use crate::{ strutil::TString, translations::TR, ui::{ component::{Component, Event, EventCtx}, geometry::Rect, shape::Renderer, }, }; use super::super::{ButtonLayout, ChoiceFactory, ChoiceItem, ChoicePage}; use heapless::Vec; // So that there is only one implementation, and not multiple generic ones // as would be via `const N: usize` generics. const MAX_LENGTH: usize = 5; struct ChoiceFactorySimple { choices: Vec, MAX_LENGTH>, carousel: bool, } impl ChoiceFactorySimple { fn new(choices: Vec, MAX_LENGTH>, carousel: bool) -> Self { Self { choices, carousel } } fn get_string(&self, choice_index: usize) -> TString<'static> { self.choices[choice_index] } } impl ChoiceFactory for ChoiceFactorySimple { type Action = usize; type Item = ChoiceItem; fn count(&self) -> usize { self.choices.len() } fn get(&self, choice_index: usize) -> (Self::Item, Self::Action) { let text = &self.choices[choice_index]; let mut choice_item =|t| { ChoiceItem::new( t, ButtonLayout::arrow_armed_arrow(TR::buttons__select.into()), ) }); // Disabling prev/next buttons for the first/last choice when not in carousel. // (could be done to the same button if there is only one) if !self.carousel { if choice_index == 0 { choice_item.set_left_btn(None); } if choice_index == self.count() - 1 { choice_item.set_right_btn(None); } } (choice_item, choice_index) } } /// Simple wrapper around `ChoicePage` that allows for /// inputting a list of values and receiving the chosen one. pub struct SimpleChoice { choice_page: ChoicePage, pub return_index: bool, } impl SimpleChoice { pub fn new(str_choices: Vec, MAX_LENGTH>, carousel: bool) -> Self { let choices = ChoiceFactorySimple::new(str_choices, carousel); Self { choice_page: ChoicePage::new(choices).with_carousel(carousel), return_index: false, } } /// Show only the currently selected item, nothing left/right. pub fn with_only_one_item(mut self) -> Self { self.choice_page = self.choice_page.with_only_one_item(true); self } /// Show choices even when they do not fit entirely. pub fn with_show_incomplete(mut self) -> Self { self.choice_page = self.choice_page.with_incomplete(true); self } /// Returning chosen page index instead of the string result. pub fn with_return_index(mut self) -> Self { self.return_index = true; self } /// Translating the resulting index into actual string choice. pub fn result_by_index(&self, index: usize) -> TString<'static> { self.choice_page.choice_factory().get_string(index) } } impl Component for SimpleChoice { type Msg = usize; fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect { } fn event(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, event: Event) -> Option { self.choice_page.event(ctx, event).map(|evt| evt.0) } fn paint(&mut self) { self.choice_page.paint(); } fn render<'s>(&'s self, target: &mut impl Renderer<'s>) { self.choice_page.render(target); } } // DEBUG-ONLY SECTION BELOW #[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")] impl crate::trace::Trace for SimpleChoice { fn trace(&self, t: &mut dyn crate::trace::Tracer) { t.component("SimpleChoice"); t.child("choice_page", &self.choice_page); } }