from trezor import wire from trezor.crypto.curve import secp256k1 from trezor.messages.EosGetPublicKey import EosGetPublicKey from trezor.messages.EosPublicKey import EosPublicKey from apps.common import paths from apps.eos import CURVE from apps.eos.helpers import base58_encode, validate_full_path from apps.eos.layout import require_get_public_key if False: from typing import Tuple from trezor.crypto import bip32 from apps.common import seed def _public_key_to_wif(pub_key: bytes) -> str: if pub_key[0] == 0x04 and len(pub_key) == 65: head = b"\x03" if pub_key[64] & 0x01 else b"\x02" compressed_pub_key = head + pub_key[1:33] elif pub_key[0] in [0x02, 0x03] and len(pub_key) == 33: compressed_pub_key = pub_key else: raise wire.DataError("invalid public key") return base58_encode("EOS", "", compressed_pub_key) def _get_public_key(node: bip32.HDNode) -> Tuple[str, bytes]: seckey = node.private_key() public_key = secp256k1.publickey(seckey, True) wif = _public_key_to_wif(public_key) return wif, public_key async def get_public_key( ctx: wire.Context, msg: EosGetPublicKey, keychain: seed.Keychain ) -> EosPublicKey: await paths.validate_path(ctx, validate_full_path, keychain, msg.address_n, CURVE) node = keychain.derive(msg.address_n) wif, public_key = _get_public_key(node) if msg.show_display: await require_get_public_key(ctx, wif) return EosPublicKey(wif, public_key)