syntax = "proto2"; package hw.trezor.messages.ethereum_eip712; // Sugar for easier handling in Java option java_package = "com.satoshilabs.trezor.lib.protobuf"; option java_outer_classname = "TrezorMessageEthereumEIP712"; // Separated from messages-ethereum.proto as it is not implemented on T1 side // and defining all the messages and fields could be even impossible as recursive // messages are used here /** * Request: Ask device to sign typed data * @start * @next EthereumTypedDataStructRequest * @next EthereumTypedDataValueRequest * @next EthereumTypedDataSignature * @next Failure */ message EthereumSignTypedData { repeated uint32 address_n = 1; // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node required string primary_type = 2; // name of the root message struct optional bool metamask_v4_compat = 3 [default=true]; // use MetaMask v4 (see } /** * Response: Device asks for type information about a struct. * @next EthereumTypedDataStructAck */ message EthereumTypedDataStructRequest { required string name = 1; // name of the requested struct } /** * Request: Type information about a struct. * @next EthereumTypedDataStructRequest */ message EthereumTypedDataStructAck { repeated EthereumStructMember members = 1; message EthereumStructMember { required EthereumFieldType type = 1; required string name = 2; } message EthereumFieldType { required EthereumDataType data_type = 1; optional uint32 size = 2; // for integer types: size in bytes (uint8 has size 1, uint256 has size 32) // for bytes types: size in bytes, or unset for dynamic // for arrays: size in elements, or unset for dynamic // for structs: number of members // for string, bool and address: unset optional EthereumFieldType entry_type = 3; // for array types, type of single entry optional string struct_name = 4; // for structs: its name } enum EthereumDataType { UINT = 1; INT = 2; BYTES = 3; STRING = 4; BOOL = 5; ADDRESS = 6; ARRAY = 7; STRUCT = 8; } } /** * Response: Device asks for data at the specific member path. * @next EthereumTypedDataValueAck */ message EthereumTypedDataValueRequest { repeated uint32 member_path = 1; // member path requested by device } /** * Request: Single value of a specific atomic field. * @next EthereumTypedDataValueRequest */ message EthereumTypedDataValueAck { required bytes value = 1; // * atomic types: value of the member. // Length must match the `size` of the corresponding field type, unless the size is dynamic. // * array types: number of elements, encoded as uint16. // * struct types: undefined, Trezor will not query a struct field. } /** * Response: Signed typed data * @end */ message EthereumTypedDataSignature { required bytes signature = 1; // signature of the typed data required string address = 2; // address used to sign the typed data }