from typing import * BLOCK_SIZE: int # size of SD card block # extmod/modtrezorio/modtrezorio-sdcard.h def is_present() -> bool: """ Returns True if SD card is detected, False otherwise. """ # extmod/modtrezorio/modtrezorio-sdcard.h def power_on() -> None: """ Power on the SD card interface. Raises OSError if the SD card cannot be powered on, e.g., when there is no SD card inserted. """ # extmod/modtrezorio/modtrezorio-sdcard.h def power_off() -> None: """ Power off the SD card interface. """ # extmod/modtrezorio/modtrezorio-sdcard.h def capacity() -> int: """ Returns capacity of the SD card in bytes, or zero if not present. """ # extmod/modtrezorio/modtrezorio-sdcard.h def read(block_num: int, buf: bytearray) -> None: """ Reads blocks starting with block_num from the SD card into buf. Number of bytes read is length of buf rounded down to multiply of SDCARD_BLOCK_SIZE. Returns True if in case of success, False otherwise. """ # extmod/modtrezorio/modtrezorio-sdcard.h def write(block_num: int, buf: bytes) -> None: """ Writes blocks starting with block_num from buf to the SD card. Number of bytes written is length of buf rounded down to multiply of SDCARD_BLOCK_SIZE. Returns True if in case of success, False otherwise. """