syntax = "proto2";
package hw.trezor.messages.nem;

// Sugar for easier handling in Java
option java_package = "com.satoshilabs.trezor.lib.protobuf";
option java_outer_classname = "TrezorMessageNem";

 * Request: Ask device for NEM address corresponding to address_n path
 * @start
 * @next NEMAddress
 * @next Failure
message NEMGetAddress {
    repeated uint32 address_n = 1;              // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
    optional uint32 network = 2 [default=0x68]; // Network ID (0x68 = Mainnet, 0x98 = Testnet, 0x60 = Mijin)
    optional bool show_display = 3;             // Optionally show on display before sending the result
    optional bool chunkify = 4;                 // display the address in chunks of 4 characters

 * Response: Contains NEM address derived from device private seed
 * @end
message NEMAddress {
    required string address = 1;    // NEM address in Base32 encoding

 * Request: Ask device to sign transaction
 * @start
 * @next NEMSignedTx
 * @next Failure
message NEMSignTx {
    required NEMTransactionCommon transaction = 1;                  // Common part of transaction
    optional NEMTransactionCommon multisig = 2;                     // Common part of inner transaction for multisig transactions
    optional NEMTransfer transfer = 3;                              // Transfer transaction part
    optional bool cosigning = 4;                                    // Whether cosigning or initiating the multisig transaction
    optional NEMProvisionNamespace provision_namespace = 5;         // Provision namespace part
    optional NEMMosaicCreation mosaic_creation = 6;                 // Mosaic definition creation part
    optional NEMMosaicSupplyChange supply_change = 7;               // Mosaic supply change part
    optional NEMAggregateModification aggregate_modification = 8;   // Aggregate modification part
    optional NEMImportanceTransfer importance_transfer = 9;         // Importance transfer part
    optional bool chunkify = 10;                                    // display the address in chunks of 4 characters

    * Structure representing the common part for NEM transactions
    message NEMTransactionCommon {
        repeated uint32 address_n = 1;              // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
        optional uint32 network = 2 [default=0x68]; // Network ID (0x68 = Mainnet, 0x98 = Testnet, 0x60 = Mijin)
        required uint32 timestamp = 3;              // Number of seconds elapsed since the creation of the nemesis block
        required uint64 fee = 4;                    // Fee for the transaction
        required uint32 deadline = 5;               // Deadline of the transaction
        optional bytes signer = 6;                  // Public key of the account (for multisig transactions)
    * Structure representing the transfer transaction part for NEM transactions
    message NEMTransfer {
        required string recipient = 1;              // Address of the recipient
        required uint64 amount = 2;                 // Amount of micro NEM that is transferred
        optional bytes payload = 3;                 // Actual message data (unencrypted)
        optional bytes public_key = 4;              // Public key of the recipient (for encrypted payloads)
        repeated NEMMosaic mosaics = 5;             // Attached mosaics
        * Structure representing the mosaic attachment for NEM transfer transactions
        message NEMMosaic {
            required string namespace = 1;  // Fully qualified name of the namespace
            required string mosaic = 2;     // Name of the mosaic definition
            required uint64 quantity = 3;   // Mosaic quantity, always given in smallest units
    * Structure representing the provision namespace part for NEM transactions
    message NEMProvisionNamespace {
        required string namespace = 1;  // New part concatenated to the parent
        optional string parent = 2;     // Parent namespace (for child namespaces)
        required string sink = 3;       // Rental fee sink address
        required uint64 fee = 4;        // Rental fee
    * Structure representing the mosaic definition creation part for NEM transactions
    message NEMMosaicCreation {
        required NEMMosaicDefinition definition = 1;    // Mosaic definition
        required string sink = 2;                       // Creation fee sink address
        required uint64 fee = 3;                        // Creation fee
        * Structure representing a mosaic definition
        message NEMMosaicDefinition {
            optional string name = 1;               // User-friendly name of the mosaic (for whitelisted mosaics)
            optional string ticker = 2;             // Ticker of the mosaic (for whitelisted mosaics)
            required string namespace = 3;          // Fully qualified name of the namespace
            required string mosaic = 4;             // Name of the mosaic definition
            optional uint32 divisibility = 5;       // Number of decimal places that a mosaic can be divided into
            optional NEMMosaicLevy levy = 6;        // Levy type
            optional uint64 fee = 7;                // Levy fee (interpretation depends on levy type)
            optional string levy_address = 8;       // Levy address
            optional string levy_namespace = 9;     // Fully qualified name of the namespace of the levy mosaic
            optional string levy_mosaic = 10;       // Name of the levy mosaic
            optional uint64 supply = 11;            // Initial supply to create, always given in entire units
            optional bool mutable_supply = 12;      // Mutable supply
            optional bool transferable = 13;        // Mosaic allows transfers among accounts other than the creator
            required string description = 14;       // Mosaic description
            repeated uint32 networks = 15;          // Networks that the mosaic is valid on (for whitelisted mosaics)
            * Type of levy which will be used for mosaic
            enum NEMMosaicLevy {
                MosaicLevy_Absolute = 1;
                MosaicLevy_Percentile = 2;
    * Structure representing the mosaic supply change part for NEM transactions
    message NEMMosaicSupplyChange {
        required string namespace = 1;          // Fully qualified name of the namespace
        required string mosaic = 2;             // Name of the mosaic definition
        required NEMSupplyChangeType type = 3;  // Type of supply change
        required uint64 delta = 4;              // Supply delta
        * Type of supply change which will be applied to mosaic
        enum NEMSupplyChangeType {
            SupplyChange_Increase = 1;
            SupplyChange_Decrease = 2;
    * Structure representing the aggregate modification part for NEM transactions
    message NEMAggregateModification {
        repeated NEMCosignatoryModification modifications = 1;  // Cosignatory modifications
        optional sint32 relative_change = 2;                    // Relative change of the minimum cosignatories
        * Structure representing the cosignatory modification for aggregate modification transactions
        message NEMCosignatoryModification {
            required NEMModificationType type = 1;  // Type of cosignatory modification
            required bytes public_key = 2;          // Public key of the cosignatory
            * Type of cosignatory modification
            enum NEMModificationType {
                CosignatoryModification_Add = 1;
                CosignatoryModification_Delete = 2;
    * Structure representing the importance transfer part for NEM transactions
    message NEMImportanceTransfer {
        required NEMImportanceTransferMode mode = 1;    // Mode of importance transfer
        required bytes public_key = 2;                  // Public key of the remote account
        * Mode of importance transfer
        enum NEMImportanceTransferMode {
            ImportanceTransfer_Activate = 1;
            ImportanceTransfer_Deactivate = 2;

 * Response: Contains NEM transaction data and signature
 * @end
message NEMSignedTx {
    required bytes data = 1;        // Transaction data
    required bytes signature = 2;   // Signature for the transaction

 * Request: Ask device to decrypt NEM transaction payload
 * @start
 * @next NEMDecryptedMessage
 * @next Failure
message NEMDecryptMessage {
    repeated uint32 address_n = 1;  // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
    optional uint32 network = 2;    // Network ID (0x68 = Mainnet, 0x98 = Testnet, 0x60 = Mijin)
    optional bytes public_key = 3;  // Public key of the other party
    optional bytes payload = 4;     // Actual message data (encrypted)

 * Response: Contains decrypted NEM transaction payload
 * @end
message NEMDecryptedMessage {
    required bytes payload = 1;     // Actual message data (unencrypted)