use heapless::String; use crate::{ trezorhal::secbool::secbool, ui::{ component::{connect::Connect, Label, LineBreaking::BreakWordsNoHyphen}, constant, constant::{HEIGHT, SCREEN}, display::{self, Color, Font, Icon}, geometry::{Alignment2D, Offset, Point, Rect}, layout::simplified::{run, show, ReturnToC}, }, }; use super::{ component::{ bl_confirm::{Confirm, ConfirmMsg}, ResultScreen, WelcomeScreen, }, theme::{ bootloader::{BLD_BG, BLD_FG, ICON_ALERT, ICON_SPINNER, ICON_SUCCESS}, ICON_ARM_LEFT, ICON_ARM_RIGHT, TEXT_BOLD, TEXT_NORMAL, WHITE, }, ModelTRFeatures, }; mod intro; mod menu; mod welcome; use crate::ui::ui_features::UIFeaturesBootloader; use intro::Intro; use menu::Menu; use welcome::Welcome; pub type BootloaderString = String<128>; impl ReturnToC for ConfirmMsg { fn return_to_c(self) -> u32 { self as u32 } } impl ModelTRFeatures { fn screen_progress( text: &str, text2: &str, progress: u16, initialize: bool, fg_color: Color, bg_color: Color, icon: Option<(Icon, Color)>, ) { if initialize { display::rect_fill(SCREEN, bg_color); } let progress = if progress < 20 { 20 } else { progress }; display::rect_rounded2_partial( Rect::new( SCREEN.top_center() + Offset::new(-9, 3), SCREEN.top_center() + Offset::new(9, 18 + 3), ), fg_color, bg_color, ((100_u32 * progress as u32) / 1000) as _, icon, ); display::text_center( + Offset::y(8), text, Font::BOLD, fg_color, bg_color, ); display::text_center( + Offset::y(20), text2, Font::BOLD, fg_color, bg_color, ); display::refresh(); } } impl UIFeaturesBootloader for ModelTRFeatures { fn screen_welcome() { let mut frame = Welcome::new(); show(&mut frame, true); } fn bld_continue_label(bg_color: Color) { display::text_center( Point::new(constant::WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT - 2), "CONTINUE", Font::NORMAL, WHITE, bg_color, ); ICON_ARM_LEFT.draw( Point::new(constant::WIDTH / 2 - 36, HEIGHT - 6), Alignment2D::TOP_LEFT, WHITE, bg_color, ); ICON_ARM_RIGHT.draw( Point::new(constant::WIDTH / 2 + 25, HEIGHT - 6), Alignment2D::TOP_LEFT, WHITE, bg_color, ); } fn screen_install_success(restart_seconds: u8, _initial_setup: bool, complete_draw: bool) { let mut reboot_msg = BootloaderString::new(); if restart_seconds >= 1 { unwrap!(reboot_msg.push_str("Restarting in ")); // in practice, restart_seconds is 5 or less so this is fine let seconds_char = b'0' + restart_seconds % 10; unwrap!(reboot_msg.push(seconds_char as char)); } else { unwrap!(reboot_msg.push_str("Reconnect the device")); } let title = Label::centered("Firmware installed".into(), TEXT_BOLD).vertically_centered(); let content = Label::centered(reboot_msg.as_str().into(), TEXT_NORMAL).vertically_centered(); let mut frame = ResultScreen::new(BLD_FG, BLD_BG, ICON_SPINNER, title, content, complete_draw); show(&mut frame, false); } fn screen_install_fail() { let title = Label::centered("Install failed".into(), TEXT_BOLD).vertically_centered(); let content = Label::centered("Please reconnect\nthe device".into(), TEXT_NORMAL) .vertically_centered(); let mut frame = ResultScreen::new(BLD_FG, BLD_BG, ICON_ALERT, title, content, true); show(&mut frame, false); } fn screen_install_confirm( vendor: &str, version: &str, fingerprint: &str, should_keep_seed: bool, is_newvendor: bool, is_newinstall: bool, version_cmp: i32, ) -> u32 { let mut version_str: BootloaderString = String::new(); unwrap!(version_str.push_str("Firmware version ")); unwrap!(version_str.push_str(version)); unwrap!(version_str.push_str("\nby ")); unwrap!(version_str.push_str(vendor)); let title_str = if is_newinstall { "INSTALL FIRMWARE" } else if is_newvendor { "CHANGE FW VENDOR" } else if version_cmp > 0 { "UPDATE FIRMWARE" } else if version_cmp == 0 { "REINSTALL FW" } else { "DOWNGRADE FW" }; let message = Label::left_aligned(version_str.as_str().into(), TEXT_NORMAL).vertically_centered(); let fingerprint = Label::left_aligned( fingerprint.into(), TEXT_NORMAL.with_line_breaking(BreakWordsNoHyphen), ) .vertically_centered(); let alert = (!should_keep_seed).then_some(Label::left_aligned( "Seed will be erased!".into(), TEXT_NORMAL, )); let mut frame = Confirm::new( BLD_BG, title_str.into(), message, alert, "INSTALL".into(), false, ) .with_info_screen("FW FINGERPRINT".into(), fingerprint); run(&mut frame) } fn screen_wipe_confirm() -> u32 { let message = Label::left_aligned("Seed and firmware will be erased!".into(), TEXT_NORMAL) .vertically_centered(); let mut frame = Confirm::new( BLD_BG, "FACTORY RESET".into(), message, None, "RESET".into(), false, ); run(&mut frame) } fn screen_unlock_bootloader_confirm() -> u32 { let message = Label::left_aligned("This action cannot be undone!".into(), TEXT_NORMAL) .vertically_centered(); let mut frame = Confirm::new( BLD_BG, "UNLOCK BOOTLOADER?".into(), message, None, "UNLOCK".into(), true, ); run(&mut frame) } fn screen_unlock_bootloader_success() { let title = Label::centered("Bootloader unlocked".into(), TEXT_BOLD).vertically_centered(); let content = Label::centered("Please reconnect the\ndevice".into(), TEXT_NORMAL) .vertically_centered(); let mut frame = ResultScreen::new(BLD_FG, BLD_BG, ICON_SPINNER, title, content, true); show(&mut frame, false); } fn screen_menu(firmware_present: secbool) -> u32 { run(&mut Menu::new(firmware_present)) } fn screen_intro(bld_version: &str, vendor: &str, version: &str, fw_ok: bool) -> u32 { let mut title_str: BootloaderString = String::new(); unwrap!(title_str.push_str("BOOTLOADER ")); unwrap!(title_str.push_str(bld_version)); let mut version_str: BootloaderString = String::new(); unwrap!(version_str.push_str("Firmware version ")); unwrap!(version_str.push_str(version)); unwrap!(version_str.push_str("\nby ")); unwrap!(version_str.push_str(vendor)); let mut frame = Intro::new( title_str.as_str().into(), version_str.as_str().into(), fw_ok, ); run(&mut frame) } fn screen_boot_stage_1(_fading: bool) { display::rect_fill(SCREEN, BLD_BG); let mut frame = WelcomeScreen::new(true); show(&mut frame, false); } fn screen_wipe_progress(progress: u16, initialize: bool) { Self::screen_progress( "Resetting", "Trezor", progress, initialize, BLD_FG, BLD_BG, Some((ICON_SUCCESS, BLD_FG)), ); } fn screen_install_progress(progress: u16, initialize: bool, _initial_setup: bool) { Self::screen_progress( "Installing", "firmware", progress, initialize, BLD_FG, BLD_BG, Some((ICON_SUCCESS, BLD_FG)), ); } fn screen_connect(_initial_setup: bool) { let mut frame = Connect::new("Waiting for host...", BLD_FG, BLD_BG); show(&mut frame, false); } fn screen_wipe_success() { let title = Label::centered("Trezor Reset".into(), TEXT_BOLD).vertically_centered(); let content = Label::centered("Please reconnect\nthe device".into(), TEXT_NORMAL) .vertically_centered(); let mut frame = ResultScreen::new(BLD_FG, BLD_BG, ICON_SPINNER, title, content, true); show(&mut frame, false); } fn screen_wipe_fail() { let title = Label::centered("Reset failed".into(), TEXT_BOLD).vertically_centered(); let content = Label::centered("Please reconnect\nthe device".into(), TEXT_NORMAL) .vertically_centered(); let mut frame = ResultScreen::new(BLD_FG, BLD_BG, ICON_ALERT, title, content, true); show(&mut frame, false); } }