#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Compares the current firmware build with a master one and prints the differences. Fails if the current changes are increasing the size by a lot. Also generates a thorough report of the current state of the binary with all the functions and their definitions. """ from __future__ import annotations import atexit import shutil import sys from io import BytesIO from pathlib import Path from zipfile import ZipFile import requests import click from binsize import BinarySize, get_sections_sizes, show_binaries_diff, set_root_dir HERE = Path(__file__).parent CORE_DIR = HERE.parent.parent FIRMWARE_ELF = CORE_DIR / "build/firmware/firmware.elf" MAX_KB_ADDITION_TO_SUCCEED = 5 def download_and_get_latest_master_firmware_elf() -> Path: url = "https://gitlab.com/satoshilabs/trezor/trezor-firmware/-/jobs/artifacts/master/download?job=core%20fw%20regular%20build" req = requests.get(url) tmp_dir = HERE / "tmp_for_master_elf" zip_file = ZipFile(BytesIO(req.content)) zip_file.extractall(tmp_dir) atexit.register(lambda: shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)) return tmp_dir / "firmware.elf" def generate_report_file(fw_location: str, report_file: str | Path) -> None: BinarySize().load_file( fw_location, sections=(".flash", ".flash2") ).add_basic_info().aggregate().sort(lambda row: row.size, reverse=True).show( report_file ) @click.command() @click.argument("fw_location", required=False, default=FIRMWARE_ELF) @click.option("-r", "--report-file", help="Report file") def compare_master(fw_location: str, report_file: str | None) -> None: print(f"Analyzing {fw_location}") set_root_dir(str(CORE_DIR)) if report_file: print(f"Generating report file under {report_file}") generate_report_file(fw_location, report_file) sections = (".flash", ".flash2") master_bin = download_and_get_latest_master_firmware_elf() if not master_bin.exists(): print("Master firmware not found") sys.exit(1) show_binaries_diff(old=master_bin, new=fw_location, sections=sections) curr = get_sections_sizes(fw_location, sections) curr_flash = curr[".flash"] // 1024 curr_flash_2 = curr[".flash2"] // 1024 master = get_sections_sizes(master_bin, sections) master_flash = master[".flash"] // 1024 master_flash_2 = master[".flash2"] // 1024 print() print(f"Current: flash={curr_flash}K flash2={curr_flash_2}K") print(f"Master: flash={master_flash}K flash2={master_flash_2}K") size_diff = (curr_flash + curr_flash_2) - (master_flash + master_flash_2) print(f"Size_diff: {size_diff} K") if size_diff > MAX_KB_ADDITION_TO_SUCCEED: print(f"Size of flash sections increased by {size_diff} K.") print(f"More than allowed {MAX_KB_ADDITION_TO_SUCCEED} K. Failing.") sys.exit(1) else: sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": compare_master()