from typing import * # extmod/modtrezorcrypto/modtrezorcrypto-bip39.h def complete_word(prefix: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Return the first word from the wordlist starting with prefix. """ # extmod/modtrezorcrypto/modtrezorcrypto-bip39.h def word_completion_mask(prefix: str) -> int: """ Return possible 1-letter suffixes for given word prefix. Result is a bitmask, with 'a' on the lowest bit, 'b' on the second lowest, etc. """ # extmod/modtrezorcrypto/modtrezorcrypto-bip39.h def generate(strength: int) -> str: """ Generate a mnemonic of given strength (128, 160, 192, 224 and 256 bits). """ # extmod/modtrezorcrypto/modtrezorcrypto-bip39.h def from_data(data: bytes) -> str: """ Generate a mnemonic from given data (of 16, 20, 24, 28 and 32 bytes). """ # extmod/modtrezorcrypto/modtrezorcrypto-bip39.h def check(mnemonic: str) -> bool: """ Check whether given mnemonic is valid. """ # extmod/modtrezorcrypto/modtrezorcrypto-bip39.h def seed( mnemonic: str, passphrase: str, callback: Callable[[int, int], None] = None, ) -> bytes: """ Generate seed from mnemonic and passphrase. """