import utime from typing import Any, NoReturn import storage.cache import storage.sd_salt from trezor import config, wire from .sdcard import SdCardUnavailable, request_sd_salt def can_lock_device() -> bool: """Return True if the device has a PIN set or SD-protect enabled.""" return config.has_pin() or storage.sd_salt.is_enabled() async def request_pin( ctx: wire.GenericContext, prompt: str = "Enter your PIN", attempts_remaining: int | None = None, allow_cancel: bool = True, ) -> str: from trezor.ui.layouts import request_pin_on_device return await request_pin_on_device(ctx, prompt, attempts_remaining, allow_cancel) async def request_pin_confirm(ctx: wire.Context, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> str: while True: pin1 = await request_pin(ctx, "Enter new PIN", *args, **kwargs) pin2 = await request_pin(ctx, "Re-enter new PIN", *args, **kwargs) if pin1 == pin2: return pin1 await pin_mismatch() async def pin_mismatch() -> None: from trezor.ui.layouts import show_popup await show_popup( title="PIN mismatch", description="The PINs you entered\ndo not match.\n\nPlease try again.", ) async def request_pin_and_sd_salt( ctx: wire.Context, prompt: str = "Enter your PIN", allow_cancel: bool = True ) -> tuple[str, bytearray | None]: if config.has_pin(): pin = await request_pin(ctx, prompt, config.get_pin_rem(), allow_cancel) config.ensure_not_wipe_code(pin) else: pin = "" salt = await request_sd_salt(ctx) return pin, salt def _set_last_unlock_time() -> None: now = utime.ticks_ms() storage.cache.set( storage.cache.APP_COMMON_REQUEST_PIN_LAST_UNLOCK, now.to_bytes(4, "big") ) def _get_last_unlock_time() -> int: return int.from_bytes( storage.cache.get(storage.cache.APP_COMMON_REQUEST_PIN_LAST_UNLOCK, b""), "big" ) async def verify_user_pin( ctx: wire.GenericContext = wire.DUMMY_CONTEXT, prompt: str = "Enter your PIN", allow_cancel: bool = True, retry: bool = True, cache_time_ms: int = 0, ) -> None: last_unlock = _get_last_unlock_time() if ( cache_time_ms and last_unlock and utime.ticks_ms() - last_unlock <= cache_time_ms and config.is_unlocked() ): return if config.has_pin(): from trezor.ui.layouts import request_pin_on_device pin = await request_pin_on_device( ctx, prompt, config.get_pin_rem(), allow_cancel ) config.ensure_not_wipe_code(pin) else: pin = "" try: salt = await request_sd_salt(ctx) except SdCardUnavailable: raise wire.PinCancelled("SD salt is unavailable") if config.unlock(pin, salt): _set_last_unlock_time() return elif not config.has_pin(): raise RuntimeError while retry: pin = await request_pin_on_device( # type: ignore ["request_pin_on_device" is possibly unbound] ctx, "Wrong PIN, enter again", config.get_pin_rem(), allow_cancel ) if config.unlock(pin, salt): _set_last_unlock_time() return raise wire.PinInvalid async def error_pin_invalid(ctx: wire.Context) -> NoReturn: from trezor.ui.layouts import show_error_and_raise await show_error_and_raise( ctx, "warning_wrong_pin", header="Wrong PIN", content="The PIN you entered is invalid.", red=True, exc=wire.PinInvalid, ) assert False async def error_pin_matches_wipe_code(ctx: wire.Context) -> NoReturn: from trezor.ui.layouts import show_error_and_raise await show_error_and_raise( ctx, "warning_invalid_new_pin", header="Invalid PIN", content="The new PIN must be different from your\nwipe code.", red=True, exc=wire.PinInvalid, ) assert False