from trezor import io, loop, res, ui, workflow from trezor.crypto import slip39 from trezor.ui import display from import ( Button, ButtonClear, ButtonMono, ButtonMonoConfirm, ) if False: from typing import Optional, Tuple from import ButtonContent, ButtonStyleStateType class KeyButton(Button): def __init__( self, area: ui.Area, content: ButtonContent, keyboard: "Slip39Keyboard", index: int, ): self.keyboard = keyboard self.index = index super().__init__(area, content) def on_click(self) -> None: self.keyboard.on_key_click(self) class InputButton(Button): def __init__(self, area: ui.Area, keyboard: "Slip39Keyboard") -> None: super().__init__(area, "") self.word = "" self.pending_button: Optional[Button] = None self.pending_index: Optional[int] = None self.keyboard = keyboard self.disable() def edit( self, text: str, word: str, pending_button: Optional[Button], pending_index: Optional[int], ) -> None: self.word = word self.text = text self.pending_button = pending_button self.pending_index = pending_index self.repaint = True if word: # confirm button self.enable() self.normal_style = ButtonMonoConfirm.normal self.active_style = self.icon = res.load(ui.ICON_CONFIRM) else: # disabled button self.disabled_style = ButtonMono.disabled self.disable() self.icon = b"" def render_content( self, s: ButtonStyleStateType, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int ) -> None: text_style = s.text_style fg_color = s.fg_color bg_color = s.bg_color tx = ax + 16 # x-offset of the content ty = ay + ah // 2 + 8 # y-offset of the content if not self.keyboard.is_input_final(): pending_button = self.pending_button pending_index = self.pending_index to_display = len(self.text) * "*" if pending_button and pending_index is not None: to_display = to_display[:-1] + pending_button.text[pending_index] else: to_display = self.word display.text(tx, ty, to_display, text_style, fg_color, bg_color) if self.pending_button and not self.keyboard.is_input_final(): width = display.text_width(to_display, text_style) pw = display.text_width(self.text[-1:], text_style) px = tx + width - pw, ty + 2, pw + 1, 3, fg_color) if self.icon: ix = ax + aw - 16 * 2 iy = ty - 16 display.icon(ix, iy, self.icon, fg_color, bg_color) class Prompt(ui.Component): def __init__(self, prompt: str) -> None: super().__init__() self.prompt = prompt def on_render(self) -> None: if self.repaint:, 8, ui.WIDTH, 60, ui.BG) display.text(20, 40, self.prompt, ui.BOLD, ui.GREY, ui.BG) self.repaint = False class Slip39Keyboard(ui.Layout): def __init__(self, prompt: str) -> None: super().__init__() self.prompt = Prompt(prompt) icon_back = res.load(ui.ICON_BACK) self.back = Button(ui.grid(0, n_x=3, n_y=4), icon_back, ButtonClear) self.back.on_click = self.on_back_click # type: ignore self.input = InputButton(ui.grid(1, n_x=3, n_y=4, cells_x=2), self) self.input.on_click = self.on_input_click # type: ignore self.keys = [ KeyButton(ui.grid(i + 3, n_y=4), k, self, i + 1) for i, k in enumerate( ("ab", "cd", "ef", "ghij", "klm", "nopq", "rs", "tuv", "wxyz") ) ] self.pending_button: Optional[Button] = None self.pending_index = 0 self.button_sequence = "" self.mask = slip39.KEYBOARD_FULL_MASK def dispatch(self, event: int, x: int, y: int) -> None: for btn in self.keys: btn.dispatch(event, x, y) if self.input.text: self.input.dispatch(event, x, y) self.back.dispatch(event, x, y) else: self.prompt.dispatch(event, x, y) def on_back_click(self) -> None: # Backspace was clicked, let's delete the last character of input. self.button_sequence = self.button_sequence[:-1] self.edit() def on_input_click(self) -> None: # Input button was clicked. If the content matches the suggested word, # let's confirm it, otherwise just auto-complete. result = self.input.word if self.is_input_final(): self.button_sequence = "" self.edit() self.on_confirm(result) def on_key_click(self, btn: KeyButton) -> None: # Key button was clicked. If this button is pending, let's cycle the # pending character in input. If not, let's just append the first # character. if self.pending_button is btn: index = (self.pending_index + 1) % len(btn.text) else: index = 0 self.button_sequence += str(btn.index) self.edit(btn, index) def on_timeout(self) -> None: # Timeout occurred. Let's redraw to draw asterisks. self.edit() def on_confirm(self, word: str) -> None: # Word was confirmed by the user. raise ui.Result(word) def edit(self, button: Optional[Button] = None, index: int = 0) -> None: self.pending_button = button self.pending_index = index # find the completions word = "" self.mask = slip39.word_completion_mask(self.button_sequence) if self.is_input_final(): word = slip39.button_sequence_to_word(self.button_sequence) # modify the input state self.input.edit( self.button_sequence, word, self.pending_button, self.pending_index ) # enable or disable key buttons for btn in self.keys: if self.is_input_final(): btn.disable() elif btn is button or self.check_mask(btn.index): btn.enable() else: btn.disable() # invalidate the prompt if we display it next frame if not self.input.text: self.prompt.repaint = True def is_input_final(self) -> bool: # returns True if mask has exactly one bit set to 1 or is 0 return not (self.mask & (self.mask - 1)) def check_mask(self, index: int) -> bool: return bool((1 << (index - 1)) & self.mask) async def handle_input(self) -> None: touch = loop.wait(io.TOUCH) timeout = loop.sleep(1000) race_touch = loop.race(touch) race_timeout = loop.race(touch, timeout) while True: if self.pending_button is not None: race = race_timeout else: race = race_touch result = await race if touch in race.finished: event, x, y = result workflow.idle_timer.touch() self.dispatch(event, x, y) else: self.on_timeout() if __debug__: def create_tasks(self) -> Tuple[loop.Task, ...]: from apps.debug import input_signal return super().create_tasks() + (input_signal(),)