#!/usr/bin/env python3 # This file is part of the Trezor project. # # Copyright (C) 2012-2019 SatoshiLabs and contributors # # This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the License along with this library. # If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html>. import json import click import decimal import requests from trezorlib import btc, messages, tools from trezorlib.cli import ChoiceType from trezorlib.cli.btc import INPUT_SCRIPTS, OUTPUT_SCRIPTS from trezorlib.protobuf import to_dict SESSION = requests.Session() SESSION.headers.update({"User-Agent": "trezorlib"}) # the following script type mapping is only valid for single-sig Trezor-generated utxos BITCOIN_CORE_INPUT_TYPES = { "pubkeyhash": messages.InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS, "scripthash": messages.InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS, "witness_v0_keyhash": messages.InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS, "witness_v1_taproot": messages.InputScriptType.SPENDTAPROOT, } def echo(*args, **kwargs): return click.echo(*args, err=True, **kwargs) def prompt(*args, **kwargs): return click.prompt(*args, err=True, **kwargs) def _default_script_type(address_n, script_types): script_type = "address" if address_n is None: pass elif address_n[0] == tools.H_(49): script_type = "p2shsegwit" elif address_n[0] == tools.H_(84): script_type = "segwit" return script_type # return script_types[script_type] def parse_vin(s): txid, vout = s.split(":") return bytes.fromhex(txid), int(vout) def _get_inputs_interactive(blockbook_url): inputs = [] txes = {} while True: echo() prev = prompt( "Previous output to spend (txid:vout)", type=parse_vin, default="" ) if not prev: break prev_hash, prev_index = prev txhash = prev_hash.hex() tx_url = blockbook_url + txhash r = SESSION.get(tx_url) if not r.ok: raise click.ClickException(f"Failed to fetch URL: {tx_url}") tx_json = r.json(parse_float=decimal.Decimal) if "error" in tx_json: raise click.ClickException(f"Transaction not found: {txhash}") tx = btc.from_json(tx_json) txes[txhash] = tx try: from_address = tx_json["vout"][prev_index]["scriptPubKey"]["address"] echo(f"From address: {from_address}") except Exception: pass amount = tx.bin_outputs[prev_index].amount echo(f"Input amount: {amount}") address_n = prompt("BIP-32 path to derive the key", type=tools.parse_path) reported_type = tx_json["vout"][prev_index]["scriptPubKey"].get("type") if reported_type in BITCOIN_CORE_INPUT_TYPES: script_type = BITCOIN_CORE_INPUT_TYPES[reported_type] click.echo(f"Script type: {script_type.name}") else: script_type = prompt( "Input type", type=ChoiceType(INPUT_SCRIPTS), default=_default_script_type(address_n, INPUT_SCRIPTS), ) if isinstance(script_type, str): script_type = INPUT_SCRIPTS[script_type] sequence = prompt( "Sequence Number to use (RBF opt-in enabled by default)", type=int, default=0xFFFFFFFD, ) new_input = messages.TxInputType( address_n=address_n, prev_hash=prev_hash, prev_index=prev_index, amount=amount, script_type=script_type, sequence=sequence, ) inputs.append(new_input) return inputs, txes def _get_outputs_interactive(): outputs = [] while True: echo() address = prompt("Output address (for non-change output)", default="") if address: address_n = None script_type = messages.OutputScriptType.PAYTOADDRESS else: address = None address_n = prompt( "BIP-32 path (for change output)", type=tools.parse_path, default="" ) if not address_n: break script_type = prompt( "Output type", type=ChoiceType(OUTPUT_SCRIPTS), default=_default_script_type(address_n, OUTPUT_SCRIPTS), ) if isinstance(script_type, str): script_type = OUTPUT_SCRIPTS[script_type] amount = prompt("Amount to spend (satoshis)", type=int) outputs.append( messages.TxOutputType( address_n=address_n, address=address, amount=amount, script_type=script_type, ) ) return outputs @click.command() def sign_interactive(): coin = prompt("Coin name", default="Bitcoin") blockbook_host = prompt("Blockbook server", default="btc1.trezor.io") if not SESSION.get(f"https://{blockbook_host}/api/block/1").ok: raise click.ClickException("Could not connect to blockbook") blockbook_url = f"https://{blockbook_host}/api/tx-specific/" inputs, txes = _get_inputs_interactive(blockbook_url) outputs = _get_outputs_interactive() version = prompt("Transaction version", type=int, default=2) lock_time = prompt("Transaction locktime", type=int, default=0) result = { "coin_name": coin, "inputs": [to_dict(i, hexlify_bytes=True) for i in inputs], "outputs": [to_dict(o, hexlify_bytes=True) for o in outputs], "details": { "version": version, "lock_time": lock_time, }, "prev_txes": { txhash: to_dict(txdata, hexlify_bytes=True) for txhash, txdata in txes.items() }, } print(json.dumps(result, sort_keys=True, indent=2)) if __name__ == "__main__": sign_interactive()