use crate::ui::{ component::{ base::ComponentExt, text::common::TextBox, Child, Component, Event, EventCtx, Never, }, display, geometry::{Grid, Offset, Rect}, model_tt::component::{ button::{Button, ButtonContent, ButtonMsg}, keyboard::common::{paint_pending_marker, render_pending_marker, MultiTapKeyboard}, swipe::{Swipe, SwipeDirection}, theme, ScrollBar, }, shape, shape::Renderer, util::long_line_content_with_ellipsis, }; use core::cell::Cell; pub enum PassphraseKeyboardMsg { Confirmed, Cancelled, } pub struct PassphraseKeyboard { page_swipe: Swipe, input: Child, back: Child>, confirm: Child>, keys: [Child>; KEY_COUNT], scrollbar: ScrollBar, fade: Cell, } const STARTING_PAGE: usize = 1; const PAGE_COUNT: usize = 4; const KEY_COUNT: usize = 10; #[rustfmt::skip] const KEYBOARD: [[&str; KEY_COUNT]; PAGE_COUNT] = [ ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"], [" ", "abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl", "mno", "pqrs", "tuv", "wxyz", "*#"], [" ", "ABC", "DEF", "GHI", "JKL", "MNO", "PQRS", "TUV", "WXYZ", "*#"], ["_<>", ".:@", "/|\\", "!()", "+%&", "-[]", "?{}", ",'`", ";\"~", "$^="], ]; const MAX_LENGTH: usize = 50; const INPUT_AREA_HEIGHT: i16 = ScrollBar::DOT_SIZE + 9; impl PassphraseKeyboard { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { page_swipe: Swipe::horizontal(), input: Input::new().into_child(), confirm: Button::with_icon(theme::ICON_CONFIRM) .styled(theme::button_confirm()) .into_child(), back: Button::with_icon_blend( theme::IMAGE_BG_BACK_BTN, theme::ICON_BACK, Offset::new(30, 12), ) .styled(theme::button_reset()) .initially_enabled(false) .with_long_press(theme::ERASE_HOLD_DURATION) .into_child(), keys: KEYBOARD[STARTING_PAGE].map(|text| { Child::new(Button::new(Self::key_content(text)).styled(theme::button_pin())) }), scrollbar: ScrollBar::horizontal(), fade: Cell::new(false), } } fn key_text(content: &ButtonContent<&'static str>) -> &'static str { match content { ButtonContent::Text(text) => text, ButtonContent::Icon(_) => " ", ButtonContent::IconAndText(_) => " ", ButtonContent::Empty => "", ButtonContent::IconBlend(_, _, _) => "", } } fn key_content(text: &'static str) -> ButtonContent<&'static str> { match text { " " => ButtonContent::Icon(theme::ICON_SPACE), t => ButtonContent::Text(t), } } fn on_page_swipe(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, swipe: SwipeDirection) { // Change the page number. let key_page = self.scrollbar.active_page; let key_page = match swipe { SwipeDirection::Left => (key_page as isize + 1) as usize % PAGE_COUNT, SwipeDirection::Right => (key_page as isize - 1) as usize % PAGE_COUNT, _ => key_page, }; self.scrollbar.go_to(key_page); // Clear the pending state. self.input .mutate(ctx, |ctx, i| i.multi_tap.clear_pending_state(ctx)); // Update buttons. self.replace_button_content(ctx, key_page); // Reset backlight to normal level on next paint. self.fade.set(true); // So that swipe does not visually enable the input buttons when max length // reached self.update_input_btns_state(ctx); } fn replace_button_content(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, page: usize) { for (i, btn) in self.keys.iter_mut().enumerate() { let text = KEYBOARD[page][i]; let content = Self::key_content(text); btn.mutate(ctx, |ctx, b| b.set_content(ctx, content)); btn.request_complete_repaint(ctx); } } /// Possibly changing the buttons' state after change of the input. fn after_edit(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { self.update_back_btn_state(ctx); self.update_input_btns_state(ctx); } /// When the input is empty, disable the back button. fn update_back_btn_state(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { if self.input.inner().textbox.is_empty() { self.back.mutate(ctx, |ctx, b| b.disable(ctx)); } else { self.back.mutate(ctx, |ctx, b| b.enable(ctx)); } } /// When the input has reached max length, disable all the input buttons. fn update_input_btns_state(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { let active_states = self.get_buttons_active_states(); for (key, btn) in self.keys.iter_mut().enumerate() { btn.mutate(ctx, |ctx, b| { if active_states[key] { b.enable(ctx); } else { b.disable(ctx); } }); } } /// Precomputing the active states not to overlap borrows in /// `self.keys.iter_mut` loop. fn get_buttons_active_states(&self) -> [bool; KEY_COUNT] { let mut active_states: [bool; KEY_COUNT] = [false; KEY_COUNT]; for (key, state) in active_states.iter_mut().enumerate() { *state = self.is_button_active(key); } active_states } /// We should disable the input when the passphrase has reached maximum /// length and we are not cycling through the characters. fn is_button_active(&self, key: usize) -> bool { let textbox_not_full = !self.input.inner().textbox.is_full(); let key_is_pending = { if let Some(pending) = self.input.inner().multi_tap.pending_key() { pending == key } else { false } }; textbox_not_full || key_is_pending } pub fn passphrase(&self) -> &str { self.input.inner().textbox.content() } } impl Component for PassphraseKeyboard { type Msg = PassphraseKeyboardMsg; fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect { let bounds = bounds.inset(theme::borders()); let (input_area, key_grid_area) = bounds.split_bottom(4 * theme::PIN_BUTTON_HEIGHT + 3 * theme::BUTTON_SPACING); let (input_area, scroll_area) = input_area.split_bottom(INPUT_AREA_HEIGHT); let (scroll_area, _) = scroll_area.split_top(ScrollBar::DOT_SIZE); let key_grid = Grid::new(key_grid_area, 4, 3).with_spacing(theme::BUTTON_SPACING); let confirm_btn_area = key_grid.cell(11); let back_btn_area = key_grid.cell(9);;;;;; self.scrollbar .set_count_and_active_page(PAGE_COUNT, STARTING_PAGE); // Place all the character buttons. for (key, btn) in &mut self.keys.iter_mut().enumerate() { // Assign the keys in each page to buttons on a 5x3 grid, starting // from the second row. let area = key_grid.cell(if key < 9 { // The grid has 3 columns, and we skip the first row. key } else { // For the last key (the "0" position) we skip one cell. key + 1 });; } bounds } fn event(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, event: Event) -> Option { if self.input.inner().multi_tap.is_timeout_event(event) { self.input .mutate(ctx, |ctx, i| i.multi_tap.clear_pending_state(ctx)); return None; } if let Some(swipe) = self.page_swipe.event(ctx, event) { // We have detected a horizontal swipe. Change the keyboard page. self.on_page_swipe(ctx, swipe); return None; } if let Some(ButtonMsg::Clicked) = self.confirm.event(ctx, event) { // Confirm button was clicked, we're done. return Some(PassphraseKeyboardMsg::Confirmed); } match self.back.event(ctx, event) { Some(ButtonMsg::Clicked) => { // Backspace button was clicked. If we have any content in the textbox, let's // delete the last character. Otherwise cancel. return if self.input.inner().textbox.is_empty() { Some(PassphraseKeyboardMsg::Cancelled) } else { self.input.mutate(ctx, |ctx, i| { i.multi_tap.clear_pending_state(ctx); i.textbox.delete_last(ctx); }); self.after_edit(ctx); None }; } Some(ButtonMsg::LongPressed) => { self.input.mutate(ctx, |ctx, i| { i.multi_tap.clear_pending_state(ctx); i.textbox.clear(ctx); }); self.after_edit(ctx); return None; } _ => {} } // Process key button events in case we did not reach maximum passphrase length. // (All input buttons should be disallowed in that case, this is just a safety // measure.) // Also we need to allow for cycling through the last character. let active_states = self.get_buttons_active_states(); for (key, btn) in self.keys.iter_mut().enumerate() { if !active_states[key] { // Button is not active continue; } if let Some(ButtonMsg::Clicked) = btn.event(ctx, event) { // Key button was clicked. If this button is pending, let's cycle the pending // character in textbox. If not, let's just append the first character. let text = Self::key_text(btn.inner().content()); self.input.mutate(ctx, |ctx, i| { let edit = i.multi_tap.click_key(ctx, key, text); i.textbox.apply(ctx, edit); }); self.after_edit(ctx); return None; } } None } fn paint(&mut self) { self.input.paint(); self.scrollbar.paint(); self.confirm.paint(); self.back.paint(); for btn in &mut self.keys { btn.paint(); } if self.fade.take() { // Note that this is blocking and takes some time. display::fade_backlight(theme::BACKLIGHT_NORMAL); } } fn render<'s>(&'s self, target: &mut impl Renderer<'s>) { self.input.render(target); self.scrollbar.render(target); self.confirm.render(target); self.back.render(target); for btn in &self.keys { btn.render(target); } if self.fade.take() { // Note that this is blocking and takes some time. display::fade_backlight(theme::BACKLIGHT_NORMAL); } } #[cfg(feature = "ui_bounds")] fn bounds(&self, sink: &mut dyn FnMut(Rect)) { self.input.bounds(sink); self.scrollbar.bounds(sink); self.confirm.bounds(sink); self.back.bounds(sink); for btn in &self.keys { btn.bounds(sink) } } } struct Input { area: Rect, textbox: TextBox, multi_tap: MultiTapKeyboard, } impl Input { fn new() -> Self { Self { area: Rect::zero(), textbox: TextBox::empty(), multi_tap: MultiTapKeyboard::new(), } } } impl Component for Input { type Msg = Never; fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect { self.area = bounds; self.area } fn event(&mut self, _ctx: &mut EventCtx, _event: Event) -> Option { None } fn paint(&mut self) { let style = theme::label_keyboard(); let text_baseline = self.area.top_left() + Offset::y(style.text_font.text_height()) - Offset::y(style.text_font.text_baseline()); let text = self.textbox.content(); // Preparing the new text to be displayed. // Possible optimization is to redraw the background only when pending character // is replaced, or only draw rectangle over the pending character and // marker. display::rect_fill(self.area, theme::BG); // Find out how much text can fit into the textbox. // Accounting for the pending marker, which draws itself one pixel longer than // the last character let available_area_width = self.area.width() - 1; let text_to_display = long_line_content_with_ellipsis(text, "...", style.text_font, available_area_width); display::text_left( text_baseline, &text_to_display, style.text_font, style.text_color, style.background_color, ); // Paint the pending marker. if self.multi_tap.pending_key().is_some() { paint_pending_marker( text_baseline, &text_to_display, style.text_font, style.text_color, ); } } fn render<'s>(&'s self, target: &mut impl Renderer<'s>) { let style = theme::label_keyboard(); let text_baseline = self.area.top_left() + Offset::y(style.text_font.text_height()) - Offset::y(style.text_font.text_baseline()); let text = self.textbox.content(); shape::Bar::new(self.area).with_bg(theme::BG).render(target); // Find out how much text can fit into the textbox. // Accounting for the pending marker, which draws itself one pixel longer than // the last character let available_area_width = self.area.width() - 1; let text_to_display = long_line_content_with_ellipsis(text, "...", style.text_font, available_area_width); shape::Text::new(text_baseline, &text_to_display) .with_font(style.text_font) .with_fg(style.text_color) .render(target); // Paint the pending marker. if self.multi_tap.pending_key().is_some() { render_pending_marker( target, text_baseline, &text_to_display, style.text_font, style.text_color, ); } } #[cfg(feature = "ui_bounds")] fn bounds(&self, sink: &mut dyn FnMut(Rect)) { sink(self.area) } } #[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")] impl crate::trace::Trace for PassphraseKeyboard { fn trace(&self, t: &mut dyn crate::trace::Tracer) { t.component("PassphraseKeyboard"); t.string("passphrase", self.passphrase().into()); } }