use crate::ui::{ component::{maybe::paint_overlapping, Child, Component, Event, EventCtx, Label, Maybe}, geometry::{Alignment2D, Grid, Offset, Rect}, model_tt::{ component::{Button, ButtonMsg, Swipe, SwipeDirection}, theme, }, shape::Renderer, }; pub const MNEMONIC_KEY_COUNT: usize = 9; pub enum MnemonicKeyboardMsg { Confirmed, Previous, } pub struct MnemonicKeyboard { /// Initial prompt, displayed on empty input. prompt: Child>>, /// Backspace button. back: Child>>, /// Input area, acting as the auto-complete and confirm button. input: Child>, /// Key buttons. keys: [Child>; MNEMONIC_KEY_COUNT], /// Swipe controller - allowing for going to the previous word. swipe: Swipe, /// Whether going back is allowed (is not on the very first word). can_go_back: bool, } impl MnemonicKeyboard where T: MnemonicInput, U: AsRef, { pub fn new(input: T, prompt: U, can_go_back: bool) -> Self { // Input might be already pre-filled let prompt_visible = input.is_empty(); Self { prompt: Child::new(Maybe::new( theme::BG, Label::centered(prompt, theme::label_keyboard_prompt()), prompt_visible, )), back: Child::new(Maybe::new( theme::BG, Button::with_icon_blend( theme::IMAGE_BG_BACK_BTN_TALL, theme::ICON_BACK, Offset::new(30, 17), ) .styled(theme::button_reset()) .with_long_press(theme::ERASE_HOLD_DURATION), !prompt_visible, )), input: Child::new(Maybe::new(theme::BG, input, !prompt_visible)), keys: T::keys() .map(|t| Button::with_text(t).styled(theme::button_pin())) .map(Child::new), swipe: Swipe::new().right(), can_go_back, } } fn on_input_change(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { self.toggle_key_buttons(ctx); self.toggle_prompt_or_input(ctx); } /// Either enable or disable the key buttons, depending on the dictionary /// completion mask and the pending key. fn toggle_key_buttons(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { for (key, btn) in self.keys.iter_mut().enumerate() { let enabled = self .input .inner() .inner() .can_key_press_lead_to_a_valid_word(key); btn.mutate(ctx, |ctx, b| b.enable_if(ctx, enabled)); } } /// After edit operations, we need to either show or hide the prompt, the /// input, and the back button. fn toggle_prompt_or_input(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { let prompt_visible = self.input.inner().inner().is_empty(); self.prompt .mutate(ctx, |ctx, p| p.show_if(ctx, prompt_visible)); self.input .mutate(ctx, |ctx, i| i.show_if(ctx, !prompt_visible)); self.back .mutate(ctx, |ctx, b| b.show_if(ctx, !prompt_visible)); } pub fn mnemonic(&self) -> Option<&'static str> { self.input.inner().inner().mnemonic() } } impl Component for MnemonicKeyboard where T: MnemonicInput, U: AsRef, { type Msg = MnemonicKeyboardMsg; fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect { let (_, bounds) = bounds .inset(theme::borders()) .split_bottom(4 * theme::MNEMONIC_BUTTON_HEIGHT + 3 * theme::KEYBOARD_SPACING); let grid = Grid::new(bounds, 4, 3).with_spacing(theme::KEYBOARD_SPACING); let back_area = grid.row_col(0, 0); let input_area = grid.row_col(0, 1).union(grid.row_col(0, 3)); let prompt_center = grid.row_col(0, 0).union(grid.row_col(0, 3)).center(); let prompt_size = self.prompt.inner().inner().max_size(); let prompt_area = Rect::snap(prompt_center, prompt_size, Alignment2D::CENTER);;;;; for (key, btn) in self.keys.iter_mut().enumerate() { + grid.cols)); // Start in the second row. } bounds } fn event(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, event: Event) -> Option { // Swipe will cause going back to the previous word when allowed. if self.can_go_back { if let Some(SwipeDirection::Right) = self.swipe.event(ctx, event) { return Some(MnemonicKeyboardMsg::Previous); } } match self.input.event(ctx, event) { Some(MnemonicInputMsg::Confirmed) => { // Confirmed, bubble up. return Some(MnemonicKeyboardMsg::Confirmed); } Some(_) => { // Either a timeout or a completion. self.on_input_change(ctx); return None; } _ => {} } match self.back.event(ctx, event) { Some(ButtonMsg::Clicked) => { self.input .mutate(ctx, |ctx, i| i.inner_mut().on_backspace_click(ctx)); self.on_input_change(ctx); return None; } Some(ButtonMsg::LongPressed) => { self.input .mutate(ctx, |ctx, i| i.inner_mut().on_backspace_long_press(ctx)); self.on_input_change(ctx); return None; } _ => {} } for (key, btn) in self.keys.iter_mut().enumerate() { if let Some(ButtonMsg::Clicked) = btn.event(ctx, event) { self.input .mutate(ctx, |ctx, i| i.inner_mut().on_key_click(ctx, key)); self.on_input_change(ctx); return None; } } None } fn paint(&mut self) { paint_overlapping(&mut [&mut self.prompt, &mut self.input, &mut self.back]); for btn in &mut self.keys { btn.paint(); } } fn render<'s>(&'s self, target: &mut impl Renderer<'s>) { if self.input.inner().inner().is_empty() { self.prompt.render(target); } else { self.input.render(target); self.back.render(target); } for btn in &self.keys { btn.render(target); } } #[cfg(feature = "ui_bounds")] fn bounds(&self, sink: &mut dyn FnMut(Rect)) { self.prompt.bounds(sink); self.input.bounds(sink); self.back.bounds(sink); for btn in &self.keys { btn.bounds(sink) } } } pub trait MnemonicInput: Component { fn keys() -> [&'static str; MNEMONIC_KEY_COUNT]; fn can_key_press_lead_to_a_valid_word(&self, key: usize) -> bool; fn on_key_click(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, key: usize); fn on_backspace_click(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx); fn on_backspace_long_press(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx); fn is_empty(&self) -> bool; fn mnemonic(&self) -> Option<&'static str>; } pub enum MnemonicInputMsg { Confirmed, Completed, TimedOut, } #[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")] impl crate::trace::Trace for MnemonicKeyboard where T: MnemonicInput + crate::trace::Trace, U: AsRef, { fn trace(&self, t: &mut dyn crate::trace::Tracer) { t.component("MnemonicKeyboard"); t.child("prompt", &self.prompt); t.child("input", &self.input); } }