # Bitcoin-like altcoins for replay protection. SIGHASH_ALL_FORKID = 0x41 @classmethod def from_int(cls, sighash_type: int) -> "SigHashType": for val in cls.__dict__.values(): # type: SigHashType if val == sighash_type: return val raise ValueError("Unsupported sighash type.") # The number of bip32 levels used in a wallet (chain and address) BIP32_WALLET_DEPTH = const(2) # Bitcoin opcodes OP_0 = const(0x00) OP_1 = const(0x51) # supported witness versions for bech32 addresses _BECH32_WITVERS = (0, 1) MULTISIG_INPUT_SCRIPT_TYPES = ( InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG, InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS, InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS, ) MULTISIG_OUTPUT_SCRIPT_TYPES = ( OutputScriptType.PAYTOMULTISIG, OutputScriptType.PAYTOP2SHWITNESS, OutputScriptType.PAYTOWITNESS, ) CHANGE_OUTPUT_TO_INPUT_SCRIPT_TYPES: dict[OutputScriptType, InputScriptType] = { OutputScriptType.PAYTOADDRESS: InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS, OutputScriptType.PAYTOMULTISIG: InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG, OutputScriptType.PAYTOP2SHWITNESS: InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS, OutputScriptType.PAYTOWITNESS: InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS, OutputScriptType.PAYTOTAPROOT: InputScriptType.SPENDTAPROOT, } INTERNAL_INPUT_SCRIPT_TYPES = tuple(CHANGE_OUTPUT_TO_INPUT_SCRIPT_TYPES.values()) CHANGE_OUTPUT_SCRIPT_TYPES = tuple(CHANGE_OUTPUT_TO_INPUT_SCRIPT_TYPES.keys()) SEGWIT_INPUT_SCRIPT_TYPES = ( InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS, InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS, InputScriptType.SPENDTAPROOT, ) SEGWIT_OUTPUT_SCRIPT_TYPES = ( OutputScriptType.PAYTOP2SHWITNESS, OutputScriptType.PAYTOWITNESS, OutputScriptType.PAYTOTAPROOT, ) NONSEGWIT_INPUT_SCRIPT_TYPES = ( InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS, InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG, ) def ecdsa_sign(node: bip32.HDNode, digest: bytes) -> bytes: sig = secp256k1.sign(node.private_key(), digest) sigder = der.encode_seq((sig[1:33], sig[33:65])) return sigder def bip340_sign(node: bip32.HDNode, digest: bytes) -> bytes: internal_private_key = node.private_key() output_private_key = bip340.tweak_secret_key(internal_private_key) return bip340.sign(output_private_key, digest) def ecdsa_hash_pubkey(pubkey: bytes, coin: CoinInfo) -> bytes: if pubkey[0] == 0x04: ensure(len(pubkey) == 65) # uncompressed format elif pubkey[0] == 0x00: ensure(len(pubkey) == 1) # point at infinity else: ensure(len(pubkey) == 33) # compresssed format return coin.script_hash(pubkey).digest() def encode_bech32_address(prefix: str, witver: int, script: bytes) -> str: assert witver in _BECH32_WITVERS address = bech32.encode(prefix, witver, script) if address is None: raise wire.ProcessError("Invalid address") return address def decode_bech32_address(prefix: str, address: str) -> Tuple[int, bytes]: witver, raw = bech32.decode(prefix, address) if witver not in _BECH32_WITVERS: raise wire.ProcessError("Invalid address witness program") assert witver is not None assert raw is not None return witver, bytes(raw) def input_is_segwit(txi: TxInput) -> bool: return txi.script_type in SEGWIT_INPUT_SCRIPT_TYPES or ( txi.script_type == InputScriptType.EXTERNAL and txi.witness is not None ) def input_is_taproot(txi: TxInput) -> bool: if txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDTAPROOT: return True if txi.script_type == InputScriptType.EXTERNAL: assert txi.script_pubkey is not None if txi.script_pubkey[0] == OP_1: return True return False def input_is_external(txi: TxInput) -> bool: return txi.script_type == InputScriptType.EXTERNAL def tagged_hashwriter(tag: bytes) -> HashWriter: tag_digest = sha256(tag).digest() ctx = sha256(tag_digest) ctx.update(tag_digest) return HashWriter(ctx)