use crate::{ strutil::StringType, ui::{ component::{Child, Component, ComponentExt, Event, EventCtx, Pad, Paginate}, geometry::Rect, shape::Renderer, }, }; use super::{ scrollbar::SCROLLBAR_SPACE, theme, title::Title, ButtonAction, ButtonController, ButtonControllerMsg, ButtonLayout, ButtonPos, CancelInfoConfirmMsg, FlowPages, Page, ScrollBar, }; pub struct Flow where F: Fn(usize) -> Page, T: StringType + Clone, { /// Function to get pages from pages: FlowPages, /// Instance of the current Page current_page: Page, /// Title being shown at the top in bold title: Option>, scrollbar: Child, content_area: Rect, title_area: Rect, pad: Pad, buttons: Child, page_counter: usize, return_confirmed_index: bool, show_scrollbar: bool, /// Possibly enforcing the second button to be ignored after some time after /// pressing the first button ignore_second_button_ms: Option, } impl Flow where F: Fn(usize) -> Page, T: StringType + Clone, { pub fn new(pages: FlowPages) -> Self { let current_page = pages.get(0); let title = current_page.title().map(Title::new); Self { pages, current_page, title, content_area: Rect::zero(), title_area: Rect::zero(), scrollbar: Child::new(ScrollBar::to_be_filled_later()), pad: Pad::with_background(theme::BG), // Setting empty layout for now, we do not yet know how many sub-pages the first page // has. Initial button layout will be set in `place()` after we can call // `content.page_count()`. buttons: Child::new(ButtonController::new(ButtonLayout::empty())), page_counter: 0, return_confirmed_index: false, show_scrollbar: true, ignore_second_button_ms: None, } } /// Adding a common title to all pages. The title will not be colliding /// with the page content, as the content will be offset. pub fn with_common_title(mut self, title: T) -> Self { self.title = Some(Title::new(title)); self } /// Causing the Flow to return the index of the page that was confirmed. pub fn with_return_confirmed_index(mut self) -> Self { self.return_confirmed_index = true; self } /// Show scrollbar or not. pub fn with_scrollbar(mut self, show_scrollbar: bool) -> Self { self.show_scrollbar = show_scrollbar; self } /// Ignoring the second button duration pub fn with_ignore_second_button_ms(mut self, ignore_second_button_ms: u32) -> Self { self.ignore_second_button_ms = Some(ignore_second_button_ms); self } pub fn confirmed_index(&self) -> Option { self.return_confirmed_index.then_some(self.page_counter) } /// Getting new current page according to page counter. /// Also updating the possible title and moving the scrollbar to correct /// position. fn change_current_page(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { self.current_page = self.pages.get(self.page_counter); if let Some(title) = self.current_page.title() { self.title = Some(Title::new(title));; } else { self.title = None; } let scrollbar_active_index = self .pages .scrollbar_page_index(self.content_area, self.page_counter); self.scrollbar.mutate(ctx, |_ctx, scrollbar| { scrollbar.change_page(scrollbar_active_index); }); } /// Placing current page, setting current buttons and clearing. fn update(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, get_new_page: bool) { if get_new_page { self.change_current_page(ctx); }; self.set_buttons(ctx); self.scrollbar.request_complete_repaint(ctx); self.clear_and_repaint(ctx); } /// Clearing the whole area and requesting repaint. fn clear_and_repaint(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { self.pad.clear(); ctx.request_paint(); } /// Going to the previous page. fn go_to_prev_page(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { self.page_counter -= 1; self.update(ctx, true); } /// Going to the next page. fn go_to_next_page(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { self.page_counter += 1; self.update(ctx, true); } /// Going to the first page. fn go_to_first_page(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { self.page_counter = 0; self.update(ctx, true); } /// Going to the first page. fn go_to_last_page(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { self.page_counter = self.pages.count() - 1; self.update(ctx, true); } /// Jumping to another page relative to the current one. fn go_to_page_relative(&mut self, jump: i16, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { self.page_counter += jump as usize; self.update(ctx, true); } /// Updating the visual state of the buttons after each event. /// All three buttons are handled based upon the current choice. /// If defined in the current choice, setting their text, /// whether they are long-pressed, and painting them. fn set_buttons(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { let btn_layout = self.current_page.btn_layout(); self.buttons.mutate(ctx, |_ctx, buttons| { buttons.set(btn_layout); }); } /// Current choice is still the same, only its inner state has changed /// (its sub-page changed). fn update_after_current_choice_inner_change(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { let inner_page = self.current_page.get_current_page(); self.scrollbar.mutate(ctx, |ctx, scrollbar| { scrollbar.change_page(self.page_counter + inner_page); scrollbar.request_complete_repaint(ctx); }); self.update(ctx, false); } /// When current choice contains paginated content, it may use the button /// event to just paginate itself. fn event_consumed_by_current_choice(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, pos: ButtonPos) -> bool { if matches!(pos, ButtonPos::Left) && self.current_page.has_prev_page() { self.current_page.go_to_prev_page(); self.update_after_current_choice_inner_change(ctx); true } else if matches!(pos, ButtonPos::Right) && self.current_page.has_next_page() { self.current_page.go_to_next_page(); self.update_after_current_choice_inner_change(ctx); true } else { false } } } impl Component for Flow where F: Fn(usize) -> Page, T: StringType + Clone, { type Msg = CancelInfoConfirmMsg; fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect { let (title_content_area, button_area) = bounds.split_bottom(theme::BUTTON_HEIGHT); // Accounting for possible title let (title_area, content_area) = if self.title.is_some() { title_content_area.split_top(theme::FONT_HEADER.line_height()) } else { (Rect::zero(), title_content_area) }; self.content_area = content_area; // Finding out the total amount of pages in this flow let complete_page_count = self.pages.scrollbar_page_count(content_area); // Redefining scrollbar now when we have its page_count self.scrollbar = Child::new(ScrollBar::new(complete_page_count)); // Placing a title and scrollbar in case the title is there // (scrollbar will be active - counting pages - even when not placed and // painted) if self.title.is_some() { let (title_area, scrollbar_area) = if self.show_scrollbar { title_area.split_right(self.scrollbar.inner().overall_width() + SCROLLBAR_SPACE) } else { (title_area, Rect::zero()) };; self.title_area = title_area;; } // We finally found how long is the first page, and can set its button layout.; if let Some(ignore_ms) = self.ignore_second_button_ms { self.buttons = Child::new( ButtonController::new(self.current_page.btn_layout()) .with_ignore_btn_delay(ignore_ms), ); } else { self.buttons = Child::new(ButtonController::new(self.current_page.btn_layout())); };; bounds } fn event(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, event: Event) -> Option { ctx.set_page_count(self.pages.scrollbar_page_count(self.content_area)); self.title.event(ctx, event); let button_event = self.buttons.event(ctx, event); // Do something when a button was triggered // and we have some action connected with it if let Some(ButtonControllerMsg::Triggered(pos, _)) = button_event { // When there is a previous or next screen in the current flow, // handle that first and in case it triggers, then do not continue if self.event_consumed_by_current_choice(ctx, pos) { return None; } let actions = self.current_page.btn_actions(); let action = actions.get_action(pos); if let Some(action) = action { match action { ButtonAction::PrevPage => { self.go_to_prev_page(ctx); return None; } ButtonAction::NextPage => { self.go_to_next_page(ctx); return None; } ButtonAction::FirstPage => { self.go_to_first_page(ctx); return None; } ButtonAction::LastPage => { self.go_to_last_page(ctx); return None; } ButtonAction::Cancel => return Some(CancelInfoConfirmMsg::Cancelled), ButtonAction::Confirm => return Some(CancelInfoConfirmMsg::Confirmed), ButtonAction::Info => return Some(CancelInfoConfirmMsg::Info), } } }; None } fn paint(&mut self) { self.pad.paint(); // Scrollbars are painted only with a title and when requested if self.title.is_some() { if self.show_scrollbar { self.scrollbar.paint(); } self.title.paint(); } self.buttons.paint(); // On purpose painting current page at the end, after buttons, // because we sometimes (in the case of QR code) need to use the // whole height of the display for showing the content // (and painting buttons last would cover the lower part). self.current_page.paint(); } fn render<'s>(&'s self, target: &mut impl Renderer<'s>) { self.pad.render(target); // Scrollbars are painted only with a title and when requested if self.title.is_some() { if self.show_scrollbar { self.scrollbar.render(target); } self.title.render(target); } self.buttons.render(target); // On purpose painting current page at the end, after buttons, // because we sometimes (in the case of QR code) need to use the // whole height of the display for showing the content // (and painting buttons last would cover the lower part). self.current_page.render(target); } } // DEBUG-ONLY SECTION BELOW #[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")] impl crate::trace::Trace for Flow where F: Fn(usize) -> Page, T: StringType + Clone, { fn trace(&self, t: &mut dyn crate::trace::Tracer) { t.component("Flow");"flow_page", self.page_counter as i64);"flow_page_count", self.pages.count() as i64); if let Some(title) = &self.title { t.child("title", title); } t.child("scrollbar", &self.scrollbar); t.child("buttons", &self.buttons); t.child("flow_page", &self.current_page); } }