use crate::{ strutil::TString, time::{Duration, Instant}, ui::{ component::{Component, Event, EventCtx}, event::ButtonEvent, geometry::Rect, shape::Renderer, }, }; use super::{ loader::{Loader, DEFAULT_DURATION_MS}, theme, ButtonContent, ButtonDetails, ButtonPos, LoaderMsg, LoaderStyleSheet, }; pub enum HoldToConfirmMsg { Confirmed, FailedToConfirm, } pub struct HoldToConfirm { pos: ButtonPos, loader: Loader, text_width: i16, } impl HoldToConfirm { pub fn text>>( pos: ButtonPos, text: T, styles: LoaderStyleSheet, duration: Duration, ) -> Self { let text = text.into(); let text_width =|t| styles.normal.font.visible_text_width(t)); Self { pos, loader: Loader::text(text, styles).with_growing_duration(duration), text_width, } } pub fn from_button_details(pos: ButtonPos, btn_details: ButtonDetails) -> Self { let duration = btn_details .duration .unwrap_or_else(|| Duration::from_millis(DEFAULT_DURATION_MS)); match btn_details.content { ButtonContent::Text(text) => { Self::text(pos, text, LoaderStyleSheet::default_loader(), duration) } ButtonContent::Icon(_) => panic!("Icon is not supported"), } } /// Updating the text of the component and re-placing it. pub fn set_text>>(&mut self, text: T, button_area: Rect) { let text = text.into(); self.text_width = self.loader.get_text_width(&text); self.loader.set_text(text);; } pub fn reset(&mut self) { self.loader.reset(); } pub fn set_duration(&mut self, duration: Duration) { self.loader.set_duration(duration); } pub fn get_duration(&self) -> Duration { self.loader.get_duration() } pub fn get_text(&self) -> TString<'static> { self.loader.get_text() } fn placement(&mut self, area: Rect, pos: ButtonPos) -> Rect { let button_width = self.text_width + 2 * theme::BUTTON_OUTLINE; match pos { ButtonPos::Left => area.split_left(button_width).0, ButtonPos::Right => area.split_right(button_width).1, ButtonPos::Middle => area.split_center(button_width).1, } } } impl Component for HoldToConfirm { type Msg = HoldToConfirmMsg; fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect { let loader_area = self.placement(bounds, self.pos); } fn event(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, event: Event) -> Option { match event { Event::Button(ButtonEvent::HoldStarted) => { self.loader.start_growing(ctx, Instant::now()); } Event::Button(ButtonEvent::HoldEnded) => { if self.loader.is_animating() { self.loader.start_shrinking(ctx, Instant::now()); } } _ => {} }; let msg = self.loader.event(ctx, event); if let Some(LoaderMsg::GrownCompletely) = msg { return Some(HoldToConfirmMsg::Confirmed); } if let Some(LoaderMsg::ShrunkCompletely) = msg { return Some(HoldToConfirmMsg::FailedToConfirm); } None } fn paint(&mut self) { self.loader.paint(); } fn render<'s>(&'s self, target: &mut impl Renderer<'s>) { self.loader.render(target); } } // DEBUG-ONLY SECTION BELOW #[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")] impl crate::trace::Trace for HoldToConfirm { fn trace(&self, t: &mut dyn crate::trace::Tracer) { t.component("HoldToConfirm"); t.child("loader", &self.loader); } }