#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import annotations import json import logging import re from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict # for python38 support, must be used in type aliases from typing import List # for python38 support, must be used in type aliases from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Iterator, cast from typing_extensions import ( # for python37 support, is not present in typing there Literal, TypedDict, ) try: import requests except ImportError: requests = None log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ROOT = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent DEFS_DIR = ROOT / "defs" class SupportItemBool(TypedDict): supported: dict[str, bool] unsupported: dict[str, bool] class SupportItemVersion(TypedDict): supported: dict[str, str] unsupported: dict[str, str] class SupportData(TypedDict): connect: SupportItemBool suite: SupportItemBool t1b1: SupportItemVersion t2t1: SupportItemVersion t2b1: SupportItemVersion class SupportInfoItem(TypedDict): connect: bool suite: bool t1b1: Literal[False] | str t2t1: Literal[False] | str t2b1: Literal[False] | str SupportInfo = Dict[str, SupportInfoItem] WalletItems = Dict[str, str] WalletInfo = Dict[str, WalletItems] class Coin(TypedDict): # Necessary fields for BTC - from BTC_CHECKS coin_name: str coin_shortcut: str coin_label: str website: str github: str maintainer: str curve_name: str address_type: int address_type_p2sh: int maxfee_kb: int minfee_kb: int hash_genesis_block: str xprv_magic: int xpub_magic: int xpub_magic_segwit_p2sh: int xpub_magic_segwit_native: int slip44: int segwit: bool decred: bool fork_id: int force_bip143: bool default_fee_b: dict[str, int] dust_limit: int blocktime_seconds: int signed_message_header: str uri_prefix: str min_address_length: int max_address_length: int bech32_prefix: str cashaddr_prefix: str # Other fields optionally coming from JSON links: dict[str, str] wallet: WalletItems curve: str decimals: int # Mandatory fields added later in coin.update() name: str shortcut: str key: str icon: str # Special ETH fields coingecko_id: str chain: str chain_id: int url: str # Special erc20 fields symbol: str address: str address_bytes: bytes dup_key_nontoken: bool # Special NEM fields ticker: str # Fields that are being created unsupported: bool duplicate: bool support: SupportInfoItem is_testnet: bool # Backend-oriented fields blockchain_link: dict[str, Any] blockbook: list[str] bitcore: list[str] Coins = List[Coin] CoinBuckets = Dict[str, Coins] class FidoApp(TypedDict): name: str webauthn: list[str] u2f: list[dict[str, str]] use_sign_count: bool use_self_attestation: bool use_compact: bool no_icon: bool key: str icon: str FidoApps = List[FidoApp] def load_json(*path: str | Path) -> Any: """Convenience function to load a JSON file from DEFS_DIR.""" if len(path) == 1 and isinstance(path[0], Path): file = path[0] else: file = Path(DEFS_DIR, *path) return json.loads(file.read_text(), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) def get_btc_testnet_status(name: str) -> bool: return any((mark in name.lower()) for mark in ("testnet", "regtest")) # ====== CoinsInfo ====== class CoinsInfo(Dict[str, Coins]): """Collection of information about all known kinds of coins. It contains the following lists: `bitcoin` for btc-like coins, `eth` for ethereum networks, `erc20` for ERC20 tokens, `nem` for NEM mosaics, `misc` for other networks. Accessible as a dict or by attribute: `info["misc"] == info.misc` """ def as_list(self) -> Coins: return sum(self.values(), []) def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Coin]: return {coin["key"]: coin for coin in self.as_list()} def __getattr__(self, attr: str) -> Coins: if attr in self: return self[attr] else: raise AttributeError(attr) # ====== coin validation ====== def check_type( val: Any, types: type | tuple[type, ...], nullable: bool = False, empty: bool = False, regex: str | None = None, choice: list[str] | None = None, ) -> None: # check nullable if val is None: if nullable: return else: raise ValueError("Missing required value") # check type if not isinstance(val, types): raise TypeError(f"Wrong type (expected: {types})") # check empty if isinstance(val, (list, dict)) and not empty and not val: raise ValueError("Empty collection") if isinstance(val, str) and not empty and not val: raise ValueError("Empty string") # check regex if regex is not None: if types is not str: raise TypeError("Wrong type for regex check") assert isinstance(val, str) if not re.search(regex, val): raise ValueError(f"Value does not match regex {regex}") # check choice if choice is not None and val not in choice: choice_str = ", ".join(choice) raise ValueError(f"Value not allowed, use one of: {choice_str}") def check_key( key: str, types: type | tuple[type, ...], optional: bool = False, **kwargs: Any ) -> Callable[[Coin], None]: def do_check(coin: Coin) -> None: if key not in coin: if optional: return else: raise KeyError(f"{key}: Missing key") try: check_type(coin[key], types, **kwargs) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"{key}: {e}") from e return do_check BTC_CHECKS = [ check_key("coin_name", str, regex=r"^[A-Z]"), check_key("coin_shortcut", str, regex=r"^t?[A-Z]{3,}$"), check_key("coin_label", str, regex=r"^x?[A-Z]"), check_key("website", str, regex=r"^https://.*[^/]$"), check_key("github", str, regex=r"^https://git(hu|la)b.com/.*[^/]$"), check_key("maintainer", str), check_key( "curve_name", str, choice=[ "secp256k1", "secp256k1_decred", "secp256k1_groestl", "secp256k1_smart", ], ), check_key("address_type", int), check_key("address_type_p2sh", int), check_key("maxfee_kb", int), check_key("minfee_kb", int), check_key("hash_genesis_block", str, regex=r"^[0-9a-f]{64}$"), check_key("xprv_magic", int), check_key("xpub_magic", int), check_key("xpub_magic_segwit_p2sh", int, nullable=True), check_key("xpub_magic_segwit_native", int, nullable=True), check_key("slip44", int), check_key("segwit", bool), check_key("decred", bool), check_key("fork_id", int, nullable=True), check_key("force_bip143", bool), check_key("default_fee_b", dict), check_key("dust_limit", int), check_key("blocktime_seconds", int), check_key("signed_message_header", str), check_key("uri_prefix", str, regex=r"^[a-z-\.\+]+$"), check_key("min_address_length", int), check_key("max_address_length", int), check_key("bech32_prefix", str, regex=r"^[a-z-\.\+]+$", nullable=True), check_key("cashaddr_prefix", str, regex=r"^[a-z-\.\+]+$", nullable=True), ] def validate_btc(coin: Coin) -> list[str]: errors: list[str] = [] for check in BTC_CHECKS: try: check(coin) except Exception as e: errors.append(str(e)) magics: list[int] = [ coin[k] for k in ( "xprv_magic", "xpub_magic", "xpub_magic_segwit_p2sh", "xpub_magic_segwit_native", ) if coin[k] is not None ] # each of those must be unique # therefore length of list == length of set of unique values if len(magics) != len(set(magics)): errors.append("XPUB/XPRV magic numbers must be unique") if coin["address_type"] == coin["address_type_p2sh"]: errors.append("address_type must be distinct from address_type_p2sh") if not coin["maxfee_kb"] >= coin["minfee_kb"]: errors.append("max fee must not be smaller than min fee") if not coin["max_address_length"] >= coin["min_address_length"]: errors.append("max address length must not be smaller than min address length") if coin["is_testnet"] and coin["slip44"] != 1: errors.append("testnet coins must use slip44 coin type 1") if coin["segwit"]: if coin["bech32_prefix"] is None: errors.append("bech32_prefix must be defined for segwit-enabled coin") if coin["xpub_magic_segwit_p2sh"] is None: errors.append( "xpub_magic_segwit_p2sh must be defined for segwit-enabled coin" ) else: if coin["bech32_prefix"] is not None: errors.append("bech32_prefix must not be defined for segwit-disabled coin") if coin["xpub_magic_segwit_p2sh"] is not None: errors.append( "xpub_magic_segwit_p2sh must not be defined for segwit-disabled coin" ) return errors # ======= Coin json loaders ======= def _load_btc_coins() -> Coins: """Load btc-like coins from `bitcoin/*.json`""" coins: Coins = [] for file in DEFS_DIR.glob("bitcoin/*.json"): coin: Coin = load_json(file) coin.update( name=coin["coin_label"], shortcut=coin["coin_shortcut"], key=f"bitcoin:{coin['coin_shortcut']}", icon=str(file.with_suffix(".png")), is_testnet=get_btc_testnet_status(coin["coin_label"]), ) coins.append(coin) return coins def _load_builtin_ethereum_networks() -> Coins: """Load ethereum networks from `ethereum/networks.json`""" chains_data = load_json("ethereum", "networks.json") networks: Coins = [] for chain_data in chains_data: chain_data["key"] = f"eth:{chain_data['shortcut']}:{chain_data['chain_id']}" # is_testnet is present in the JSON networks.append(cast(Coin, chain_data)) return networks def _load_builtin_erc20_tokens() -> Coins: """Load ERC20 tokens from `ethereum/tokens.json`.""" tokens_data = load_json("ethereum", "tokens.json") all_tokens: Coins = [] for chain_id_and_chain, tokens in tokens_data.items(): chain_id, chain = chain_id_and_chain.split(";", maxsplit=1) for token in tokens: token.update( chain=chain, chain_id=int(chain_id), address=token["address"].lower(), address_bytes=bytes.fromhex(token["address"][2:]), symbol=token["shortcut"], key=f"erc20:{chain}:{token['shortcut']}", is_testnet=False, ) all_tokens.append(cast(Coin, token)) return all_tokens def _load_nem_mosaics() -> Coins: """Loads NEM mosaics from `nem/nem_mosaics.json`""" mosaics: Coins = load_json("nem/nem_mosaics.json") for mosaic in mosaics: shortcut = mosaic["ticker"].strip() mosaic.update( shortcut=shortcut, key=f"nem:{shortcut}", is_testnet=False, ) return mosaics def _load_misc() -> Coins: """Loads miscellaneous networks from `misc/misc.json`""" others: Coins = load_json("misc/misc.json") for other in others: other.update( key=f"misc:{other['shortcut']}", is_testnet=False, ) return others def _load_fido_apps() -> FidoApps: """Load FIDO apps from `fido/*.json`""" apps: FidoApps = [] for file in sorted(DEFS_DIR.glob("fido/*.json")): app_name = file.stem.lower() app = load_json(file) app.setdefault("use_sign_count", None) app.setdefault("use_self_attestation", None) app.setdefault("use_compact", None) app.setdefault("u2f", []) app.setdefault("webauthn", []) icon_file = file.with_suffix(".png") if not icon_file.exists(): icon_path = None else: icon_path = str(icon_file) app.update(key=app_name, icon=icon_path) apps.append(app) return apps # ====== support info ====== RELEASES_URL = "https://data.trezor.io/firmware/{}/releases.json" MISSING_SUPPORT_MEANS_NO = ("connect", "suite") VERSIONED_SUPPORT_INFO = ("T1B1", "T2T1", "T2B1") def get_support_data() -> SupportData: """Get raw support data from `support.json`.""" return load_json("support.json") def latest_releases() -> dict[str, Any]: """Get latest released firmware versions for all models""" if not requests: raise RuntimeError("requests library is required for getting release info") latest: dict[str, Any] = {} for model in VERSIONED_SUPPORT_INFO: # TODO: support new UPPERCASE model names in RELEASES_URL url_model = model.lower() # need to be e.g. t1b1 for now releases = requests.get(RELEASES_URL.format(url_model)).json() latest[model] = max(tuple(r["version"]) for r in releases) return latest def support_info_single(support_data: SupportData, coin: Coin) -> SupportInfoItem: """Extract a support dict from `support.json` data. Returns a dict of support values for each "device", i.e., `support.json` top-level key. The support value for each device is determined in order of priority: * if the coin has an entry in `unsupported`, its support is `False` * if the coin has an entry in `supported` its support is that entry (usually a version string, or `True` for connect/suite) * if the coin doesn't have an entry, its support status is `None` """ support_info_item = {} key = coin["key"] for device, values in support_data.items(): assert isinstance(values, dict) if key in values["unsupported"]: support_value: Any = False elif key in values["supported"]: support_value = values["supported"][key] elif device in MISSING_SUPPORT_MEANS_NO: support_value = False else: support_value = None support_info_item[device] = support_value return cast(SupportInfoItem, support_info_item) def support_info(coins: Iterable[Coin] | CoinsInfo | dict[str, Coin]) -> SupportInfo: """Generate Trezor support information. Takes a collection of coins and generates a support-info entry for each. The support-info is a dict with keys based on `support.json` keys. These are usually: "T1B1", "T2T1", "T2B1", "connect" and "suite". The `coins` argument can be a `CoinsInfo` object, a list or a dict of coin items. Support information is taken from `support.json`. """ if isinstance(coins, CoinsInfo): coins = coins.as_list() elif isinstance(coins, dict): coins = coins.values() support_data = get_support_data() support: SupportInfo = {} for coin in coins: support[coin["key"]] = support_info_single(support_data, coin) return support # ====== wallet info ====== WALLET_SUITE = {"Trezor Suite": "https://suite.trezor.io"} WALLET_NEM = {"Nano Wallet": "https://nemplatform.com/wallets/#desktop"} def get_wallet_data() -> WalletInfo: """Get wallet data from `wallets.json`.""" return load_json("wallets.json") def _suite_support(coin: Coin, support: SupportInfoItem) -> bool: """Check the "suite" support property. If set, check that at least one of the backends run on trezor.io. If yes, assume we support the coin in our wallet. Otherwise it's probably working with a custom backend, which means don't link to our wallet. """ if not support["suite"]: return False return any(".trezor.io" in url for url in coin["blockbook"]) def wallet_info_single( support_data: SupportInfo, wallet_data: WalletInfo, coin: Coin, ) -> WalletItems: """Adds together a dict of all wallets for a coin.""" wallets: WalletItems = {} key = coin["key"] # Add wallets from the coin itself # (usually not there, only for the `misc` category) wallets.update(coin.get("wallet", {})) # Each coin category has different further logic if key.startswith("bitcoin:"): if _suite_support(coin, support_data[key]): wallets.update(WALLET_SUITE) elif key.startswith("nem:"): wallets.update(WALLET_NEM) elif key.startswith(("eth:", "erc20:", "misc:")): pass # no special logic here else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown coin category: {key}") # Add wallets from `wallets.json` # This must come last as it offers the ability to override existing wallets # (for example with `"Trezor Suite": null` we delete the "Trezor Suite" from the coin) wallets.update(wallet_data.get(key, {})) # Removing potentially disabled wallets from the last step wallets = {name: url for name, url in wallets.items() if url} return wallets def wallet_info(coins: Iterable[Coin] | CoinsInfo | dict[str, Coin]) -> WalletInfo: """Generate Trezor wallet information. Takes a collection of coins and generates a WalletItems entry for each. The WalletItems is a dict with keys being the names of the wallets and values being the URLs to those - same format as in `wallets.json`. The `coins` argument can be a `CoinsInfo` object, a list or a dict of coin items. Wallet information is taken from `wallets.json`. """ if isinstance(coins, CoinsInfo): coins = coins.as_list() elif isinstance(coins, dict): coins = coins.values() support_data = support_info(coins) wallet_data = get_wallet_data() wallet: WalletInfo = {} for coin in coins: wallet[coin["key"]] = wallet_info_single(support_data, wallet_data, coin) return wallet # ====== data cleanup functions ====== def _ensure_mandatory_values(coins: Coins) -> None: """Checks that every coin has the mandatory fields: name, shortcut, key""" for coin in coins: if not all(coin.get(k) for k in ("name", "shortcut", "key")): raise ValueError(coin) def symbol_from_shortcut(shortcut: str) -> tuple[str, str]: symsplit = shortcut.split(" ", maxsplit=1) return symsplit[0], symsplit[1] if len(symsplit) > 1 else "" def mark_duplicate_shortcuts(coins: Coins) -> CoinBuckets: """Finds coins with identical symbols and sets their `duplicate` field. "Symbol" here means the first part of `shortcut` (separated by space), so, e.g., "BTL (Battle)" and "BTL (Bitlle)" have the same symbol "BTL". The result of this function is a dictionary of _buckets_, each of which is indexed by the duplicated symbol, or `_override`. The `_override` bucket will contain all coins that are set to `true` in `duplicity_overrides.json`. Each coin in every bucket will have its "duplicate" property set to True, unless it's explicitly marked as `false` in `duplicity_overrides.json`. """ dup_symbols: CoinBuckets = defaultdict(list) for coin in coins: symbol, _ = symbol_from_shortcut(coin["shortcut"].lower()) dup_symbols[symbol].append(coin) dup_symbols = {k: v for k, v in dup_symbols.items() if len(v) > 1} # mark duplicate symbols for values in dup_symbols.values(): for coin in values: coin["duplicate"] = True return dup_symbols def apply_duplicity_overrides(coins: Coins) -> Coins: overrides = load_json("duplicity_overrides.json") override_bucket: Coins = [] for coin in coins: override_value = overrides.get(coin["key"]) if override_value is True: override_bucket.append(coin) if override_value is not None: coin["duplicate"] = override_value return override_bucket def find_duplicate_keys(all_coins: Coins) -> None: dups: CoinBuckets = defaultdict(list) for coin in all_coins: dups[coin["key"]].append(coin) for coins in dups.values(): if len(coins) <= 1: continue coin = coins[0] raise ValueError(f"Duplicate key {coin['key']}") def fill_blockchain_links(all_coins: CoinsInfo) -> None: blockchain_links = load_json("blockchain_link.json") for coins in all_coins.values(): for coin in coins: link = blockchain_links.get(coin["key"]) coin["blockchain_link"] = link if link and link["type"] == "blockbook": coin["blockbook"] = link["url"] else: coin["blockbook"] = [] def _btc_sort_key(coin: Coin) -> str: if coin["name"] in ("Bitcoin", "Testnet", "Regtest"): return "000000" + coin["name"] else: return coin["name"] def collect_coin_info() -> CoinsInfo: """Returns all definition as dict organized by coin type. `coins` for btc-like coins, `eth` for ethereum networks, `erc20` for ERC20 tokens, `nem` for NEM mosaics, `misc` for other networks. """ all_coins = CoinsInfo( bitcoin=_load_btc_coins(), eth=_load_builtin_ethereum_networks(), erc20=_load_builtin_erc20_tokens(), nem=_load_nem_mosaics(), misc=_load_misc(), ) for coins in all_coins.values(): _ensure_mandatory_values(coins) fill_blockchain_links(all_coins) return all_coins def sort_coin_infos(all_coins: CoinsInfo) -> None: for k, coins in all_coins.items(): if k == "bitcoin": coins.sort(key=_btc_sort_key) elif k == "nem": # do not sort nem pass elif k == "eth": # sort ethereum networks by chain_id coins.sort(key=lambda c: c["chain_id"]) else: coins.sort(key=lambda c: c["key"].upper()) def coin_info_with_duplicates() -> tuple[CoinsInfo, CoinBuckets]: """Collects coin info, detects duplicates but does not remove them. Returns the CoinsInfo object and duplicate buckets. """ all_coins = collect_coin_info() coin_list = all_coins.as_list() # generate duplicity buckets based on shortcuts buckets = mark_duplicate_shortcuts(all_coins.as_list()) # ensure the whole list has unique keys find_duplicate_keys(coin_list) # apply duplicity overrides buckets["_override"] = apply_duplicity_overrides(coin_list) sort_coin_infos(all_coins) return all_coins, buckets def coin_info() -> CoinsInfo: """Collects coin info, fills out support info and returns the result. Does not auto-delete duplicates. This should now be based on support info. """ all_coins, _ = coin_info_with_duplicates() return all_coins def fido_info() -> FidoApps: """Returns info about known FIDO/U2F apps.""" return _load_fido_apps() def search(coins: CoinsInfo | Coins, keyword: str) -> Iterator[Any]: kwl = keyword.lower() if isinstance(coins, CoinsInfo): coins = coins.as_list() for coin in coins: key = coin["key"].lower() name = coin["name"].lower() shortcut = coin["shortcut"].lower() symbol, suffix = symbol_from_shortcut(shortcut) if ( kwl == key or kwl in name or kwl == shortcut or kwl == symbol or kwl in suffix ): yield coin