#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import glob import re from hashlib import sha256 from binascii import unhexlify import ed25519 from PIL import Image from trezorlib.protobuf import dump_message from coindef import CoinDef def check_type(val, types, nullable=False, empty=False, regex=None, choice=None): # check nullable if nullable and val is None: return True # check empty try: if not empty and len(val) == 0: return False except TypeError: pass # check regex if regex is not None: if types is not str: return False m = re.match(regex, val) if not m: return False # check choice if choice is not None: if val not in choice: return False # check type if isinstance(types, list): return True in [isinstance(val, t) for t in types] else: return isinstance(val, types) def validate_coin(coin): assert check_type(coin['coin_name'], str, regex=r'^[A-Z]') assert check_type(coin['coin_shortcut'], str, regex=r'^[A-Zt][A-Z][A-Z]+$') assert check_type(coin['coin_label'], str, regex=r'^[A-Z]') assert check_type(coin['website'], str, regex=r'^http.*[^/]$') assert check_type(coin['github'], str, regex=r'^https://github.com/.*[^/]$') assert check_type(coin['maintainer'], str) assert check_type(coin['curve_name'], str, choice=['secp256k1', 'secp256k1_decred', 'secp256k1_groestl']) assert check_type(coin['address_type'], int) assert check_type(coin['address_type_p2sh'], int) assert coin['address_type'] != coin['address_type_p2sh'] assert check_type(coin['maxfee_kb'], int) assert check_type(coin['minfee_kb'], int) assert coin['maxfee_kb'] >= coin['minfee_kb'] assert check_type(coin['hash_genesis_block'], str, regex=r'^[0-9a-f]{64}$') assert check_type(coin['xprv_magic'], int) assert check_type(coin['xpub_magic'], int) assert check_type(coin['xpub_magic_segwit_p2sh'], int, nullable=True) assert check_type(coin['xpub_magic_segwit_native'], int, nullable=True) assert coin['xprv_magic'] != coin['xpub_magic'] assert coin['xprv_magic'] != coin['xpub_magic_segwit_p2sh'] assert coin['xprv_magic'] != coin['xpub_magic_segwit_native'] assert coin['xpub_magic'] != coin['xpub_magic_segwit_p2sh'] assert coin['xpub_magic'] != coin['xpub_magic_segwit_native'] assert coin['xpub_magic_segwit_p2sh'] is None or coin['xpub_magic_segwit_native'] is None or coin['xpub_magic_segwit_p2sh'] != coin['xpub_magic_segwit_native'] assert check_type(coin['slip44'], int) assert check_type(coin['segwit'], bool) assert check_type(coin['decred'], bool) assert check_type(coin['forkid'], int, nullable=True) assert check_type(coin['force_bip143'], bool) assert check_type(coin['default_fee_b'], dict) assert check_type(coin['dust_limit'], int) assert check_type(coin['blocktime_seconds'], int) assert check_type(coin['signed_message_header'], str) assert check_type(coin['address_prefix'], str, regex=r'^.*:$') assert check_type(coin['min_address_length'], int) assert check_type(coin['max_address_length'], int) assert coin['max_address_length'] >= coin['min_address_length'] assert check_type(coin['bech32_prefix'], str, nullable=True) assert check_type(coin['cashaddr_prefix'], str, nullable=True) assert check_type(coin['bitcore'], list, empty=True) for bc in coin['bitcore']: assert not bc.endswith('/') def validate_icon(icon): assert icon.size == (96, 96) assert icon.mode == 'RGBA' class Writer: def __init__(self): self.buf = bytearray() def write(self, buf): self.buf.extend(buf) def serialize(coin, icon): c = dict(coin) c['signed_message_header'] = c['signed_message_header'].encode() c['hash_genesis_block'] = unhexlify(c['hash_genesis_block']) c['icon'] = icon msg = CoinDef(**c) w = Writer() dump_message(w, msg) return bytes(w.buf) def sign(data): h = sha256(data).digest() sign_key = ed25519.SigningKey(b'A' * 32) return sign_key.sign(h) # conversion copied from trezor-core/tools/png2toi # TODO: extract into common module in python-trezor def convert_icon(icon): import struct import zlib w, h = 32, 32 icon = icon.resize((w, h), Image.LANCZOS) # remove alpha channel, replace with black bg = Image.new('RGBA', icon.size, (0, 0, 0, 255)) icon = Image.alpha_composite(bg, icon) # process pixels pix = icon.load() data = bytes() for j in range(h): for i in range(w): r, g, b, _ = pix[i, j] c = ((r & 0xF8) << 8) | ((g & 0xFC) << 3) | ((b & 0xF8) >> 3) data += struct.pack('>H', c) z = zlib.compressobj(level=9, wbits=10) zdata = z.compress(data) + z.flush() zdata = zdata[2:-4] # strip header and checksum return zdata def process_json(fn): print(fn, end=' ... ') j = json.load(open(fn)) i = Image.open(fn.replace('.json', '.png')) validate_coin(j) validate_icon(i) ser = serialize(j, convert_icon(i)) sig = sign(ser) definition = (sig + ser).hex() print('OK') return j, definition coins = {} defs = {} for fn in glob.glob('../*.json'): c, d = process_json(fn) n = c['coin_name'] coins[n] = c defs[n] = d json.dump(coins, open('../../coins.json', 'w'), indent=4, sort_keys=True) json.dump(defs, open('../../coindefs.json', 'w'), indent=4, sort_keys=True)