image: # Releases release core fw regular deploy: stage: deploy variables: DEPLOY_DIRECTORY: "releases/firmwares" before_script: [] # no poetry needs: - core fw regular build script: - export VERSION=$(./tools/ core/embed/firmware/version.h) - export NAME="trezor-fw-regular-$VERSION-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA.bin" - echo "Deploying to ${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}/$NAME" - mkdir -p "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}/${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}" - rsync --delete -va $NAME "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}/${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}/$NAME" only: - /^core\// except: - branches # run for tags only tags: - deploy release core fw btconly deploy: stage: deploy variables: DEPLOY_DIRECTORY: "releases/firmwares" before_script: [] # no poetry needs: - core fw btconly build script: - export VERSION=$(./tools/ core/embed/firmware/version.h) - export NAME="trezor-fw-btconly-$VERSION-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA.bin" - echo "Deploying to ${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}/$NAME" - mkdir -p "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}/${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}" - rsync --delete -va $NAME "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}/${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}/$NAME" only: - /^core\// except: - branches # run for tags only tags: - deploy release core fw regular debug deploy: stage: deploy variables: DEPLOY_DIRECTORY: "releases/firmwares" before_script: [] # no poetry needs: - core fw regular debug build script: - export VERSION=$(./tools/ core/embed/firmware/version.h) - export NAME="trezor-fw-regular-debug-$VERSION-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA.bin" - echo "Deploying to ${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}/$NAME" - mkdir -p "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}/${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}" - rsync --delete -va $NAME "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}/${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}/$NAME" only: - /^core\// except: - branches # run for tags only tags: - deploy release core fw btconly debug deploy: stage: deploy variables: DEPLOY_DIRECTORY: "releases/firmwares" before_script: [] # no poetry needs: - core fw btconly debug build script: - export VERSION=$(./tools/ core/embed/firmware/version.h) - export NAME="trezor-fw-btconly-debug-$VERSION-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA.bin" - echo "Deploying to ${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}/$NAME" - mkdir -p "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}/${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}" - rsync --delete -va $NAME "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}/${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}/$NAME" only: - /^core\// except: - branches # run for tags only tags: - deploy # Legacy release legacy fw regular deploy: stage: deploy variables: DEPLOY_DIRECTORY: "releases/firmwares" before_script: [] # no poetry needs: - legacy fw regular build script: - export VERSION=$(./tools/ legacy/firmware/version.h) - export NAME="trezor-fw-regular-$VERSION-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA.bin" - echo "Deploying to ${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}/$NAME" - mkdir -p "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}/${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}" - rsync --delete -va $NAME "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}/${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}/$NAME" only: - /^legacy\// except: - branches # run for tags only tags: - deploy release legacy fw btconly deploy: stage: deploy variables: DEPLOY_DIRECTORY: "releases/firmwares" before_script: [] # no poetry needs: - legacy fw btconly build script: - export VERSION=$(./tools/ legacy/firmware/version.h) - export NAME="trezor-fw-btconly-$VERSION-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA.bin" - echo "Deploying to ${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}/$NAME" - mkdir -p "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}/${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}" - rsync --delete -va $NAME "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}/${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}/$NAME" only: - /^legacy\// except: - branches # run for tags only tags: - deploy release legacy fw regular debug deploy: stage: deploy variables: DEPLOY_DIRECTORY: "releases/firmwares" before_script: [] # no poetry needs: - legacy fw regular debug build script: - export VERSION=$(./tools/ legacy/firmware/version.h) - export NAME="trezor-fw-regular-debug-$VERSION-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA.bin" - echo "Deploying to ${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}/$NAME" - mkdir -p "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}/${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}" - rsync --delete -va $NAME "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}/${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}/$NAME" only: - /^legacy\// except: - branches # run for tags only tags: - deploy release legacy fw btconly debug deploy: stage: deploy variables: DEPLOY_DIRECTORY: "releases/firmwares" before_script: [] # no poetry needs: - legacy fw btconly debug build script: - export VERSION=$(./tools/ legacy/firmware/version.h) - export NAME="trezor-fw-btconly-debug-$VERSION-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA.bin" - echo "Deploying to ${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}/$NAME" - mkdir -p "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}/${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}" - rsync --delete -va $NAME "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}/${DEPLOY_DIRECTORY}/$NAME" only: - /^legacy\// except: - branches # run for tags only tags: - deploy # Emulators, used also for upgrade tests release core unix debug deploy: stage: deploy variables: DEPLOY_PATH: "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}/releases/emulators" before_script: [] # no poetry needs: - core unix frozen debug build script: - export VERSION=$(./tools/ core/embed/firmware/version.h) - DEST="$DEPLOY_PATH/trezor-emu-core-$VERSION-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA" - echo "Deploying to $DEST" - nix-shell -p patchelf --run "patchelf --set-interpreter /lib64/ core/build/unix/trezor-emu-core" - rsync --delete -va core/build/unix/trezor-emu-core "$DEST" only: - /^core\// except: - branches # run for tags only tags: - deploy release legacy unix debug deploy: stage: deploy variables: DEPLOY_PATH: "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}/releases/emulators" before_script: [] # no poetry needs: - legacy emu regular debug build script: - export VERSION=$(./tools/ legacy/firmware/version.h) - DEST="$DEPLOY_PATH/trezor-emu-legacy-$VERSION-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA" - echo "Deploying to $DEST" - nix-shell -p patchelf --run "patchelf --set-interpreter /lib64/ legacy/firmware/trezor.elf" - rsync --delete -va legacy/firmware/trezor.elf "$DEST" only: - /^legacy\// except: - branches # run for tags only tags: - deploy release core macos debug deploy: stage: deploy variables: DEPLOY_PATH: "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}/releases/emulators/macos" before_script: [] # no poetry needs: - core unix frozen debug build script: - export VERSION=$(./tools/ core/embed/firmware/version.h) - DEST="$DEPLOY_PATH/trezor-emu-macos-$VERSION-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA" - echo "Deploying to $DEST" - rsync --delete -va core/build/unix/trezor-emu-core "$DEST" only: - /^core\// except: - branches # run for tags only tags: - deploy # UI tests ui tests core fixtures deploy: stage: deploy variables: DEPLOY_PATH: "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}/ui_tests/" before_script: [] # no poetry needs: - core device ui test script: - echo "Deploying to $DEPLOY_PATH" - rsync --delete -va ci/ui_test_records/* "$DEPLOY_PATH" tags: - deploy