from trezor.utils import ensure if False: from typing import Union from trezor.utils import Writer def write_uint8(w: Writer, n: int) -> int: ensure(0 <= n <= 0xFF) w.append(n) return 1 def write_uint16_le(w: Writer, n: int) -> int: ensure(0 <= n <= 0xFFFF) w.append(n & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 8) & 0xFF) return 2 def write_uint16_be(w: Writer, n: int) -> int: ensure(0 <= n <= 0xFFFF) w.append((n >> 8) & 0xFF) w.append(n & 0xFF) return 2 def write_uint32_le(w: Writer, n: int) -> int: ensure(0 <= n <= 0xFFFF_FFFF) w.append(n & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 8) & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 16) & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 24) & 0xFF) return 4 def write_uint32_be(w: Writer, n: int) -> int: ensure(0 <= n <= 0xFFFF_FFFF) w.append((n >> 24) & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 16) & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 8) & 0xFF) w.append(n & 0xFF) return 4 def write_uint64_le(w: Writer, n: int) -> int: ensure(0 <= n <= 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF) w.append(n & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 8) & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 16) & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 24) & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 32) & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 40) & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 48) & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 56) & 0xFF) return 8 def write_uint64_be(w: Writer, n: int) -> int: ensure(0 <= n <= 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF) w.append((n >> 56) & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 48) & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 40) & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 32) & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 24) & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 16) & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 8) & 0xFF) w.append(n & 0xFF) return 8 def write_bytes_unchecked(w: Writer, b: Union[bytes, memoryview]) -> int: w.extend(b) return len(b) def write_bytes_fixed(w: Writer, b: bytes, length: int) -> int: ensure(len(b) == length) w.extend(b) return length def write_bytes_reversed(w: Writer, b: bytes, length: int) -> int: ensure(len(b) == length) w.extend(bytes(reversed(b))) return length def write_bitcoin_varint(w: Writer, n: int) -> None: ensure(n >= 0 and n <= 0xFFFF_FFFF) if n < 253: w.append(n & 0xFF) elif n < 0x1_0000: w.append(253) w.append(n & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 8) & 0xFF) else: w.append(254) w.append(n & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 8) & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 16) & 0xFF) w.append((n >> 24) & 0xFF) def write_uvarint(w: Writer, n: int) -> None: ensure(n >= 0 and n <= 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF) shifted = 1 while shifted: shifted = n >> 7 byte = (n & 0x7F) | (0x80 if shifted else 0x00) w.append(byte) n = shifted