#!/usr/bin/env python3 from c.storage import Storage as StorageC from c0.storage import Storage as StorageC0 from python.src.storage import Storage as StoragePy from hashlib import sha256 def hash(data): return sha256(data).hexdigest()[:16] # Strings for testing ChaCha20 encryption. test_strings = [b"Short string.", b"", b"Although ChaCha20 is a stream cipher, it operates on blocks of 64 bytes. This string is over 152 bytes in length so that we test multi-block encryption.", b"This string is exactly 64 bytes long, that is exactly one block."] # Unique device ID for testing. uid = b"\x67\xce\x6a\xe8\xf7\x9b\x73\x96\x83\x88\x21\x5e" sc = StorageC() sp = StoragePy() a = [] for s in [sc, sp]: print(s.__class__) s.init(uid) assert s.unlock(3) == False assert s.unlock(1) == True s.set(0xbeef, b"hello") s.set(0x03fe, b"world!") s.set(0xbeef, b"satoshi") s.set(0xbeef, b"Satoshi") for value in test_strings: s.set(0x0301, value) assert s.get(0x0301) == value d = s._dump() print(d[0][:512].hex()) h = [hash(x) for x in d] print(h) a.append(h[0]) a.append(h[1]) print() print("-------------") print("Equals:", a[0] == a[2] and a[1] == a[3])