#[cfg(feature = "micropython")] use crate::micropython::buffer::StrBuffer; use crate::ui::{ component::{ text::paragraphs::{Paragraph, ParagraphVecShort, Paragraphs, VecExt}, Component, }, display::Icon, geometry::LinearPlacement, model_tr::{ component::ResultScreen, constant, theme::{BLACK, ICON_FAIL, TEXT_BOLD, TEXT_NORMAL, WHITE}, }, }; #[cfg(not(feature = "micropython"))] // SAFETY: Actually safe but see below unsafe fn get_str(text: &str) -> &str { text } #[cfg(feature = "micropython")] // SAFETY: The caller is responsible for ensuring that the StrBuffer does not // escape the lifetime of the original &str. unsafe fn get_str(text: &str) -> StrBuffer { unsafe { StrBuffer::from_ptr_and_len(text.as_ptr(), text.len()) } } pub fn screen_fatal_error(title: &str, msg: &str, footer: &str) { // SAFETY: these will get placed into `frame` which does not outlive this // function let title = unsafe { get_str(title) }; let msg = unsafe { get_str(msg) }; let footer = unsafe { get_str(footer) }; let mut messages = ParagraphVecShort::new(); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&TEXT_BOLD, title).centered()); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&TEXT_NORMAL, msg).centered()); let m_top = Paragraphs::new(messages).with_placement(LinearPlacement::vertical().align_at_center()); let mut messages = ParagraphVecShort::new(); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&TEXT_BOLD, footer).centered()); let m_bottom = Paragraphs::new(messages).with_placement(LinearPlacement::vertical().align_at_center()); let mut frame = ResultScreen::new(WHITE, BLACK, Icon::new(ICON_FAIL), m_top, m_bottom, true); frame.place(constant::screen()); frame.paint(); }