from trezor import ui from .button import Button from .num_input import NumInput from .text import Text if False: from trezor import loop from typing import Callable, NoReturn, Sequence if __debug__: from apps import debug class Slip39NumInput(ui.Component): SET_SHARES = object() SET_THRESHOLD = object() SET_GROUPS = object() SET_GROUP_THRESHOLD = object() def __init__( self, step: object, count: int, min_count: int, max_count: int, group_id: int | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.step = step self.input = NumInput(count, min_count=min_count, max_count=max_count) self.input.on_change = self.on_change # type: ignore self.group_id = group_id def dispatch(self, event: int, x: int, y: int) -> None: self.input.dispatch(event, x, y) if event is ui.RENDER: self.on_render() def on_render(self) -> None: if self.repaint: count = self.input.count # render the headline if self.step is Slip39NumInput.SET_SHARES: header = "Set num. of shares" elif self.step is Slip39NumInput.SET_THRESHOLD: header = "Set threshold" elif self.step is Slip39NumInput.SET_GROUPS: header = "Set num. of groups" elif self.step is Slip39NumInput.SET_GROUP_THRESHOLD: header = "Set group threshold" ui.header(header, ui.ICON_RESET, ui.TITLE_GREY, ui.BG, ui.ORANGE_ICON) # render the counter if self.step is Slip39NumInput.SET_SHARES: if self.group_id is None: if count == 1: first_line_text = "Only one share will" second_line_text = "be created." else: first_line_text = f"{count} people or locations" second_line_text = "will each hold one share." else: first_line_text = "Set the total number of" second_line_text = f"shares in Group {self.group_id + 1}.", 110, ui.WIDTH, 52, ui.BG) ui.display.text(12, 130, first_line_text, ui.NORMAL, ui.FG, ui.BG) ui.display.text(12, 156, second_line_text, ui.NORMAL, ui.FG, ui.BG) elif self.step is Slip39NumInput.SET_THRESHOLD: if self.group_id is None: first_line_text = "For recovery you need" if count == 1: second_line_text = "1 share." elif count == self.input.max_count: second_line_text = f"all {count} of the shares." else: second_line_text = f"any {count} of the shares." else: first_line_text = "The required number of " second_line_text = f"shares to form Group {self.group_id + 1}.", 110, ui.WIDTH, 52, ui.BG) ui.display.text(12, 130, first_line_text, ui.NORMAL, ui.FG, ui.BG) ui.display.text(12, 156, second_line_text, ui.NORMAL, ui.FG, ui.BG) elif self.step is Slip39NumInput.SET_GROUPS:, 110, ui.WIDTH, 52, ui.BG) ui.display.text( 12, 130, "A group is made up of", ui.NORMAL, ui.FG, ui.BG ) ui.display.text(12, 156, "recovery shares.", ui.NORMAL, ui.FG, ui.BG) elif self.step is Slip39NumInput.SET_GROUP_THRESHOLD:, 110, ui.WIDTH, 52, ui.BG) ui.display.text( 12, 130, "The required number of", ui.NORMAL, ui.FG, ui.BG ) ui.display.text( 12, 156, "groups for recovery.", ui.NORMAL, ui.FG, ui.BG ) self.repaint = False def on_change(self, count: int) -> None: self.repaint = True class MnemonicWordSelect(ui.Layout): NUM_OF_CHOICES = 3 def __init__( self, words: Sequence[str], share_index: int | None, word_index: int, count: int, group_index: int | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.words = words self.share_index = share_index self.word_index = word_index self.buttons = [] for i, word in enumerate(words): area = ui.grid(i + 2, n_x=1) btn = Button(area, word) btn.on_click = # type: ignore self.buttons.append(btn) if share_index is None: self.text: ui.Component = Text("Check seed") elif group_index is None: self.text = Text(f"Check share #{share_index + 1}") else: self.text = Text(f"Check G{group_index + 1} - Share {share_index + 1}") self.text.normal(f"Select word {word_index + 1} of {count}:") def dispatch(self, event: int, x: int, y: int) -> None: for btn in self.buttons: btn.dispatch(event, x, y) self.text.dispatch(event, x, y) def select(self, word: str) -> Callable: def fn() -> NoReturn: raise ui.Result(word) return fn if __debug__: def read_content(self) -> list[str]: return self.text.read_content() + [b.text for b in self.buttons] def create_tasks(self) -> tuple[loop.Task, ...]: return super().create_tasks() + (debug.input_signal(),)