use crate::{ trezorhal::display, ui::{ constant, geometry::{Offset, Point, Rect}, }, }; use core::slice; use super::{get_color_table, get_offset, pixeldata, set_window, Color}; /// Representation of a single glyph. /// We use standard typographic terms. For a nice explanation, see, e.g., /// the FreeType docs at pub struct Glyph { /// Total width of the glyph itself pub width: i16, /// Total height of the glyph itself pub height: i16, /// Advance - how much to move the cursor after drawing this glyph pub adv: i16, /// Left-side horizontal bearing pub bearing_x: i16, /// Top-side vertical bearing pub bearing_y: i16, data: &'static [u8], } impl Glyph { /// Construct a `Glyph` from a raw pointer. /// /// # Safety /// /// This function is unsafe because the caller has to guarantee that `data` /// is pointing to a memory containing a valid glyph data, that is: /// - contains valid glyph metadata /// - data has appropriate size /// - data must have static lifetime pub unsafe fn load(data: *const u8) -> Self { unsafe { let width = *data.offset(0) as i16; let height = *data.offset(1) as i16; let data_bits = constant::FONT_BPP * width * height; let data_bytes = if data_bits % 8 == 0 { data_bits / 8 } else { (data_bits / 8) + 1 }; Glyph { width, height, adv: *data.offset(2) as i16, bearing_x: *data.offset(3) as i16, bearing_y: *data.offset(4) as i16, data: slice::from_raw_parts(data.offset(5), data_bytes as usize), } } } /// Space between the right edge of the glyph and the left edge of the next /// bounding box. pub const fn right_side_bearing(&self) -> i16 { self.adv - self.width - self.bearing_x } pub fn print(&self, pos: Point, colortable: [Color; 16]) -> i16 { let bearing = Offset::new(self.bearing_x, -self.bearing_y); let size = Offset::new(self.width, self.height); let pos_adj = pos + bearing; let r = Rect::from_top_left_and_size(pos_adj, size); let area = r.translate(get_offset()); let window = area.clamp(constant::screen()); set_window(window); for y in window.y0..window.y1 { for x in window.x0..window.x1 { let p = Point::new(x, y); let r = p - pos_adj; let c = self.get_pixel_data(r); pixeldata(colortable[c as usize]); } } self.adv } pub fn unpack_bpp1(&self, a: i16) -> u8 { let c_data =[(a / 8) as usize]; ((c_data >> (7 - (a % 8))) & 0x01) * 15 } pub fn unpack_bpp2(&self, a: i16) -> u8 { let c_data =[(a / 4) as usize]; ((c_data >> (6 - (a % 4) * 2)) & 0x03) * 5 } pub fn unpack_bpp4(&self, a: i16) -> u8 { let c_data =[(a / 2) as usize]; (c_data >> (4 - (a % 2) * 4)) & 0x0F } pub fn unpack_bpp8(&self, a: i16) -> u8 { let c_data =[a as usize]; c_data >> 4 } pub fn get_pixel_data(&self, p: Offset) -> u8 { let a = p.x + p.y * self.width; match constant::FONT_BPP { 1 => self.unpack_bpp1(a), 2 => self.unpack_bpp2(a), 4 => self.unpack_bpp4(a), 8 => self.unpack_bpp8(a), _ => 0, } } } /// Font constants. Keep in sync with FONT_ definitions in /// `embed/lib/fonts/fonts.h`. #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)] #[repr(u8)] pub enum Font { NORMAL = 1, BOLD = 2, MONO = 3, BIG = 4, DEMIBOLD = 5, } impl From for i32 { fn from(font: Font) -> i32 { -(font as i32) } } impl Font { pub fn text_width(self, text: &str) -> i16 { display::text_width(text, self.into()) } /// Supports UTF8 characters fn get_first_glyph_from_text(self, text: &str) -> Option { text.chars().next().map(|c| self.get_glyph(c)) } /// Supports UTF8 characters fn get_last_glyph_from_text(self, text: &str) -> Option { text.chars().next_back().map(|c| self.get_glyph(c)) } /// Width of the text that is visible. /// Not including the spaces before the first and after the last character. pub fn visible_text_width(self, text: &str) -> i16 { if text.is_empty() { // No text, no width. return 0; } let first_char_bearing = if let Some(glyph) = self.get_first_glyph_from_text(text) { glyph.bearing_x } else { 0 }; let last_char_bearing = if let Some(glyph) = self.get_last_glyph_from_text(text) { glyph.right_side_bearing() } else { 0 }; // Strip leftmost and rightmost spaces/bearings/margins. self.text_width(text) - first_char_bearing - last_char_bearing } /// Returning the x-bearing (offset) of the first character. /// Useful to enforce that the text is positioned correctly (e.g. centered). pub fn start_x_bearing(self, text: &str) -> i16 { if text.is_empty() { return 0; } if let Some(glyph) = self.get_first_glyph_from_text(text) { glyph.bearing_x } else { 0 } } pub fn char_width(self, ch: char) -> i16 { display::char_width(ch, self.into()) } pub fn text_height(self) -> i16 { display::text_height(self.into()) } pub fn text_max_height(self) -> i16 { display::text_max_height(self.into()) } pub fn text_baseline(self) -> i16 { display::text_baseline(self.into()) } pub fn max_height(self) -> i16 { display::text_max_height(self.into()) } pub fn line_height(self) -> i16 { constant::LINE_SPACE + self.text_height() } pub fn get_glyph(self, ch: char) -> Glyph { let gl_data = display::get_char_glyph(ch as u16, self.into()); ensure!(!gl_data.is_null(), "Failed to load glyph"); // SAFETY: Glyph::load is valid for data returned by get_char_glyph unsafe { Glyph::load(gl_data) } } pub fn display_text(self, text: &str, baseline: Point, fg_color: Color, bg_color: Color) { let colortable = get_color_table(fg_color, bg_color); let mut adv_total = 0; for c in text.chars() { let gly = self.get_glyph(c); let adv = gly.print(baseline + Offset::new(adv_total, 0), colortable); adv_total += adv; } } /// Get the length of the longest suffix from a given `text` /// that will fit into the area `width` pixels wide. pub fn longest_suffix(self, width: i16, text: &str) -> usize { let mut text_width = 0; for (chars_from_right, c) in text.chars().rev().enumerate() { let c_width = self.char_width(c); if text_width + c_width > width { // Another character cannot be fitted, we're done. return chars_from_right; } text_width += c_width; } text.len() // it fits in its entirety } } pub trait GlyphMetrics { fn char_width(&self, ch: char) -> i16; fn text_width(&self, text: &str) -> i16; fn line_height(&self) -> i16; } impl GlyphMetrics for Font { fn char_width(&self, ch: char) -> i16 { Font::char_width(*self, ch) } fn text_width(&self, text: &str) -> i16 { Font::text_width(*self, text) } fn line_height(&self) -> i16 { Font::line_height(*self) } }