from ustruct import pack, unpack from trezor import ui, wire from trezor.crypto.hashlib import sha256 from trezor.messages import ECDHSessionKey from trezor.ui.layouts import confirm_hex from apps.common import HARDENED from apps.common.keychain import get_keychain from apps.common.paths import AlwaysMatchingSchema from .sign_identity import serialize_identity, serialize_identity_without_proto if False: from trezor.messages import GetECDHSessionKey, IdentityType from apps.common.paths import Bip32Path # This module implements the SLIP-0017 Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman algorithm, using a # deterministic hierarchy, see async def get_ecdh_session_key( ctx: wire.Context, msg: GetECDHSessionKey ) -> ECDHSessionKey: if msg.ecdsa_curve_name is None: msg.ecdsa_curve_name = "secp256k1" keychain = await get_keychain(ctx, msg.ecdsa_curve_name, [AlwaysMatchingSchema]) identity = serialize_identity(msg.identity) await require_confirm_ecdh_session_key(ctx, msg.identity) address_n = get_ecdh_path(identity, msg.identity.index or 0) node = keychain.derive(address_n) session_key = ecdh( seckey=node.private_key(), peer_public_key=msg.peer_public_key, curve=msg.ecdsa_curve_name, ) return ECDHSessionKey(session_key=session_key, public_key=node.public_key()) async def require_confirm_ecdh_session_key( ctx: wire.Context, identity: IdentityType ) -> None: proto = identity.proto.upper() if identity.proto else "identity" await confirm_hex( ctx, "ecdh_session_key", "Decrypt %s" % proto, serialize_identity_without_proto(identity), icon=ui.ICON_DEFAULT, icon_color=ui.ORANGE_ICON, truncate=True, # uri without protocol, probably should show entire ) def get_ecdh_path(identity: str, index: int) -> Bip32Path: identity_hash = sha256(pack(" bytes: if curve == "secp256k1": from trezor.crypto.curve import secp256k1 session_key = secp256k1.multiply(seckey, peer_public_key) elif curve == "nist256p1": from trezor.crypto.curve import nist256p1 session_key = nist256p1.multiply(seckey, peer_public_key) elif curve == "curve25519": from trezor.crypto.curve import curve25519 if peer_public_key[0] != 0x40: raise wire.DataError("Curve25519 public key should start with 0x40") session_key = b"\x04" + curve25519.multiply(seckey, peer_public_key[1:]) else: raise wire.DataError("Unsupported curve for ECDH: " + curve) return session_key