from typing import Callable, Iterable from trezor import strings, ui, wire from trezor.crypto.slip39 import MAX_SHARE_COUNT from trezor.enums import ButtonRequestType from ...components.common.confirm import ( is_confirmed, is_confirmed_info, raise_if_cancelled, ) from import Confirm, InfoConfirm from import Bip39Keyboard from import Slip39Keyboard from import RecoveryHomescreen from import Paginated from import Text from import WordSelector from ..common import button_request, interact async def request_word_count(ctx: wire.GenericContext, dry_run: bool) -> int: await button_request(ctx, "word_count", code=ButtonRequestType.MnemonicWordCount) if dry_run: text = Text("Seed check", ui.ICON_RECOVERY) else: text = Text("Recovery mode", ui.ICON_RECOVERY) text.normal("Number of words?") count = await ctx.wait(WordSelector(text)) # WordSelector can return int, or string if the value came from debuglink # ctx.wait has a return type Any # Hence, it is easier to convert the returned value to int explicitly return int(count) async def request_word( ctx: wire.GenericContext, word_index: int, word_count: int, is_slip39: bool ) -> str: if is_slip39: keyboard: Slip39Keyboard | Bip39Keyboard = Slip39Keyboard( f"Type word {word_index + 1} of {word_count}:" ) else: keyboard = Bip39Keyboard(f"Type word {word_index + 1} of {word_count}:") word: str = await ctx.wait(keyboard) return word async def show_remaining_shares( ctx: wire.GenericContext, groups: Iterable[tuple[int, tuple[str, ...]]], # remaining + list 3 words shares_remaining: list[int], group_threshold: int, ) -> None: pages: list[ui.Component] = [] for remaining, group in groups: if 0 < remaining < MAX_SHARE_COUNT: text = Text("Remaining Shares") text.bold( strings.format_plural( "{count} more {plural} starting", remaining, "share" ) ) for word in group: text.normal(word) pages.append(text) elif ( remaining == MAX_SHARE_COUNT and shares_remaining.count(0) < group_threshold ): text = Text("Remaining Shares") groups_remaining = group_threshold - shares_remaining.count(0) text.bold( strings.format_plural( "{count} more {plural} starting", groups_remaining, "group" ) ) for word in group: text.normal(word) pages.append(text) pages[-1] = Confirm(pages[-1], cancel=None) await raise_if_cancelled( interact(ctx, Paginated(pages), "show_shares", ButtonRequestType.Other) ) async def show_group_share_success( ctx: wire.GenericContext, share_index: int, group_index: int ) -> None: text = Text("Success", ui.ICON_CONFIRM) text.bold("You have entered") text.bold(f"Share {share_index + 1}") text.normal("from") text.bold(f"Group {group_index + 1}") await raise_if_cancelled( interact( ctx, Confirm(text, confirm="Continue", cancel=None), "share_success", ButtonRequestType.Other, ) ) async def continue_recovery( ctx: wire.GenericContext, button_label: str, text: str, subtext: str | None, info_func: Callable | None, ) -> bool: homepage = RecoveryHomescreen(text, subtext) if info_func is not None: content = InfoConfirm( homepage, confirm=button_label, info="Info", cancel="Abort", ) await button_request(ctx, "recovery", ButtonRequestType.RecoveryHomepage) return await is_confirmed_info(ctx, content, info_func) else: return is_confirmed( await interact( ctx, Confirm(homepage, confirm=button_label, major_confirm=True), "recovery", ButtonRequestType.RecoveryHomepage, ) )