from micropython import const from trezor import res, ui from trezor.crypto import random from trezor.ui import display from trezor.ui.button import ( Button, ButtonCancel, ButtonClear, ButtonConfirm, ButtonMono, ) if False: from typing import Iterable def digit_area(i: int) -> ui.Area: if i == 9: # 0-position i = 10 # display it in the middle return ui.grid(i + 3) # skip the first line def generate_digits() -> Iterable[int]: digits = list(range(0, 10)) # 0-9 random.shuffle(digits) # We lay out the buttons top-left to bottom-right, but the order # of the digits is defined as bottom-left to top-right (on numpad). return digits[6:] + digits[3:6] + digits[:3] class PinInput(ui.Control): def __init__(self, prompt: str, subprompt: str, pin: str) -> None: self.prompt = prompt self.subprompt = subprompt = pin self.repaint = True def on_render(self) -> None: if self.repaint: if self.render_pin() else: self.render_prompt() self.repaint = False def render_pin(self) -> None:, 0, ui.WIDTH, 50, ui.BG) count = len( BOX_WIDTH = const(240) DOT_SIZE = const(10) PADDING = const(14) RENDER_Y = const(20) render_x = (BOX_WIDTH - count * PADDING) // 2 for i in range(0, count): display.bar_radius( render_x + i * PADDING, RENDER_Y, DOT_SIZE, DOT_SIZE, ui.GREY, ui.BG, 4 ) def render_prompt(self) -> None:, 0, ui.WIDTH, 50, ui.BG) if self.subprompt: display.text_center(ui.WIDTH // 2, 20, self.prompt, ui.BOLD, ui.GREY, ui.BG) display.text_center( ui.WIDTH // 2, 46, self.subprompt, ui.NORMAL, ui.GREY, ui.BG ) else: display.text_center(ui.WIDTH // 2, 36, self.prompt, ui.BOLD, ui.GREY, ui.BG) class PinButton(Button): def __init__(self, index: int, digit: int, dialog: "PinDialog"): self.dialog = dialog super().__init__(digit_area(index), str(digit), ButtonMono) def on_click(self) -> None: self.dialog.assign( + self.text) CANCELLED = object() class PinDialog(ui.Layout): def __init__( self, prompt: str, subprompt: str, allow_cancel: bool = True, maxlength: int = 9 ) -> None: self.maxlength = maxlength self.input = PinInput(prompt, subprompt, "") icon_confirm = res.load(ui.ICON_CONFIRM) self.confirm_button = Button(ui.grid(14), icon_confirm, ButtonConfirm) self.confirm_button.on_click = self.on_confirm # type: ignore self.confirm_button.disable() icon_back = res.load(ui.ICON_BACK) self.reset_button = Button(ui.grid(12), icon_back, ButtonClear) self.reset_button.on_click = self.on_reset # type: ignore if allow_cancel: icon_lock = res.load(ui.ICON_LOCK) self.cancel_button = Button(ui.grid(12), icon_lock, ButtonCancel) self.cancel_button.on_click = self.on_cancel # type: ignore else: self.cancel_button = Button(ui.grid(12), "") self.cancel_button.disable() self.pin_buttons = [ PinButton(i, d, self) for i, d in enumerate(generate_digits()) ] def dispatch(self, event: int, x: int, y: int) -> None: self.input.dispatch(event, x, y) if self.reset_button.dispatch(event, x, y) else: self.cancel_button.dispatch(event, x, y) self.confirm_button.dispatch(event, x, y) for btn in self.pin_buttons: btn.dispatch(event, x, y) def assign(self, pin: str) -> None: if len(pin) > self.maxlength: return for btn in self.pin_buttons: if len(pin) < self.maxlength: btn.enable() else: btn.disable() if pin: self.confirm_button.enable() self.reset_button.enable() self.cancel_button.disable() else: self.confirm_button.disable() self.reset_button.disable() self.cancel_button.enable() = pin self.input.repaint = True def on_reset(self) -> None: self.assign("") def on_cancel(self) -> None: raise ui.Result(CANCELLED) def on_confirm(self) -> None: if raise ui.Result(