use heapless::String; use qrcodegen::{QrCode, QrCodeEcc, Version}; use crate::{ error::Error, ui::{ component::{Component, Event, EventCtx, Never}, constant, display::{pixeldata, pixeldata_dirty, rect_fill_rounded, set_window, Color}, geometry::{Insets, Offset, Rect}, shape, shape::Renderer, }, }; const NVERSIONS: usize = 10; // range of versions (=capacities) that we support const THRESHOLDS_BINARY: [usize; NVERSIONS] = [14, 26, 42, 62, 84, 106, 122, 152, 180, 213]; const THRESHOLDS_ALPHANUM: [usize; NVERSIONS] = [20, 38, 61, 90, 122, 154, 178, 221, 262, 311]; const ALPHANUMERIC_CHARSET: &str = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ $%*+-./:"; const MAX_DATA: usize = THRESHOLDS_ALPHANUM[THRESHOLDS_ALPHANUM.len() - 1]; const QR_MAX_VERSION: Version = Version::new(NVERSIONS as u8 - 1); const CORNER_RADIUS: u8 = 4; const DARK: Color = Color::rgb(0, 0, 0); const LIGHT: Color = Color::rgb(0xff, 0xff, 0xff); pub struct Qr { text: String, border: i16, area: Rect, } impl Qr { pub fn new(text: T, case_sensitive: bool) -> Result where T: AsRef, { let indata = text.as_ref(); let mut s = String::new(); if !case_sensitive && Self::is_smaller_for_alphanumeric(indata.len()) && Self::is_alphanumeric_after_conversion(indata) { for c in indata.chars() { s.push(c.to_ascii_uppercase()) .map_err(|_| Error::OutOfRange)?; } } else { s.push_str(indata).map_err(|_| Error::OutOfRange)?; } Ok(Self { text: s, border: 0, area: Rect::zero(), }) } pub fn with_border(mut self, border: i16) -> Self { self.border = border; self } fn is_alphanumeric_after_conversion(data: &str) -> bool { data.chars() .all(|c| ALPHANUMERIC_CHARSET.contains(c.to_ascii_uppercase())) } fn is_smaller_for_alphanumeric(len: usize) -> bool { for version in 0..NVERSIONS { if len <= THRESHOLDS_ALPHANUM[version] { return len > THRESHOLDS_BINARY[version]; } } false } fn draw(qr: &QrCode, area: Rect, border: i16, scale: i16) { if border > 0 { rect_fill_rounded( area.inset(Insets::uniform(-border)), LIGHT, DARK, CORNER_RADIUS, ); } let window = area.clamp(constant::screen()); set_window(window); for y in window.y0..window.y1 { for x in window.x0..window.x1 { let rx = (x - window.x0) / scale; let ry = (y - window.y0) / scale; if qr.get_module(rx.into(), ry.into()) { pixeldata(DARK); } else { pixeldata(LIGHT); }; } } pixeldata_dirty(); } } impl Component for Qr { type Msg = Never; fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect { self.area = bounds; bounds } fn event(&mut self, _ctx: &mut EventCtx, _event: Event) -> Option { None } fn paint(&mut self) { let mut outbuffer = [0u8; QR_MAX_VERSION.buffer_len()]; let mut tempbuffer = [0u8; QR_MAX_VERSION.buffer_len()]; let qr = QrCode::encode_text( self.text.as_ref(), &mut tempbuffer, &mut outbuffer, QrCodeEcc::Medium, Version::MIN, QR_MAX_VERSION, None, true, ); let qr = unwrap!(qr); let size = qr.size() as i16; let avail_space = self.area.width().min(self.area.height()); let avail_space = avail_space - 2 * self.border; let scale = avail_space / size; assert!((1..=10).contains(&scale)); let area = Rect::from_center_and_size(, Offset::uniform(size * scale)); Self::draw(&qr, area, self.border, scale); } fn render<'s>(&'s self, target: &mut impl Renderer<'s>) { let mut outbuffer = [0u8; QR_MAX_VERSION.buffer_len()]; let mut tempbuffer = [0u8; QR_MAX_VERSION.buffer_len()]; let qr = QrCode::encode_text( self.text.as_ref(), &mut tempbuffer, &mut outbuffer, QrCodeEcc::Medium, Version::MIN, QR_MAX_VERSION, None, true, ); let qr = unwrap!(qr); let scale = (self.area.width().min(self.area.height()) - self.border) / (qr.size() as i16); let side = scale * qr.size() as i16; let qr_area = Rect::from_center_and_size(, Offset::uniform(side)); if self.border > 0 { shape::Bar::new(qr_area.expand(self.border)) .with_bg(LIGHT) .with_radius(CORNER_RADIUS as i16 + 1) // !@# + 1 to fix difference on TR .render(target); } shape::QrImage::new(qr_area, &qr) .with_fg(LIGHT) .with_bg(DARK) .render(target); } #[cfg(feature = "ui_bounds")] fn bounds(&self, sink: &mut dyn FnMut(Rect)) { sink(self.area) } } #[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")] impl crate::trace::Trace for Qr { fn trace(&self, t: &mut dyn crate::trace::Tracer) { t.component("Qr"); t.string("text", self.text.as_str().into()); } }