use crate::{ strutil::StringType, ui::{ component::{Child, Component, ComponentExt, Event, EventCtx, Paginate}, geometry::{Insets, Rect}, shape::Renderer, }, }; use super::{super::constant, scrollbar::SCROLLBAR_SPACE, theme, title::Title, ScrollBar}; /// Component for holding another component and displaying a title. pub struct Frame where T: Component, U: StringType, { title: Title, content: Child, } impl Frame where T: Component, U: StringType + Clone, { pub fn new(title: U, content: T) -> Self { Self { title: Title::new(title), content: Child::new(content), } } /// Aligning the title to the center, instead of the left. pub fn with_title_centered(mut self) -> Self { self.title = self.title.with_centered(); self } pub fn inner(&self) -> &T { self.content.inner() } pub fn update_title(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, new_title: U) { self.title.set_text(ctx, new_title); } pub fn update_content(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, update_fn: F) -> R where F: Fn(&mut T) -> R, { self.content.mutate(ctx, |ctx, c| { let res = update_fn(c); c.request_complete_repaint(ctx); res }) } } impl Component for Frame where T: Component, U: StringType + Clone, { type Msg = T::Msg; fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect { const TITLE_SPACE: i16 = 2; let (title_area, content_area) = bounds.split_top(theme::FONT_HEADER.line_height()); let content_area = content_area.inset(Insets::top(TITLE_SPACE));;; bounds } fn event(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, event: Event) -> Option { self.title.event(ctx, event); self.content.event(ctx, event) } fn paint(&mut self) { self.title.paint(); self.content.paint(); } fn render<'s>(&'s self, target: &mut impl Renderer<'s>) { self.title.render(target); self.content.render(target); } } impl Paginate for Frame where T: Component + Paginate, U: StringType + Clone, { fn page_count(&mut self) -> usize { self.content.page_count() } fn change_page(&mut self, active_page: usize) { self.content.change_page(active_page); } } pub trait ScrollableContent { fn page_count(&self) -> usize; fn active_page(&self) -> usize; } /// Component for holding another component and displaying a title. /// Also is allocating space for a scrollbar. pub struct ScrollableFrame where T: Component + ScrollableContent, U: StringType + Clone, { title: Option>>, scrollbar: ScrollBar, content: Child, } impl ScrollableFrame where T: Component + ScrollableContent, U: StringType + Clone, { pub fn new(content: T) -> Self { Self { title: None, scrollbar: ScrollBar::to_be_filled_later(), content: Child::new(content), } } pub fn inner(&self) -> &T { self.content.inner() } pub fn with_title(mut self, title: U) -> Self { self.title = Some(Child::new(Title::new(title))); self } } impl Component for ScrollableFrame where T: Component + ScrollableContent, U: StringType + Clone, { type Msg = T::Msg; fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect { // Depending whether there is a title or not let (content_area, scrollbar_area, title_area) = if self.title.is_none() { // When the content fits on one page, no need for allocating place for scrollbar; let page_count = self.content.inner().page_count(); self.scrollbar.set_page_count(page_count); if page_count == 1 { (bounds, Rect::zero(), Rect::zero()) } else { let (scrollbar_area, content_area) = bounds.split_top(ScrollBar::MAX_DOT_SIZE + constant::LINE_SPACE); (content_area, scrollbar_area, Rect::zero()) } } else { const TITLE_SPACE: i16 = 2; let (title_and_scrollbar_area, content_area) = bounds.split_top(theme::FONT_HEADER.line_height()); let content_area = content_area.inset(Insets::top(TITLE_SPACE)); // When there is only one page, do not allocate anything for scrollbar, // which would reduce the space for title; let page_count = self.content.inner().page_count(); self.scrollbar.set_page_count(page_count); let (title_area, scrollbar_area) = if page_count == 1 { (title_and_scrollbar_area, Rect::zero()) } else { title_and_scrollbar_area .split_right(self.scrollbar.overall_width() + SCROLLBAR_SPACE) }; (content_area, scrollbar_area, title_area) };;;; bounds } fn event(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, event: Event) -> Option { let msg = self.content.event(ctx, event); let content_active_page = self.content.inner().active_page(); if self.scrollbar.active_page != content_active_page { self.scrollbar.change_page(content_active_page); self.scrollbar.request_complete_repaint(ctx); } self.title.event(ctx, event); msg } fn paint(&mut self) { self.title.paint(); self.scrollbar.paint(); self.content.paint(); } fn render<'s>(&'s self, target: &mut impl Renderer<'s>) { self.title.render(target); self.scrollbar.render(target); self.content.render(target); } } // DEBUG-ONLY SECTION BELOW #[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")] impl crate::trace::Trace for Frame where T: crate::trace::Trace + Component, U: StringType + Clone, { fn trace(&self, t: &mut dyn crate::trace::Tracer) { t.component("Frame"); t.child("title", &self.title); t.child("content", &self.content); } } #[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")] impl crate::trace::Trace for ScrollableFrame where T: crate::trace::Trace + Component + ScrollableContent, U: StringType + Clone, { fn trace(&self, t: &mut dyn crate::trace::Tracer) { t.component("ScrollableFrame"); if let Some(title) = &self.title { t.child("title", title); } t.child("scrollbar", &self.scrollbar); t.child("content", &self.content); } }