use heapless::Vec; use crate::{ strutil::StringType, ui::{ component::{Component, Event, EventCtx, Never, Paginate}, display::toif::Icon, geometry::{ Alignment, Alignment2D, Dimensions, Insets, LinearPlacement, Offset, Point, Rect, }, shape, shape::Renderer, }, }; use super::layout::{LayoutFit, TextLayout, TextStyle}; /// Used as an upper bound of number of different styles we may render on single /// page. pub const MAX_LINES: usize = 10; /// Maximum space between paragraphs. Actual result may be smaller (even 0) if /// it would make paragraphs overflow the bounding box. pub const DEFAULT_SPACING: i16 = 0; /// Offset of paragraph text from the top of the paragraph bounding box. Tweak /// these values to get nice alignment of baselines relative to the surrounding /// components. pub const PARAGRAPH_TOP_SPACE: i16 = -1; /// Offset of paragraph bounding box bottom relative to bottom of its text. pub const PARAGRAPH_BOTTOM_SPACE: i16 = 5; pub type ParagraphVecLong = Vec, 32>; pub type ParagraphVecShort = Vec, 8>; pub trait ParagraphSource { /// Determines the output type produced. type StrType: StringType; /// Return text and associated style for given paragraph index and character /// offset within the paragraph. fn at(&self, index: usize, offset: usize) -> Paragraph; /// Number of paragraphs. fn size(&self) -> usize; fn into_paragraphs(self) -> Paragraphs where Self: Sized, { Paragraphs::new(self) } } pub struct Paragraphs { area: Rect, placement: LinearPlacement, offset: PageOffset, visible: Vec, source: T, } impl Paragraphs where T: ParagraphSource, { pub fn new(source: T) -> Self { Self { area: Rect::zero(), placement: LinearPlacement::vertical() .align_at_center() .with_spacing(DEFAULT_SPACING), offset: PageOffset::default(), visible: Vec::new(), source, } } pub fn with_placement(mut self, placement: LinearPlacement) -> Self { self.placement = placement; self } pub fn with_spacing(mut self, spacing: i16) -> Self { self.placement = self.placement.with_spacing(spacing); self } pub fn inner(&self) -> &T { &self.source } pub fn inner_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T { &mut self.source } /// Update bounding boxes of paragraphs on the current page. First determine /// the number of visible paragraphs and their sizes. These are then /// arranged according to the layout. fn change_offset(&mut self, offset: PageOffset) { self.offset = offset; Self::dyn_change_offset(self.area, offset, &self.source, self.visible.as_mut()); self.placement.arrange(self.area, &mut self.visible); } /// Helper for `change_offset` which should not get monomorphized as it /// doesn't refer to T or Self. fn dyn_change_offset( mut area: Rect, mut offset: PageOffset, source: &dyn ParagraphSource, visible: &mut Vec, ) { visible.clear(); let full_height = area.height(); while offset.par < source.size() { let (next_offset, remaining_area, layout) = offset.advance(area, source, full_height); if let Some(layout) = layout { unwrap!(visible.push(layout)); } if let Some(remaining_area) = remaining_area { #[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")] assert_eq!(next_offset.par, offset.par + 1); area = remaining_area; offset = next_offset; } else { break; } } } fn break_pages(&self) -> PageBreakIterator { PageBreakIterator { paragraphs: self, current: None, } } /// Iterate over visible layouts (bounding box, style) together /// with corresponding string content. Should not get monomorphized. fn foreach_visible<'a, S: StringType>( source: &'a dyn ParagraphSource, visible: &'a [TextLayoutProxy], offset: PageOffset, func: &mut dyn FnMut(&TextLayout, &str), ) { let mut vis_iter = visible.iter(); let mut chr = offset.chr; for par in offset.par..source.size() { let s =, chr).content; if s.as_ref().is_empty() { chr = 0; continue; } if let Some(layout_proxy) = { let layout = layout_proxy.layout(source); func(&layout, s.as_ref()); } else { break; } chr = 0; } } } impl Component for Paragraphs where T: ParagraphSource, { type Msg = Never; fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect { self.area = bounds; self.change_offset(self.offset); self.area } fn event(&mut self, _ctx: &mut EventCtx, _event: Event) -> Option { None } fn paint(&mut self) { Self::foreach_visible( &self.source, &self.visible, self.offset, &mut |layout, content| { layout.render_text(content); }, ) } fn render<'s>(&'s self, target: &mut impl Renderer<'s>) { Self::foreach_visible( &self.source, &self.visible, self.offset, &mut |layout, content| { layout.render_text2(content, target); }, ) } #[cfg(feature = "ui_bounds")] fn bounds(&self, sink: &mut dyn FnMut(Rect)) { sink(self.area); for layout in &self.visible { sink(layout.bounds) } } } impl Paginate for Paragraphs where T: ParagraphSource, { fn page_count(&mut self) -> usize { // There's always at least one page. self.break_pages().count().max(1) } fn change_page(&mut self, to_page: usize) { if let Some(offset) = self.break_pages().nth(to_page) { self.change_offset(offset) } else { // Should not happen, set index to first paragraph and render empty page. self.offset = PageOffset::default(); self.visible.clear() } } } #[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")] pub mod trace { use crate::ui::component::text::layout::trace::TraceSink; use super::*; impl crate::trace::Trace for Paragraphs { fn trace(&self, t: &mut dyn crate::trace::Tracer) { t.string("component", "Paragraphs".into()); t.in_list("paragraphs", &|par_list| { Self::foreach_visible( &self.source, &self.visible, self.offset, &mut |layout, content| { par_list.in_list(&|par| { layout.layout_text( content, &mut layout.initial_cursor(), &mut TraceSink(par), ); }); }, ); }); } } } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub struct Paragraph { /// Paragraph text. content: T, /// Paragraph style. style: &'static TextStyle, /// Paragraph alignment. align: Alignment, /// Place next paragraph on new page. break_after: bool, /// Try to keep this and the next paragraph on the same page. NOTE: doesn't /// work if two or more subsequent paragraphs have this flag. no_break: bool, padding_top: i16, padding_bottom: i16, } impl Paragraph { pub const fn new(style: &'static TextStyle, content: T) -> Self { Self { content, style, align: Alignment::Start, break_after: false, no_break: false, padding_top: PARAGRAPH_TOP_SPACE, padding_bottom: PARAGRAPH_BOTTOM_SPACE, } } pub const fn centered(mut self) -> Self { self.align = Alignment::Center; self } pub const fn break_after(mut self) -> Self { self.break_after = true; self } pub const fn no_break(mut self) -> Self { self.no_break = true; self } pub const fn with_top_padding(mut self, padding: i16) -> Self { self.padding_top = padding; self } pub const fn with_bottom_padding(mut self, padding: i16) -> Self { self.padding_bottom = padding; self } pub fn content(&self) -> &T { &self.content } pub fn update(&mut self, content: T) { self.content = content } /// Copy style and replace content. pub fn map(&self, func: impl FnOnce(&T) -> U) -> Paragraph { Paragraph { content: func(&self.content), style:, align: self.align, break_after: self.break_after, no_break: self.no_break, padding_top: self.padding_top, padding_bottom: self.padding_bottom, } } fn layout(&self, area: Rect) -> TextLayout { TextLayout { padding_top: self.padding_top, padding_bottom: self.padding_bottom, ..TextLayout::new(* .with_align(self.align) .with_bounds(area) } } } struct TextLayoutProxy { offset: PageOffset, bounds: Rect, } impl TextLayoutProxy { fn new(offset: PageOffset, bounds: Rect) -> Self { Self { offset, bounds } } fn layout(&self, source: &dyn ParagraphSource) -> TextLayout { let content =, self.offset.chr); let mut layout = content.layout(self.bounds); layout.continues_from_prev_page = self.offset.chr > 0; layout } } impl Dimensions for TextLayoutProxy { fn fit(&mut self, area: Rect) { self.bounds = area; } fn area(&self) -> Rect { self.bounds } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)] struct PageOffset { /// Index of paragraph. par: usize, /// Index of (the first byte of) the character in the paragraph. chr: usize, } impl PageOffset { /// Given an `PageOffset` and a `Rect` area, returns: /// /// - The next offset. /// - Part of `area` that remains free after the current offset is rendered /// into it, or `None` if we've reached the end of the page. /// - The `TextLayout` for the current offset, or `None` if `area` is too /// small to render any text. /// /// If the returned remaining area is not None then it holds that /// `next_offset.par == self.par + 1`. fn advance( mut self, area: Rect, source: &dyn ParagraphSource, full_height: i16, ) -> (PageOffset, Option, Option) { let paragraph =, self.chr); // Skip empty paragraphs. if paragraph.content.as_ref().is_empty() { self.par += 1; self.chr = 0; return (self, Some(area), None); } // Handle the `no_break` flag used to keep key-value pair on the same page. if paragraph.no_break && self.chr == 0 { if let Some(next_paragraph) = (self.par + 1 < source.size()).then(|| + 1, 0)) { if Self::should_place_pair_on_next_page( ¶graph, &next_paragraph, area, full_height, ) { return (self, None, None); } } } // Find out the dimensions of the paragraph at given char offset. let mut layout = paragraph.layout(area); layout.continues_from_prev_page = self.chr > 0; let fit = layout.fit_text(paragraph.content.as_ref()); let (used, remaining_area) = area.split_top(fit.height()); let layout = TextLayoutProxy::new(self, used); let page_full: bool; match fit { LayoutFit::Fitting { .. } => { // Continue with start of next paragraph. self.par += 1; self.chr = 0; // Handle hard break if requested for this paragraph. page_full = paragraph.break_after; } LayoutFit::OutOfBounds { processed_chars, .. } => { // Reached end of the page and not all content fits. self.chr += processed_chars; // Do not render more paragraphs. page_full = true; } } ( self, Some(remaining_area).filter(|_| !page_full), Some(layout).filter(|_| fit.height() > 0), ) } fn should_place_pair_on_next_page( this_paragraph: &Paragraph, next_paragraph: &Paragraph, area: Rect, full_height: i16, ) -> bool { // Never break if we're at the beginning of the page. let remaining_height = area.height(); if remaining_height >= full_height { return false; } let full_area = area.with_height(full_height); let key_height = this_paragraph .layout(full_area) .fit_text(this_paragraph.content.as_ref()) .height(); let val_height = next_paragraph .layout(full_area) .fit_text(next_paragraph.content.as_ref()) .height(); let screen_full_threshold = +; if key_height + val_height > remaining_height { return // There are only ~2 remaining lines, don't try to fit and put everything on the // next page. (remaining_height <= screen_full_threshold) // More than 2 remaining lines so try to fit something -- but won't // fit at least one line of value. || (val_height > 0 && key_height > remaining_height) // Whole property won't fit to the page, but it will fit on a page // by itself. || (key_height + val_height <= full_height); } // None of the above, continue fitting on the same page. false } } struct PageBreakIterator<'a, T> { /// Reference to paragraph vector. paragraphs: &'a Paragraphs, /// Current offset, or `None` before first `next()` call. current: Option, } impl PageBreakIterator<'_, T> { fn dyn_next( mut area: Rect, paragraphs: &dyn ParagraphSource, mut offset: PageOffset, ) -> Option { let full_height = area.height(); while offset.par < paragraphs.size() { let (next_offset, remaining_area, _layout) = offset.advance(area, paragraphs, full_height); if next_offset.par >= paragraphs.size() { // Last page. return None; } else if let Some(remaining_area) = remaining_area { #[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")] assert_eq!(next_offset.par, offset.par + 1); area = remaining_area; offset = next_offset; } else { return Some(next_offset); } } None } } /// Yields indices to beginnings of successive pages. First value is always /// `PageOffset { 0, 0 }` even if the paragraph vector is empty. impl Iterator for PageBreakIterator<'_, T> { /// `PageOffset` denotes the first paragraph that is rendered and a /// character offset in that paragraph. type Item = PageOffset; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { let first = self.current.is_none(); let current = self.current.get_or_insert_with(PageOffset::default); if first { return self.current; } let next = Self::dyn_next(self.paragraphs.area, &self.paragraphs.source, *current); if next.is_some() { // Better panic than infinite loop. assert_ne!(next, self.current); self.current = next; } next } } pub struct Checklist { area: Rect, paragraphs: Paragraphs, current: usize, icon_current: Icon, icon_done: Icon, /// How wide will the left icon column be check_width: i16, /// Offset of the icon representing DONE done_offset: Offset, /// Offset of the icon representing CURRENT current_offset: Offset, } impl Checklist { pub fn from_paragraphs( icon_current: Icon, icon_done: Icon, current: usize, paragraphs: Paragraphs, ) -> Self { Self { area: Rect::zero(), paragraphs, current, icon_current, icon_done, check_width: 0, done_offset: Offset::zero(), current_offset: Offset::zero(), } } pub fn with_check_width(mut self, check_width: i16) -> Self { self.check_width = check_width; self } pub fn with_done_offset(mut self, done_offset: Offset) -> Self { self.done_offset = done_offset; self } pub fn with_current_offset(mut self, current_offset: Offset) -> Self { self.current_offset = current_offset; self } fn paint_icon(&self, layout: &TextLayout, icon: Icon, offset: Offset) { let top_left = Point::new(self.area.x0, layout.bounds.y0); icon.draw( top_left + offset, Alignment2D::TOP_LEFT,,, ); } fn render_icon<'s>( &self, layout: &TextLayout, icon: Icon, offset: Offset, target: &mut impl Renderer<'s>, ) { let top_left = Point::new(self.area.x0, layout.bounds.y0); shape::ToifImage::new(top_left + offset, icon.toif) .with_fg( .render(target); } } impl Component for Checklist where T: ParagraphSource, { type Msg = Never; fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect { self.area = bounds; let para_area = bounds.inset(Insets::left(self.check_width));; self.area } fn event(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, event: Event) -> Option { self.paragraphs.event(ctx, event) } fn paint(&mut self) { self.paragraphs.paint(); let current_visible = self.current.saturating_sub(self.paragraphs.offset.par); for layout in self.paragraphs.visible.iter().take(current_visible) { self.paint_icon( &layout.layout(&self.paragraphs.source), self.icon_done, self.done_offset, ); } if let Some(layout) = self.paragraphs.visible.iter().nth(current_visible) { self.paint_icon( &layout.layout(&self.paragraphs.source), self.icon_current, self.current_offset, ); } } fn render<'s>(&'s self, target: &mut impl Renderer<'s>) { self.paragraphs.render(target); let current_visible = self.current.saturating_sub(self.paragraphs.offset.par); for layout in self.paragraphs.visible.iter().take(current_visible) { self.render_icon( &layout.layout(&self.paragraphs.source), self.icon_done, self.done_offset, target, ); } if let Some(layout) = self.paragraphs.visible.iter().nth(current_visible) { self.render_icon( &layout.layout(&self.paragraphs.source), self.icon_current, self.current_offset, target, ); } } #[cfg(feature = "ui_bounds")] fn bounds(&self, sink: &mut dyn FnMut(Rect)) { sink(self.area); self.paragraphs.bounds(sink); } } impl Paginate for Checklist where T: ParagraphSource, { fn page_count(&mut self) -> usize { 1 } fn change_page(&mut self, _to_page: usize) {} } #[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")] impl crate::trace::Trace for Checklist { fn trace(&self, t: &mut dyn crate::trace::Tracer) { t.component("Checklist");"current", self.current as i64); t.child("items", &self.paragraphs); } } pub trait VecExt { fn add(&mut self, paragraph: Paragraph) -> &mut Self; } impl VecExt for Vec, N> where T: AsRef, { fn add(&mut self, paragraph: Paragraph) -> &mut Self { if paragraph.content.as_ref().is_empty() { return self; } if self.push(paragraph).is_err() { #[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")] panic!("paragraph list is full"); } self } } impl ParagraphSource for Vec, N> { type StrType = T; fn at(&self, index: usize, offset: usize) -> Paragraph { let para = &self[index];|content| content.skip_prefix(offset)) } fn size(&self) -> usize { self.len() } } impl ParagraphSource for [Paragraph; N] { type StrType = T; fn at(&self, index: usize, offset: usize) -> Paragraph { let para = &self[index];|content| content.skip_prefix(offset)) } fn size(&self) -> usize { self.len() } } impl ParagraphSource for Paragraph { type StrType = T; fn at(&self, index: usize, offset: usize) -> Paragraph { assert_eq!(index, 0);|content| content.skip_prefix(offset)) } fn size(&self) -> usize { 1 } }