use crate::ui::{ component::{Component, Event, EventCtx, Paginate}, flow::base::{Swipable, SwipeDirection}, geometry::{Axis, Rect}, shape::Renderer, }; /// Allows any implementor of `Paginate` to be part of `Swipable` UI flow. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct SwipePage { inner: T, axis: Axis, pages: usize, current: usize, } impl SwipePage { pub fn vertical(inner: T) -> Self { Self { inner, axis: Axis::Vertical, pages: 1, current: 0, } } } impl Component for SwipePage { type Msg = T::Msg; fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect { let result =; self.pages = self.inner.page_count(); result } fn event(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, event: Event) -> Option { let msg = self.inner.event(ctx, event); msg } fn paint(&mut self) { self.inner.paint() } fn render<'s>(&'s self, target: &mut impl Renderer<'s>) { self.inner.render(target) } } impl Swipable for SwipePage { fn can_swipe(&self, direction: SwipeDirection) -> bool { match (self.axis, direction) { (Axis::Horizontal, SwipeDirection::Up | SwipeDirection::Down) => false, (Axis::Vertical, SwipeDirection::Left | SwipeDirection::Right) => false, (_, SwipeDirection::Left | SwipeDirection::Up) => self.current + 1 < self.pages, (_, SwipeDirection::Right | SwipeDirection::Down) => self.current > 0, } } fn swiped(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, direction: SwipeDirection) { match (self.axis, direction) { (Axis::Horizontal, SwipeDirection::Up | SwipeDirection::Down) => return, (Axis::Vertical, SwipeDirection::Left | SwipeDirection::Right) => return, (_, SwipeDirection::Left | SwipeDirection::Up) => { self.current = (self.current + 1).min(self.pages - 1); } (_, SwipeDirection::Right | SwipeDirection::Down) => { self.current = self.current.saturating_sub(1); } } self.inner.change_page(self.current); ctx.request_paint(); } } #[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")] impl crate::trace::Trace for SwipePage where T: crate::trace::Trace, { fn trace(&self, t: &mut dyn crate::trace::Tracer) { self.inner.trace(t) } } /// Make any component swipable by ignoring all swipe events. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct IgnoreSwipe(T); impl IgnoreSwipe { pub fn new(inner: T) -> Self { IgnoreSwipe(inner) } } impl Component for IgnoreSwipe { type Msg = T::Msg; fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect { } fn event(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, event: Event) -> Option { self.0.event(ctx, event) } fn paint(&mut self) { self.0.paint() } fn render<'s>(&'s self, target: &mut impl Renderer<'s>) { self.0.render(target) } } impl Swipable for IgnoreSwipe { fn can_swipe(&self, _direction: SwipeDirection) -> bool { false } fn swiped(&mut self, _ctx: &mut EventCtx, _direction: SwipeDirection) {} } #[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")] impl crate::trace::Trace for IgnoreSwipe where T: crate::trace::Trace, { fn trace(&self, t: &mut dyn crate::trace::Tracer) { self.0.trace(t) } }