# This file is part of the Trezor project. # # Copyright (C) 2012-2019 SatoshiLabs and contributors # # This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the License along with this library. # If not, see . import pytest from trezorlib import eos from trezorlib.messages import EosSignedTx from trezorlib.tools import parse_path from ...common import MNEMONIC12 CHAIN_ID = "cf057bbfb72640471fd910bcb67639c22df9f92470936cddc1ade0e2f2e7dc4f" ADDRESS_N = parse_path("m/44'/194'/0'/0/0") @pytest.mark.altcoin @pytest.mark.eos @pytest.mark.skip_t1 @pytest.mark.setup_client(mnemonic=MNEMONIC12) class TestMsgEosSignTx: def test_eos_signtx_transfer_token(self, client): transaction = { "expiration": "2018-07-14T10:43:28", "ref_block_num": 6439, "ref_block_prefix": 2995713264, "max_net_usage_words": 0, "max_cpu_usage_ms": 0, "delay_sec": 0, "context_free_actions": [], "actions": [ { "account": "eosio.token", "name": "transfer", "authorization": [ {"actor": "miniminimini", "permission": "active"} ], "data": { "from": "miniminimini", "to": "maximaximaxi", "quantity": "1.0000 EOS", "memo": "testtest", }, } ], "transaction_extensions": [], } with client: resp = eos.sign_tx(client, ADDRESS_N, transaction, CHAIN_ID) assert isinstance(resp, EosSignedTx) assert ( resp.signature == "SIG_K1_JveDuew7oyKjgLmApra3NmKArx3QH6HVmatgkLYeUYWv7aGaoQPFyjBwAdcxuo2Skq9wRgsizos92h9iq9i5JbeHh7zNuo" ) def test_eos_signtx_buyram(self, client): transaction = { "expiration": "2018-07-14T10:43:28", "ref_block_num": 6439, "ref_block_prefix": 2995713264, "max_net_usage_words": 0, "max_cpu_usage_ms": 0, "delay_sec": 0, "context_free_actions": [], "actions": [ { "account": "eosio", "name": "buyram", "authorization": [ {"actor": "miniminimini", "permission": "active"} ], "data": { "payer": "miniminimini", "receiver": "miniminimini", "quant": "1000000000.0000 EOS", }, } ], "transaction_extensions": [], } with client: resp = eos.sign_tx(client, ADDRESS_N, transaction, CHAIN_ID) assert isinstance(resp, EosSignedTx) assert ( resp.signature == "SIG_K1_K4gU5S9g7rS6MojaPwWppEBCBbPrJm1pyJtVR9mts1sBq5xyN7nJv3FGnrBR7ByjanboCtK4ogY35sNPFX1F5qoZW7BkF9" ) def test_eos_signtx_buyrambytes(self, client): transaction = { "expiration": "2018-07-14T10:43:28", "ref_block_num": 6439, "ref_block_prefix": 2995713264, "max_net_usage_words": 0, "max_cpu_usage_ms": 0, "delay_sec": 0, "context_free_actions": [], "actions": [ { "account": "eosio", "name": "buyrambytes", "authorization": [ {"actor": "miniminimini", "permission": "active"} ], "data": { "payer": "miniminimini", "receiver": "miniminimini", "bytes": 1023, }, } ], "transaction_extensions": [], } with client: resp = eos.sign_tx(client, ADDRESS_N, transaction, CHAIN_ID) assert isinstance(resp, EosSignedTx) assert ( resp.signature == "SIG_K1_K618wK9f27YxHoPG9hoUCsazZXzxumBj3V9MqcTUh9yCocvP1uFZQAmGmZLhsAtuC2TRR4gtqbeQj57FniYd5i4faQCb6t" ) def test_eos_signtx_sellram(self, client): transaction = { "expiration": "2018-07-14T10:43:28", "ref_block_num": 6439, "ref_block_prefix": 2995713264, "max_net_usage_words": 0, "max_cpu_usage_ms": 0, "delay_sec": 0, "context_free_actions": [], "actions": [ { "account": "eosio", "name": "sellram", "authorization": [ {"actor": "miniminimini", "permission": "active"} ], "data": {"account": "miniminimini", "bytes": 1024}, } ], "transaction_extensions": [], } with client: resp = eos.sign_tx(client, ADDRESS_N, transaction, CHAIN_ID) assert isinstance(resp, EosSignedTx) assert ( resp.signature == "SIG_K1_JusrCS7H5DR53qke7edoWvJuLiQS2VQ84CsN5NWmWYVa7wmJVjh3Hcg5hH42zF8KjAmmvHtaJZ3wkortTW9eds1eoiKsrj" ) def test_eos_signtx_delegate(self, client): transaction = { "expiration": "2018-07-14T10:43:28", "ref_block_num": 6439, "ref_block_prefix": 2995713264, "max_net_usage_words": 0, "max_cpu_usage_ms": 0, "delay_sec": 0, "context_free_actions": [], "actions": [ { "account": "eosio", "name": "delegatebw", "authorization": [ {"actor": "miniminimini", "permission": "active"} ], "data": { "from": "miniminimini", "receiver": "maximaximaxi", "stake_net_quantity": "1.0000 EOS", "stake_cpu_quantity": "1.0000 EOS", "transfer": True, }, } ], "transaction_extensions": [], } with client: resp = eos.sign_tx(client, ADDRESS_N, transaction, CHAIN_ID) assert isinstance(resp, EosSignedTx) assert ( resp.signature == "SIG_K1_Juju8Wjzyn38nuvgS1KT3koKQLHxMMfqVHrp5jMjv4QLU2pUG6EbiJD7D1EHE6xP8DRuwFLVUNR38nTyUKC1Eiz33WocUE" ) def test_eos_signtx_undelegate(self, client): transaction = { "expiration": "2018-07-14T10:43:28", "ref_block_num": 6439, "ref_block_prefix": 2995713264, "max_net_usage_words": 0, "max_cpu_usage_ms": 0, "delay_sec": 0, "context_free_actions": [], "actions": [ { "account": "eosio", "name": "undelegatebw", "authorization": [ {"actor": "miniminimini", "permission": "active"} ], "data": { "from": "miniminimini", "receiver": "maximaximaxi", "unstake_net_quantity": "1.0000 EOS", "unstake_cpu_quantity": "1.0000 EOS", }, } ], "transaction_extensions": [], } with client: resp = eos.sign_tx(client, ADDRESS_N, transaction, CHAIN_ID) assert isinstance(resp, EosSignedTx) assert ( resp.signature == "SIG_K1_K3XXUzCUkT2HEdrJTz1CdDDKZbLMShmyEjknQozGhy4F21yUetr1nEe2vUgmGebk2nyYe49R5nkA155J5yFBBaLsTcSdBL" ) def test_eos_signtx_refund(self, client): transaction = { "expiration": "2018-07-14T10:43:28", "ref_block_num": 6439, "ref_block_prefix": 2995713264, "max_net_usage_words": 0, "max_cpu_usage_ms": 0, "delay_sec": 0, "context_free_actions": [], "actions": [ { "account": "eosio", "name": "refund", "authorization": [ {"actor": "miniminimini", "permission": "active"} ], "data": {"owner": "miniminimini"}, } ], "transaction_extensions": [], } with client: resp = eos.sign_tx(client, ADDRESS_N, transaction, CHAIN_ID) assert isinstance(resp, EosSignedTx) assert ( resp.signature == "SIG_K1_JwWZSSKQZL1hCdMmwEAKjs3r15kau5gaBrQczKy65QANANzovV6U4XbVUZQkZzaQrNGYAtgxrU1WJ1smWgXZNqtKVQUZqc" ) def test_eos_signtx_linkauth(self, client): transaction = { "expiration": "2018-07-14T10:43:28", "ref_block_num": 6439, "ref_block_prefix": 2995713264, "max_net_usage_words": 0, "max_cpu_usage_ms": 0, "delay_sec": 0, "context_free_actions": [], "actions": [ { "account": "eosio", "name": "linkauth", "authorization": [ {"actor": "miniminimini", "permission": "active"} ], "data": { "account": "maximaximaxi", "code": "eosbet", "type": "whatever", "requirement": "active", }, } ], "transaction_extensions": [], } with client: resp = eos.sign_tx(client, ADDRESS_N, transaction, CHAIN_ID) assert isinstance(resp, EosSignedTx) assert ( resp.signature == "SIG_K1_Kgs3JdLNqTyGz7uyNiuYLK8sy5qhVQWozrBY7bJWKsjrWAxNyDQUKqHsHmTom5rGY21vYdXmCpi4msU6XeMgWvi4bsBxTx" ) def test_eos_signtx_unlinkauth(self, client): transaction = { "expiration": "2018-07-14T10:43:28", "ref_block_num": 6439, "ref_block_prefix": 2995713264, "max_net_usage_words": 0, "max_cpu_usage_ms": 0, "delay_sec": 0, "context_free_actions": [], "actions": [ { "account": "eosio", "name": "unlinkauth", "authorization": [ {"actor": "miniminimini", "permission": "active"} ], "data": { "account": "miniminimini", "code": "eosbet", "type": "whatever", }, } ], "transaction_extensions": [], } with client: resp = eos.sign_tx(client, ADDRESS_N, transaction, CHAIN_ID) assert isinstance(resp, EosSignedTx) assert ( resp.signature == "SIG_K1_K1ioB5KMRC2mmTwYsGwsFU51ENp1XdSBUrb4bxUCLYhoq7Y733WaLZ4Soq9fdrkaJS8uJ3R7Z1ZjyEKRHU8HU4s4MA86zB" ) def test_eos_signtx_updateauth(self, client): transaction = { "expiration": "2018-07-14T10:43:28", "ref_block_num": 6439, "ref_block_prefix": 2995713264, "max_net_usage_words": 0, "max_cpu_usage_ms": 0, "delay_sec": 0, "context_free_actions": [], "actions": [ { "account": "eosio", "name": "updateauth", "authorization": [ {"actor": "miniminimini", "permission": "active"} ], "data": { "account": "miniminimini", "permission": "active", "parent": "owner", "auth": { "threshold": 1, "keys": [ { "key": "EOS8Dkj827FpinZBGmhTM28B85H9eXiFH5XzvLoeukCJV5sKfLc6K", "weight": 1, }, { "key": "EOS8Dkj827FpinZBGmhTM28B85H9eXiFH5XzvLoeukCJV5sKfLc6K", "weight": 2, }, ], "accounts": [ { "permission": { "actor": "miniminimini", "permission": "active", }, "weight": 3, } ], "waits": [{"wait_sec": 55, "weight": 4}], }, }, } ], "transaction_extensions": [], } with client: resp = eos.sign_tx(client, ADDRESS_N, transaction, CHAIN_ID) assert isinstance(resp, EosSignedTx) assert ( resp.signature == "SIG_K1_JuNuwmJm7nLfpxbCqXZMxZoU56TzBh8F5PH7ZyPvQMti6QxJbErDGbKCAaHhoRxwWKzv5kj6kX3WyWys6jAzVe9pDhXB1k" ) def test_eos_signtx_deleteauth(self, client): transaction = { "expiration": "2018-07-14T10:43:28", "ref_block_num": 6439, "ref_block_prefix": 2995713264, "max_net_usage_words": 0, "max_cpu_usage_ms": 0, "delay_sec": 0, "context_free_actions": [], "actions": [ { "account": "eosio", "name": "deleteauth", "authorization": [ {"actor": "miniminimini", "permission": "active"} ], "data": {"account": "maximaximaxi", "permission": "active"}, } ], "transaction_extensions": [], } with client: resp = eos.sign_tx(client, ADDRESS_N, transaction, CHAIN_ID) assert isinstance(resp, EosSignedTx) assert ( resp.signature == "SIG_K1_KjPTp8jCtgBKQWqsndhrH4pdCGiks76Q1qBt9e8MtexW6FQg3FzfVFKDU4SvyVDyFs3worn6RyW6WYavw76ACNqcqkCYjf" ) def test_eos_signtx_vote(self, client): transaction = { "expiration": "2018-07-14T10:43:28", "ref_block_num": 6439, "ref_block_prefix": 2995713264, "max_net_usage_words": 0, "max_cpu_usage_ms": 0, "delay_sec": 0, "context_free_actions": [], "actions": [ { "account": "eosio", "name": "voteproducer", "authorization": [ {"actor": "miniminimini", "permission": "active"} ], "data": { "account": "miniminimini", "proxy": "", "producers": [ "argentinaeos", "bitfinexeos1", "cryptolions1", "eos42freedom", "eosamsterdam", "eosasia11111", "eosauthority", "eosbeijingbp", "eosbixinboot", "eoscafeblock", "eoscanadacom", "eoscannonchn", "eoscleanerbp", "eosdacserver", "eosfishrocks", "eosflytomars", "eoshuobipool", "eosisgravity", "eoslaomaocom", "eosliquideos", "eosnewyorkio", "eosriobrazil", "eosswedenorg", "eostribeprod", "helloeoscnbp", "jedaaaaaaaaa", "libertyblock", "starteosiobp", "teamgreymass", ], }, } ], "transaction_extensions": [], } with client: resp = eos.sign_tx(client, ADDRESS_N, transaction, CHAIN_ID) assert isinstance(resp, EosSignedTx) assert ( resp.signature == "SIG_K1_JxgVhc6ExoTHee3Djrciwmmf2Xck7NLgvAtC2gfgV4Wj2AqMXEb6aKMhpUcTV59VTR1DdnPF1XbiCcJViJiU3zsk1kQz89" ) def test_eos_signtx_vote_proxy(self, client): transaction = { "expiration": "2018-07-14T10:43:28", "ref_block_num": 6439, "ref_block_prefix": 2995713264, "max_net_usage_words": 0, "max_cpu_usage_ms": 0, "delay_sec": 0, "context_free_actions": [], "actions": [ { "account": "eosio", "name": "voteproducer", "authorization": [ {"actor": "miniminimini", "permission": "active"} ], "data": {"account": "miniminimini", "proxy": "", "producers": []}, } ], "transaction_extensions": [], } with client: resp = eos.sign_tx(client, ADDRESS_N, transaction, CHAIN_ID) assert isinstance(resp, EosSignedTx) assert ( resp.signature == "SIG_K1_KjJzcDg9MT8XbLeP1fgQjdmdE6oNQQisMwbXikqrEZYmJe6GCYg89Wr2donYV6zRfg9h7dJKQDCHugdtsxjtmEdqLtPv25" ) def test_eos_signtx_unknown(self, client): transaction = { "expiration": "2018-07-14T10:43:28", "ref_block_num": 6439, "ref_block_prefix": 2995713264, "max_net_usage_words": 0, "max_cpu_usage_ms": 0, "delay_sec": 0, "context_free_actions": [], "actions": [ { "account": "foocontract", "name": "baraction", "authorization": [ {"actor": "miniminimini", "permission": "active"} ], "data": "deadbeef", } ], "transaction_extensions": [], } with client: resp = eos.sign_tx(client, ADDRESS_N, transaction, CHAIN_ID) assert isinstance(resp, EosSignedTx) assert ( resp.signature == "SIG_K1_JvoJtrHpQJjHAZzEBhiQm75iimYabcAVNDvz8mkempLh6avSJgnXm5JzCCUEBjDtW3syByfXknmgr93Sw3P9RNLnwySmv6" ) def test_eos_signtx_newaccount(self, client): transaction = { "expiration": "2018-07-14T10:43:28", "ref_block_num": 6439, "ref_block_prefix": 2995713264, "max_net_usage_words": 0, "max_cpu_usage_ms": 0, "delay_sec": 0, "context_free_actions": [], "actions": [ { "account": "eosio", "name": "newaccount", "authorization": [ {"actor": "miniminimini", "permission": "active"} ], "data": { "creator": "miniminimini", "name": "maximaximaxi", "owner": { "threshold": 1, "keys": [ { "key": "EOS8Dkj827FpinZBGmhTM28B85H9eXiFH5XzvLoeukCJV5sKfLc6K", "weight": 1, } ], "accounts": [], "waits": [], }, "active": { "threshold": 1, "keys": [ { "key": "EOS8Dkj827FpinZBGmhTM28B85H9eXiFH5XzvLoeukCJV5sKfLc6K", "weight": 1, } ], "accounts": [], "waits": [], }, }, }, { "account": "eosio", "name": "buyrambytes", "authorization": [ {"actor": "miniminimini", "permission": "active"} ], "data": { "payer": "miniminimini", "receiver": "maximaximaxi", "bytes": 4096, }, }, { "account": "eosio", "name": "delegatebw", "authorization": [ {"actor": "miniminimini", "permission": "active"} ], "data": { "from": "miniminimini", "receiver": "maximaximaxi", "stake_net_quantity": "1.0000 EOS", "stake_cpu_quantity": "1.0000 EOS", "transfer": True, }, }, ], "transaction_extensions": [], } with client: resp = eos.sign_tx(client, ADDRESS_N, transaction, CHAIN_ID) assert isinstance(resp, EosSignedTx) assert ( resp.signature == "SIG_K1_KhjdS1gKUHR4jKbN3YSdNbPbEqnUVM1Nt6ybdzEAwsUtfbCRJDwpQwPRuEau48CyvhYC5fKo5BiWMPQJbQPrg5ErHThieU" ) def test_eos_signtx_setcontract(self, client): transaction = { "expiration": "2018-06-19T13:29:53", "ref_block_num": 30587, "ref_block_prefix": 338239089, "max_net_usage_words": 0, "max_cpu_usage_ms": 0, "delay_sec": 0, "context_free_actions": [], "actions": [ { "account": "eosio1", "name": "setcode", "authorization": [ {"actor": "ednazztokens", "permission": "active"} ], "data": "00" * 1024, }, { "account": "eosio1", "name": "setabi", "authorization": [ {"actor": "ednazztokens", "permission": "active"} ], "data": "00" * 1024, }, ], "transaction_extensions": [], "context_free_data": [], } with client: resp = eos.sign_tx(client, ADDRESS_N, transaction, CHAIN_ID) assert isinstance(resp, EosSignedTx) assert ( resp.signature == "SIG_K1_KiG8c8t2SQkSfrEbD9BwJoYT133BPFLx3gu8sAzJadXyFk1EXKYAsgx4tkjt79G6ofuaQzJPAfDqy1FSpgLRbhbeFH9omd" )