import trezorio as io import trezorui as ui import utime usb_vcp = io.VCP( iface_num=0x00, data_iface_num=0x01, ep_in=0x81, ep_out=0x01, ep_cmd=0x82, ) usb = io.USB( vendor_id=0x1209, product_id=0x53C1, release_num=0x0200, manufacturer="SatoshiLabs", product="TREZOR", serial_number="000000000000000000000000", usb21_landing=False, ) usb.add(usb_vcp) d = ui.Display() otp = io.FlashOTP() sd = io.SDCard() sbu = io.SBU() def test_display(colors): d.clear() m = { "R": 0xF800, "G": 0x07E0, "B": 0x001F, "W": 0xFFFF, } w = 240 // len(colors) for i, c in enumerate(colors): c = m.get(c, 0x0000) * w, 0, i * w + w, 240, c) d.refresh() print("OK") def test_touch(v): d.clear() c, t = int(v[0]), int(v[1]) deadline = utime.ticks_add(utime.ticks_us(), t * 1000000) if c == 1:, 0, 120, 120, 0xFFFF) elif c == 2:, 0, 120, 120, 0xFFFF) elif c == 3:, 120, 120, 120, 0xFFFF) else:, 120, 120, 120, 0xFFFF) d.refresh() r = [0, 0] # flush all events while io.poll([io.TOUCH], r, 10000): pass # wait for event touch = False while True: if not touch: if ( io.poll([io.TOUCH], r, 10000) and r[0] == io.TOUCH and r[1][0] == io.TOUCH_START ): touch = True else: if ( io.poll([io.TOUCH], r, 10000) and r[0] == io.TOUCH and r[1][0] == io.TOUCH_END ): print(f"OK {r[1][1]} {r[1][2]}") break if utime.ticks_us() > deadline: print("ERROR TIMEOUT") break # flush all events while io.poll([io.TOUCH], r, 10000): pass d.clear() d.refresh() def test_pwm(v): d.backlight(int(v)) d.refresh() print("OK") def test_sd(): if sd.present(): sd.power(True) buf1 = bytearray(8 * 1024) try:, buf1) except OSError: print("ERROR READING DATA") sd.power(False) return try: sd.write(0, buf1) except OSError: print("ERROR WRITING DATA") sd.power(False) return buf2 = bytearray(8 * 1024) try:, buf2) except OSError: print("ERROR READING DATA") sd.power(False) return if buf1 == buf2: print("OK") else: print("ERROR DATA MISMATCH") sd.power(False) else: print("ERROR NOCARD") def test_sbu(v): sbu1 = v[0] == "1" sbu2 = v[1] == "1" sbu.set(sbu1, sbu2) print("OK") def test_otp_read(): data = bytearray(32), 0, data) data = bytes(data).rstrip(b"\x00\xff").decode() print("OK", data) def test_otp_write(v): if len(v) < 32: v = v + "\x00" * (32 - len(v)) data = v[:32].encode() otp.write(0, 0, data) otp.lock(0) print("OK") d.clear() while True: try: line = input() if line == "PING": print("OK") elif line.startswith("DISP "): test_display(line[5:]) elif line.startswith("TOUCH "): test_touch(line[6:]) elif line.startswith("PWM "): test_pwm(line[4:]) elif line == "SD": test_sd() elif line.startswith("SBU "): test_sbu(line[4:]) elif line.startswith("OTP READ"): test_otp_read() elif line.startswith("OTP WRITE "): test_otp_write(line[10:]) else: print("UNKNOWN") except Exception as ex: print("ERROR", ex)