[flake8] ignore = # E203 whitespace before ':' E203, # E221: multiple spaces before operator E221, # E241: multiple spaces after ':' E241, # E402: module level import not at top of file E402, # E501: line too long E501, # E741 ambiguous variable name E741, # W503: line break before binary operator W503 per-file-ignores = core/mocks/generated/*:F4 [isort] multi_line_output = 3 include_trailing_comma = True force_grid_wrap = 0 combine_as_imports = True line_length = 88 not_skip=__init__.py forced_separate = apps known_standard_library = micropython,ubinascii,ustruct,uctypes,utime,utimeq,trezorio,trezorui,trezorutils,trezorconfig known_third_party = curve25519,ecdsa,hypothesis [tool:pytest] markers = capricoin cardano decred eos ethereum komodo lisk monero nem ontology ripple skip_t1: skip the test on Trezor One. skip_t2: skip the test on Trezor Model T. stellar tezos zcash