#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import click from trezorlib import firmware from trezorlib._internal import firmware_headers @click.command() @click.argument("filename", type=click.File("rb")) @click.option("-o", "--output", type=click.File("w"), default="-") def firmware_fingerprint(filename, output): """Display fingerprint of a firmware file.""" data = filename.read() try: version, fw = firmware.parse(data) # Unsigned production builds for Trezor T do not have valid code hashes. # Use the internal module which recomputes them first. if version == firmware.FirmwareFormat.TREZOR_T: fingerprint = firmware_headers.FirmwareImage(fw).digest() else: fingerprint = firmware.digest(version, fw) except Exception as e: click.echo(e, err=True) sys.exit(2) click.echo(fingerprint.hex(), file=output) if __name__ == "__main__": firmware_fingerprint()