image: # Hardware # Currently it's not possible to run all regular TT tests without getting into # a state where the micropython heap is too fragmented and allocations fail # (often manifesting as a stuck test case). For that reason some tests are # skipped and the rest is divided into several groups with device reboots in # between them. # See also: hardware core regular device test: stage: test only: - schedules # nightly build - /^legacy\// - /^release\// - /^secfix\// - /^hw\// tags: - tpmb needs: - core fw regular debug build variables: PYTEST_TIMEOUT: "1200" TESTS_SKIP: "-k 'not 15_of_15 and not signtx_bgold and not send_bch_multisig_change'" script: - cd ci/hardware_tests - set -a - source hardware.cfg - set +a - nix-shell --run "cd ../.. && poetry install" - nix-shell --run "poetry run python tt ../../trezor-*.bin" - nix-shell --run "poetry run pytest -m 'altcoin and not sd_card' $TESTS_SKIP ../../tests/device_tests" timeout: 4h artifacts: name: "$CI_JOB_NAME-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA" expire_in: 2 days when: always hardware core btconly device test: stage: test only: - schedules # nightly build - /^legacy\// - /^release\// - /^secfix\// - /^hw\// tags: - tpmb needs: - core fw btconly debug build variables: TREZOR_PYTEST_SKIP_ALTCOINS: 1 PYTEST_TIMEOUT: "1200" TESTS_SKIP: "-k 'not 15_of_15'" script: - cd ci/hardware_tests - set -a - source hardware.cfg - set +a - nix-shell --run "cd ../.. && poetry install" - nix-shell --run "poetry run python tt ../../trezor-*.bin" - nix-shell --run "poetry run pytest -m 'not sd_card' $TESTS_SKIP ../../tests/device_tests" timeout: 4h artifacts: name: "$CI_JOB_NAME-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA" expire_in: 2 days when: always hardware core monero test: stage: test only: - schedules # nightly build - /^release\// - /^secfix\// - /^hw\// tags: - tpmb needs: - core fw regular debug build variables: TESTOPTS: --trezor_path webusb script: - cd ci/hardware_tests - set -a - source hardware.cfg - set +a - nix-shell --run "cd ../.. && poetry install" - nix-shell --run "poetry run python tt ../../trezor-*.bin" - nix-shell --arg fullDeps true --run "cd ../../core/tests && ./ $TESTOPTS" timeout: 1h artifacts: name: "$CI_JOB_NAME-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA" expire_in: 2 days when: always hardware legacy regular device test: stage: test only: - schedules # nightly build - /^legacy\// - /^release\// - /^secfix\// - /^hw\// tags: - tpmb needs: - legacy fw regular debug build script: - cd ci/hardware_tests - nix-shell --run "./" artifacts: name: "$CI_JOB_NAME-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA" paths: - ci/hardware_tests/*.mp4 expire_in: 2 days when: always hardware legacy btconly device test: stage: test variables: TREZOR_PYTEST_SKIP_ALTCOINS: 1 only: - schedules # nightly build - /^legacy\// - /^release\// - /^secfix\// - /^hw\// tags: - tpmb needs: - legacy fw btconly debug build script: - cd ci/hardware_tests - nix-shell --run "./" artifacts: name: "$CI_JOB_NAME-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA" paths: - ci/hardware_tests/*.mp4 expire_in: 2 days when: always