from trezor import config, wire from trezor.crypto import bip39, hashlib, random, slip39 from trezor.messages.EntropyAck import EntropyAck from trezor.messages.EntropyRequest import EntropyRequest from trezor.messages.Success import Success from import pin_to_int from apps.common import mnemonic, storage from import request_pin_confirm from import layout if __debug__: from apps import debug if False: from trezor.messages.ResetDevice import ResetDevice async def reset_device(ctx: wire.Context, msg: ResetDevice) -> Success: # validate parameters and device state _validate_reset_device(msg) # make sure user knows he's setting up a new wallet await layout.show_reset_device_warning(ctx, msg.slip39) # request new PIN if msg.pin_protection: newpin = await request_pin_confirm(ctx) else: newpin = "" # generate and display internal entropy int_entropy = random.bytes(32) if __debug__: debug.reset_internal_entropy = int_entropy if msg.display_random: await layout.show_internal_entropy(ctx, int_entropy) # request external entropy and compute the master secret entropy_ack = await, EntropyAck) ext_entropy = entropy_ack.entropy secret = _compute_secret_from_entropy(int_entropy, ext_entropy, msg.strength) if msg.slip39: storage.slip39.set_identifier(slip39.generate_random_identifier()) storage.slip39.set_iteration_exponent(slip39.DEFAULT_ITERATION_EXPONENT) # should we back up the wallet now? if not msg.no_backup and not msg.skip_backup: if not await layout.confirm_backup(ctx): if not await layout.confirm_backup_again(ctx): msg.skip_backup = True # generate and display backup information for the master secret if not msg.no_backup and not msg.skip_backup: if msg.slip39: await backup_slip39_wallet(ctx, secret) else: await backup_bip39_wallet(ctx, secret) # write PIN into storage if not config.change_pin(pin_to_int(""), pin_to_int(newpin)): raise wire.ProcessError("Could not change PIN") # write settings and master secret into storage storage.device.load_settings( label=msg.label, use_passphrase=msg.passphrase_protection ) if msg.slip39: secret=secret, needs_backup=msg.skip_backup, no_backup=msg.no_backup ) else: # in BIP-39 we store mnemonic string instead of the secret secret=bip39.from_data(secret).encode(), needs_backup=msg.skip_backup, no_backup=msg.no_backup, ) # if we backed up the wallet, show success message if not msg.no_backup and not msg.skip_backup: await layout.show_backup_warning( ctx, "Backup is done!", "Finish backup", msg.slip39 ) return Success(message="Initialized") async def backup_slip39_wallet(ctx: wire.Context, secret: bytes) -> None: # get number of shares await layout.slip39_show_checklist_set_shares(ctx) shares_count = await layout.slip39_prompt_number_of_shares(ctx) # get threshold await layout.slip39_show_checklist_set_threshold(ctx, shares_count) threshold = await layout.slip39_prompt_threshold(ctx, shares_count) # generate the mnemonics mnemonics = mnemonic.slip39.generate_from_secret(secret, shares_count, threshold) # show and confirm individual shares await layout.slip39_show_checklist_show_shares(ctx, shares_count, threshold) await layout.slip39_show_and_confirm_shares(ctx, mnemonics) async def backup_bip39_wallet(ctx: wire.Context, secret: bytes) -> None: mnemonic = bip39.from_data(secret) await layout.bip39_show_and_confirm_mnemonic(ctx, mnemonic) def _validate_reset_device(msg: ResetDevice) -> None: if msg.strength not in (128, 256): if msg.slip39: raise wire.ProcessError("Invalid strength (has to be 128 or 256 bits)") elif msg.strength != 192: raise wire.ProcessError("Invalid strength (has to be 128, 192 or 256 bits)") if msg.display_random and (msg.skip_backup or msg.no_backup): raise wire.ProcessError("Can't show internal entropy when backup is skipped") if storage.is_initialized(): raise wire.UnexpectedMessage("Already initialized") def _compute_secret_from_entropy( int_entropy: bytes, ext_entropy: bytes, strength_in_bytes: int ) -> bytes: # combine internal and external entropy ehash = hashlib.sha256() ehash.update(int_entropy) ehash.update(ext_entropy) entropy = ehash.digest() # take a required number of bytes strength = strength_in_bytes // 8 secret = entropy[:strength] return secret