from typing import * # extmod/modtrezorcrypto/modtrezorcrypto-random.h def uniform(n: int) -> int: """ Compute uniform random number from interval 0 ... n - 1. """ import builtins # extmod/modtrezorcrypto/modtrezorcrypto-random.h def bytes(len: int, strong: bool = False) -> builtins.bytes: """ Generate random bytes sequence of length len. If `strong` is set then maximum sources of entropy are used. """ # extmod/modtrezorcrypto/modtrezorcrypto-random.h def shuffle(data: list) -> None: """ Shuffles items of given list (in-place). """ # extmod/modtrezorcrypto/modtrezorcrypto-random.h def reseed(value: int) -> None: """ Re-seed the RNG with given value. """