use crate::ui::{ component::{Component, Event, EventCtx, Never}, display::toif::Icon, geometry::{Alignment2D, Axis, LinearPlacement, Offset, Rect}, shape, shape::Renderer, }; use super::theme; pub struct ScrollBar { area: Rect, layout: LinearPlacement, pub page_count: usize, pub active_page: usize, } impl ScrollBar { pub const DOT_SIZE: i16 = 8; /// If there's more pages than this value then smaller dots are used at the /// beginning/end of the scrollbar to denote the fact. const MAX_DOTS: usize = 7; /// Center to center. const DOT_INTERVAL: i16 = 18; pub fn new(axis: Axis) -> Self { let layout = LinearPlacement::new(axis); Self { area: Rect::zero(), layout: layout.align_at_center().with_spacing(Self::DOT_INTERVAL), page_count: 0, active_page: 0, } } pub fn vertical() -> Self { Self::new(Axis::Vertical) } pub fn horizontal() -> Self { Self::new(Axis::Horizontal) } pub fn set_count_and_active_page(&mut self, page_count: usize, active_page: usize) { self.page_count = page_count; self.active_page = active_page; } pub fn has_pages(&self) -> bool { self.page_count > 1 } pub fn has_next_page(&self) -> bool { self.active_page < self.page_count - 1 } pub fn has_previous_page(&self) -> bool { self.active_page > 0 } pub fn go_to_next_page(&mut self) { self.go_to_relative(1) } pub fn go_to_previous_page(&mut self) { self.go_to_relative(-1) } pub fn go_to_relative(&mut self, step: isize) { self.go_to( (self.active_page as isize + step).clamp(0, self.page_count as isize - 1) as usize, ); } pub fn go_to(&mut self, active_page: usize) { self.active_page = active_page; } } impl Component for ScrollBar { type Msg = Never; fn event(&mut self, _ctx: &mut EventCtx, _event: Event) -> Option { None } fn paint(&mut self) { fn dotsize(distance: usize, nhidden: usize) -> Icon { match (nhidden.saturating_sub(distance)).min(2 - distance) { 0 => theme::DOT_INACTIVE, 1 => theme::DOT_INACTIVE_HALF, _ => theme::DOT_INACTIVE_QUARTER, } } // Number of visible dots. let num_shown = self.page_count.min(Self::MAX_DOTS); // Page indices corresponding to the first (and last) dot. let first_shown = self .active_page .saturating_sub(Self::MAX_DOTS / 2) .min(self.page_count.saturating_sub(Self::MAX_DOTS)); let last_shown = first_shown + num_shown - 1; let mut cursor = - Offset::on_axis( self.layout.axis, Self::DOT_INTERVAL * (num_shown.saturating_sub(1) as i16) / 2, ); for i in first_shown..(last_shown + 1) { let icon = if i == self.active_page { theme::DOT_ACTIVE } else if i <= first_shown + 1 { let before_first_shown = first_shown; dotsize(i - first_shown, before_first_shown) } else if i >= last_shown - 1 { let after_last_shown = self.page_count - 1 - last_shown; dotsize(last_shown - i, after_last_shown) } else { theme::DOT_INACTIVE }; icon.draw(cursor, Alignment2D::CENTER, theme::FG, theme::BG); cursor = cursor + Offset::on_axis(self.layout.axis, Self::DOT_INTERVAL); } } fn render<'s>(&'s self, target: &mut impl Renderer<'s>) { fn dotsize(distance: usize, nhidden: usize) -> Icon { match (nhidden.saturating_sub(distance)).min(2 - distance) { 0 => theme::DOT_INACTIVE, 1 => theme::DOT_INACTIVE_HALF, _ => theme::DOT_INACTIVE_QUARTER, } } // Number of visible dots. let num_shown = self.page_count.min(Self::MAX_DOTS); // Page indices corresponding to the first (and last) dot. let first_shown = self .active_page .saturating_sub(Self::MAX_DOTS / 2) .min(self.page_count.saturating_sub(Self::MAX_DOTS)); let last_shown = first_shown + num_shown - 1; let mut cursor = - Offset::on_axis( self.layout.axis, Self::DOT_INTERVAL * (num_shown.saturating_sub(1) as i16) / 2, ); for i in first_shown..(last_shown + 1) { let icon = if i == self.active_page { theme::DOT_ACTIVE } else if i <= first_shown + 1 { let before_first_shown = first_shown; dotsize(i - first_shown, before_first_shown) } else if i >= last_shown - 1 { let after_last_shown = self.page_count - 1 - last_shown; dotsize(last_shown - i, after_last_shown) } else { theme::DOT_INACTIVE }; shape::ToifImage::new(cursor, icon.toif) .with_align(Alignment2D::CENTER) .with_fg(theme::FG) .render(target); cursor = cursor + Offset::on_axis(self.layout.axis, Self::DOT_INTERVAL); } } fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect { self.area = bounds; bounds } #[cfg(feature = "ui_bounds")] fn bounds(&self, sink: &mut dyn FnMut(Rect)) { sink(self.area); } }