use gnuplot::{AutoOption, AxesCommon, Color, Figure, LineWidth}; fn main() { let mut plots = Plots { plots: Vec::new() }; plots.add("id", pareen::id()); plots.add("lerp between 2 and 4", pareen::lerp(2.0, 4.0)); plots.add( "dynamic lerp between sin^2 and cos", pareen::circle().sin().powi(2).lerp(pareen::circle().cos()), ); plots.add( "dynamic lerp, squeezed into [0.5 .. 1]", pareen::circle() .sin() .powi(2) .lerp(pareen::circle().cos()) .squeeze_and_surround(0.5..=1.0, 0.0), ); plots.add( "switch from 1 to 2 at time=0.5", pareen::constant(1.0).switch(0.5, 2.0), ); #[cfg(feature = "easer")] plots.add( "ease transition from 2 to a proportional anim", pareen::constant(2.0).seq_ease_in_out( 0.5, easer::functions::Cubic, 0.3, pareen::prop(1.0f32), ), ); plots.show_gnuplot(); } fn sample( n: usize, max_t: f32, anim: pareen::Anim<impl pareen::Fun<T = f32, V = f32>>, ) -> (Vec<f32>, Vec<f32>) { let mut ts = Vec::new(); let mut vs = Vec::new(); for i in 0..=n { let time = i as f32 / n as f32 * max_t; let value = anim.eval(time); ts.push(time); vs.push(value); } (ts, vs) } struct Plot { name: &'static str, ts: Vec<f32>, vs: Vec<f32>, } struct Plots { plots: Vec<Plot>, } impl Plots { fn add(&mut self, name: &'static str, anim: pareen::Anim<impl pareen::Fun<T = f32, V = f32>>) { let (ts, vs) = sample(1000, 1.0, anim); self.plots.push(Plot { name, ts, vs }); } fn show_gnuplot(&self) { let mut figure = Figure::new(); // Show plots in a square rows/columns layout let n_cols = (self.plots.len() as f32).sqrt() as u32; let n_rows = (self.plots.len() as f32).sqrt().ceil() as u32; for (i, plot) in self.plots.iter().enumerate() { figure .axes2d() .lines(&plot.ts, &plot.vs, &[Color("blue"), LineWidth(3.0)]) .set_title(&, &[]) .set_x_label("time", &[]) .set_y_label("value", &[]) .set_x_ticks(Some((AutoOption::Fix(0.5), 0)), &[], &[]) .set_y_ticks(Some((AutoOption::Fix(0.5), 0)), &[], &[]) .set_pos_grid(n_rows, n_cols, i as u32); }; } }