syntax = "proto2";
package hw.trezor.messages.cardano;

// Sugar for easier handling in Java
option java_package = "com.satoshilabs.trezor.lib.protobuf";
option java_outer_classname = "TrezorMessageCardano";

import "messages-common.proto";

enum CardanoDerivationType {
    LEDGER = 0;
    ICARUS = 1;

 * Values correspond to address header values given by the spec.
 * Script addresses are only supported in transaction outputs.
enum CardanoAddressType {
    BASE = 0;
    POINTER = 4;
    BYRON = 8;
    REWARD = 14;

enum CardanoNativeScriptType {
    PUB_KEY = 0;
    ALL = 1;
    ANY = 2;
    N_OF_K = 3;

enum CardanoNativeScriptHashDisplayFormat {
    HIDE = 0;
    BECH32 = 1;
    POLICY_ID = 2;

enum CardanoCertificateType {

enum CardanoPoolRelayType {

enum CardanoTxAuxiliaryDataSupplementType {
    NONE = 0;

enum CardanoTxSigningMode {

enum CardanoTxWitnessType {

 * Structure representing cardano PointerAddress pointer,
 * which points to a staking key registration certificate.
 * @embed
message CardanoBlockchainPointerType {
    required uint32 block_index = 1;
    required uint32 tx_index = 2;
    required uint32 certificate_index = 3;

 * @embed
message CardanoNativeScript {
    required CardanoNativeScriptType type = 1;
    repeated CardanoNativeScript scripts = 2;

    optional bytes key_hash = 3;
    repeated uint32 key_path = 4;
    optional uint32 required_signatures_count = 5;
    optional uint64 invalid_before = 6;
    optional uint64 invalid_hereafter = 7;

 * Request: Ask device for Cardano native script hash
 * @start
 * @next CardanoNativeScriptHash
 * @next Failure
message CardanoGetNativeScriptHash {
    required CardanoNativeScript script = 1;
    required CardanoNativeScriptHashDisplayFormat display_format = 2;   // display hash as bech32 or policy id
    required CardanoDerivationType derivation_type = 3;

 * Request: Ask device for Cardano native script hash
 * @end
message CardanoNativeScriptHash {
    required bytes script_hash = 1;

 * Structure to represent address parameters so they can be
 * reused in CardanoGetAddress and CardanoTxOutputType.
 * NetworkId isn't a part of the parameters, because in a transaction
 * this will be included separately in the transaction itself, so it
 * shouldn't be duplicated here.
 * @embed
message CardanoAddressParametersType {
    required CardanoAddressType address_type = 1;                   // one of the CardanoAddressType-s
    repeated uint32 address_n = 2;                                  // BIP-32-style path to derive the spending key from master node
    repeated uint32 address_n_staking = 3;                          // BIP-32-style path to derive staking key from master node
    optional bytes staking_key_hash = 4;                            // staking key can be derived from address_n_staking, or
                                                                    // can be sent directly e.g. if it doesn't belong to
                                                                    // the same account as address_n
    optional CardanoBlockchainPointerType certificate_pointer = 5;  // a pointer to the staking key registration certificate
    optional bytes script_payment_hash = 6;
    optional bytes script_staking_hash = 7;

 * Request: Ask device for Cardano address
 * @start
 * @next CardanoAddress
 * @next Failure
message CardanoGetAddress {
    // repeated uint32 address_n = 1;                               // moved to address_parameters
    optional bool show_display = 2 [default=false];                 // optionally prompt for confirmation on trezor display
    required uint32 protocol_magic = 3;                             // network's protocol magic - needed for Byron addresses on testnets
    required uint32 network_id = 4;                                 // network id - mainnet or testnet
    required CardanoAddressParametersType address_parameters = 5;   // parameters used to derive the address
    required CardanoDerivationType derivation_type = 6;

 * Request: Ask device for Cardano address
 * @end
message CardanoAddress {
    required string address = 1;    // Base58 cardano address

 * Request: Ask device for public key corresponding to address_n path
 * @start
 * @next CardanoPublicKey
 * @next Failure
message CardanoGetPublicKey {
    repeated uint32 address_n = 1;  // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
    optional bool show_display = 2; // optionally show on display before sending the result
    required CardanoDerivationType derivation_type = 3;

 * Response: Contains public key derived from device private seed
 * @end
message CardanoPublicKey {
    required string xpub = 1;                               // Xpub key
    required hw.trezor.messages.common.HDNodeType node = 2; // BIP-32 public node

 * Request: Initiate the Cardano transaction signing process on the device
 * @start
 * @next CardanoTxItemAck
 * @next Failure
message CardanoSignTxInit {
    required CardanoTxSigningMode signing_mode = 1;
    required uint32 protocol_magic = 2;                         // network's protocol magic
    required uint32 network_id = 3;                             // network id - mainnet or testnet
    required uint32 inputs_count = 4;
    required uint32 outputs_count = 5;
    required uint64 fee = 6;                                    // transaction fee - added in shelley
    optional uint64 ttl = 7;                                    // transaction ttl - added in shelley
    required uint32 certificates_count = 8;
    required uint32 withdrawals_count = 9;
    required bool has_auxiliary_data = 10;
    optional uint64 validity_interval_start = 11;
    required uint32 witness_requests_count = 12;
    required uint32 minting_asset_groups_count = 13;
    required CardanoDerivationType derivation_type = 14;

 * Request: Transaction input data
 * @next CardanoTxItemAck
message CardanoTxInput {
    required bytes prev_hash = 1;   // hash of previous transaction output to spend by this input
    required uint32 prev_index = 2; // index of previous output to spend

 * Request: Transaction output data
 * @next CardanoTxItemAck
message CardanoTxOutput {
    optional string address = 1;                                    // target coin address in bech32 or base58
    optional CardanoAddressParametersType address_parameters = 2;   // parameters used to derive the address
    required uint64 amount = 3;                                     // amount to spend
    required uint32 asset_groups_count = 4;

 * Request: Transaction output asset group data
 * @next CardanoTxItemAck
message CardanoAssetGroup {
    required bytes policy_id = 1;                  // asset group policy id
    required uint32 tokens_count = 2;

 * Request: Transaction output asset group token data
 * @next CardanoTxItemAck
message CardanoToken {
    required bytes asset_name_bytes = 1;     // asset name as bytestring (may be either ascii string or hash)
    optional uint64 amount = 2;              // asset amount
    optional sint64 mint_amount = 3;         // mint amount (can also be negative in which case the tokens are burnt)

 * Request: Stake pool owner parameters
 * @next CardanoTxItemAck
message CardanoPoolOwner {
    repeated uint32 staking_key_path = 1;   // BIP-32-style path to derive staking key of the owner
    optional bytes staking_key_hash = 2;    // owner's staking key if it is an external owner

 * Request: Stake pool relay parameters
 * @next CardanoTxItemAck
message CardanoPoolRelayParameters {
    required CardanoPoolRelayType type = 1;   // pool relay type
    optional bytes ipv4_address = 2;          // ipv4 address of the relay given as 4 bytes
    optional bytes ipv6_address = 3;          // ipv6 address of the relay given as 16 bytes
    optional string host_name = 4;            // relay host name given as URL, at most 64 characters
    optional uint32 port = 5;                 // relay port number in the range 0-65535

 * Stake pool metadata parameters
 * @embed
message CardanoPoolMetadataType {
    required string url = 1;   // stake pool url hosting metadata, at most 64 characters
    required bytes hash = 2;   // stake pool metadata hash

 * Stake pool parameters
 * @embed
message CardanoPoolParametersType {
    required bytes pool_id = 1;                                          // stake pool cold public key hash (28 bytes)
    required bytes vrf_key_hash = 2;                                     // VRF key hash (32 bytes)
    required uint64 pledge = 3;                                          // pledge amount in lovelace
    required uint64 cost = 4;                                            // cost in lovelace
    required uint64 margin_numerator = 5;                                // pool margin numerator
    required uint64 margin_denominator = 6;                              // pool margin denominator
    required string reward_account = 7;                                  // bech32 reward address where the pool receives rewards
    repeated CardanoPoolOwner owners = 8 [deprecated = true];            // pool owners list
    repeated CardanoPoolRelayParameters relays = 9 [deprecated = true];  // pool relays list
    optional CardanoPoolMetadataType metadata = 10;                      // pool metadata
    required uint32 owners_count = 11;                                   // number of pool owners
    required uint32 relays_count = 12;                                   // number of pool relays

 * Request: Transaction certificate data
 * @next CardanoTxItemAck
 message CardanoTxCertificate {
    required CardanoCertificateType type = 1;                 // certificate type
    repeated uint32 path = 2;                                 // stake credential key path
    optional bytes pool = 3;                                  // pool hash
    optional CardanoPoolParametersType pool_parameters = 4;   // used for stake pool registration certificate
    optional bytes script_hash = 5;                           // stake credential script hash

 * Request: Transaction withdrawal data
 * @next CardanoTxItemAck
message CardanoTxWithdrawal {
    repeated uint32 path = 1;           // stake credential key path
    required uint64 amount = 2;
    optional bytes script_hash = 3;     // stake credential script hash

 * @embed
message CardanoCatalystRegistrationParametersType {
    required bytes voting_public_key = 1;
    repeated uint32 staking_path = 2;
    required CardanoAddressParametersType reward_address_parameters = 3;
    required uint64 nonce = 4;

 * Request: Transaction auxiliary data
 * @next CardanoTxItemAck
 * @next CardanoTxAuxiliaryDataSupplement
message CardanoTxAuxiliaryData {
    optional CardanoCatalystRegistrationParametersType catalyst_registration_parameters = 1;
    optional bytes hash = 2;

 * Request: Transaction mint
 * @next CardanoTxItemAck
message CardanoTxMint {
    required uint32 asset_groups_count = 1;

 * Response: Acknowledgement of the last transaction item received
 * @next CardanoTxInput
 * @next CardanoTxOutput
 * @next CardanoAssetGroup
 * @next CardanoToken
 * @next CardanoTxCertificate
 * @next CardanoPoolOwner
 * @next CardanoPoolRelayParameters
 * @next CardanoTxWithdrawal
 * @next CardanoTxAuxiliaryData
 * @next CardanoTxWitnessRequest
 * @next CardanoTxMint
message CardanoTxItemAck {

 * Response: Device-generated supplement for the auxiliary data
 * @next CardanoTxWitnessRequest
message CardanoTxAuxiliaryDataSupplement {
    required CardanoTxAuxiliaryDataSupplementType type = 1;
    optional bytes auxiliary_data_hash = 2;
    optional bytes catalyst_signature = 3;

 * Request: Ask the device to sign a witness path
 * @next CardanoTxWitnessResponse
message CardanoTxWitnessRequest {
    repeated uint32 path = 1;

 * Response: Signature corresponding to the requested witness path
 * @next CardanoTxWitnessRequest
 * @next CardanoTxHostAck
message CardanoTxWitnessResponse {
    required CardanoTxWitnessType type = 1;
    required bytes pub_key = 2;
    required bytes signature = 3;
    optional bytes chain_code = 4;

 * Request: Acknowledgement of the last response received
 * @next CardanoTxBodyHash
 * @next CardanoSignTxFinished
message CardanoTxHostAck {

 * Response: Hash of the serialized transaction body
 * @next CardanoTxHostAck
message CardanoTxBodyHash {
    required bytes tx_hash = 1;

 * Response: Confirm the successful completion of the signing process
 * @end
message CardanoSignTxFinished {

 * Request: Ask device to sign Cardano transaction
 * @start
 * @next CardanoSignedTx
 * @next Failure
message CardanoSignTx {
    option deprecated = true;

    repeated CardanoTxInputType inputs = 1;                     // inputs to be used in transaction
    repeated CardanoTxOutputType outputs = 2;                   // outputs to be used in transaction
    // optional uint32 transactions_count = 3;                  // left as a comment so we know to skip the id 3 in the future
    // optional uint32 network = 4;                             // replaced with protocol_magic
    required uint32 protocol_magic = 5;                         // network's protocol magic
    required uint64 fee = 6;                                    // transaction fee - added in shelley
    optional uint64 ttl = 7;                                    // transaction ttl - added in shelley
    required uint32 network_id = 8;                             // network id - mainnet or testnet
    repeated CardanoTxCertificateType certificates = 9;         // transaction certificates - added in shelley
    repeated CardanoTxWithdrawalType withdrawals = 10;          // transaction withdrawals - added in shelley
    // optional bytes metadata = 11;                            // replaced in Mary era with auxiliary data below
    optional uint64 validity_interval_start = 12;               // transaction validity start - added in allegra
    optional CardanoTxAuxiliaryDataType auxiliary_data = 13;    // transaction auxiliary data

     * Structure representing cardano transaction input
    message CardanoTxInputType {
        repeated uint32 address_n = 1;  // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
        required bytes prev_hash = 2;   // hash of previous transaction output to spend by this input
        required uint32 prev_index = 3; // index of previous output to spend
        // left as a comment so we know to skip the id 4 in the future
        // optional uint32 type = 4;
     * Structure representing cardano transaction output
    message CardanoTxOutputType {
        optional string address = 1;                                    // target coin address in bech32 or base58
        // repeated uint32 address_n = 2;                               // moved to address_parameters
        required uint64 amount = 3;                                     // amount in Lovelace
        optional CardanoAddressParametersType address_parameters = 4;   // parameters used to derive the address
        repeated CardanoAssetGroupType token_bundle = 5;                // custom assets - added in mary

    message CardanoAssetGroupType {
        required bytes policy_id = 1;                  // asset group policy id
        repeated CardanoTokenType tokens = 2;          // asset name-amount pair

    message CardanoTokenType {
        required bytes asset_name_bytes = 1;     // asset name as bytestring (may be either ascii string or hash)
        required uint64 amount = 2;              // asset amount

     * Stake pool owner parameters
    message CardanoPoolOwnerType {
        repeated uint32 staking_key_path = 1;   // BIP-32-style path to derive staking key of the owner
        optional bytes staking_key_hash = 2;    // owner's staking key if it is an external owner

     * Stake pool relay parameters
    message CardanoPoolRelayParametersType {
        required CardanoPoolRelayType type = 1;   // pool relay type
        optional bytes ipv4_address = 2;          // ipv4 address of the relay given as 4 bytes
        optional bytes ipv6_address = 3;          // ipv6 address of the relay given as 16 bytes
        optional string host_name = 4;            // relay host name given as URL, at most 64 characters
        optional uint32 port = 5;                 // relay port number in the range 0-65535

     * Structure representing cardano transaction certificate
     message CardanoTxCertificateType {
        required CardanoCertificateType type = 1;                 // certificate type
        repeated uint32 path = 2;                                 // BIP-32 path to derive (staking) key
        optional bytes pool = 3;                                  // pool hash
        optional CardanoPoolParametersType pool_parameters = 4;   // used for stake pool registration certificate
     * Structure representing cardano transaction withdrawals
    message CardanoTxWithdrawalType {
        repeated uint32 path = 1;
        required uint64 amount = 2;

    message CardanoTxAuxiliaryDataType {
        optional bytes blob = 1;
        optional CardanoCatalystRegistrationParametersType catalyst_registration_parameters = 2;

 * Response: Serialised signed cardano transaction chunk
 * @next CardanoSignedTxChunkAck
message CardanoSignedTxChunk {
    option deprecated = true;

    required bytes signed_tx_chunk = 1;         // serialised, signed transaction chunk

 * Request: Serialised signed cardano transaction chunk acknowledgement
 * @next CardanoSignedTxChunk
 * @next CardanoSignedTx
message CardanoSignedTxChunkAck {
    option deprecated = true;

 * Response: Serialised signed cardano transaction
 * @end
message CardanoSignedTx {
    option deprecated = true;

    required bytes tx_hash = 1;               // hash of the transaction body
    optional bytes serialized_tx = 2;         // deprecated since transaction is sent in chunks now - kept for backwards compatibility