import storage.recovery from trezor import ui, wire from trezor.crypto.slip39 import MAX_SHARE_COUNT from trezor.messages import ButtonRequestType from trezor.messages.ButtonAck import ButtonAck from trezor.messages.ButtonRequest import ButtonRequest from trezor.ui.scroll import Paginated from trezor.ui.text import Text from trezor.ui.word_select import WordSelector from . import word_validity from .keyboard_bip39 import Bip39Keyboard from .keyboard_slip39 import Slip39Keyboard from .recover import RecoveryAborted from apps.common.confirm import confirm, info_confirm, require_confirm from apps.common.layout import show_success, show_warning from import backup_types if __debug__: from apps.debug import input_signal if False: from typing import List, Optional, Callable, Iterable, Tuple, Union from trezor.messages.ResetDevice import EnumTypeBackupType async def confirm_abort(ctx: wire.GenericContext, dry_run: bool = False) -> bool: if dry_run: text = Text("Abort seed check", ui.ICON_WIPE) text.normal("Do you really want to", "abort the seed check?") else: text = Text("Abort recovery", ui.ICON_WIPE) text.normal("Do you really want to", "abort the recovery", "process?") text.bold("All progress will be lost.") return await confirm(ctx, text, code=ButtonRequestType.ProtectCall) async def request_word_count(ctx: wire.GenericContext, dry_run: bool) -> int: await, ButtonAck) if dry_run: text = Text("Seed check", ui.ICON_RECOVERY) else: text = Text("Recovery mode", ui.ICON_RECOVERY) text.normal("Number of words?") if __debug__: count = await ctx.wait(WordSelector(text), input_signal()) count = int(count) # if input_signal was triggered, count is a string else: count = await ctx.wait(WordSelector(text)) return count # type: ignore async def request_mnemonic( ctx: wire.GenericContext, word_count: int, backup_type: Optional[EnumTypeBackupType] ) -> Optional[str]: await, ButtonAck) words = [] # type: List[str] for i in range(word_count): if backup_types.is_slip39_word_count(word_count): keyboard = Slip39Keyboard( "Type word %s of %s:" % (i + 1, word_count) ) # type: Union[Slip39Keyboard, Bip39Keyboard] else: keyboard = Bip39Keyboard("Type word %s of %s:" % (i + 1, word_count)) if __debug__: word = await ctx.wait(keyboard, input_signal()) else: word = await ctx.wait(keyboard) words.append(word) try: word_validity.check(backup_type, words) except word_validity.AlreadyAdded: await show_share_already_added(ctx) return None except word_validity.IdentifierMismatch: await show_identifier_mismatch(ctx) return None except word_validity.ThresholdReached: await show_group_threshold_reached(ctx) return None return " ".join(words) async def show_remaining_shares( ctx: wire.GenericContext, groups: Iterable[Tuple[int, Tuple[str, ...]]], # remaining + list 3 words shares_remaining: List[int], group_threshold: int, ) -> None: pages = [] # type: List[ui.Component] for remaining, group in groups: if 0 < remaining < MAX_SHARE_COUNT: text = Text("Remaining Shares") if remaining > 1: text.bold("%s more shares starting" % remaining) else: text.bold("%s more share starting" % remaining) for word in group: text.normal(word) pages.append(text) elif ( remaining == MAX_SHARE_COUNT and shares_remaining.count(0) < group_threshold ): text = Text("Remaining Shares") groups_remaining = group_threshold - shares_remaining.count(0) if groups_remaining > 1: text.bold("%s more groups starting" % groups_remaining) elif groups_remaining > 0: text.bold("%s more group starting" % groups_remaining) for word in group: text.normal(word) pages.append(text) await confirm(ctx, Paginated(pages), cancel=None) async def show_group_share_success( ctx: wire.GenericContext, share_index: int, group_index: int ) -> None: text = Text("Success", ui.ICON_CONFIRM) text.bold("You have entered") text.bold("Share %s" % (share_index + 1)) text.normal("from") text.bold("Group %s" % (group_index + 1)) await confirm(ctx, text, confirm="Continue", cancel=None) async def show_dry_run_result( ctx: wire.GenericContext, result: bool, is_slip39: bool ) -> None: if result: if is_slip39: text = ( "The entered recovery", "shares are valid and", "match what is currently", "in the device.", ) else: text = ( "The entered recovery", "seed is valid and", "matches the one", "in the device.", ) await show_success(ctx, text, button="Continue") else: if is_slip39: text = ( "The entered recovery", "shares are valid but", "do not match what is", "currently in the device.", ) else: text = ( "The entered recovery", "seed is valid but does", "not match the one", "in the device.", ) await show_warning(ctx, text, button="Continue") async def show_dry_run_different_type(ctx: wire.GenericContext) -> None: text = Text("Dry run failure", ui.ICON_CANCEL) text.normal("Seed in the device was") text.normal("created using another") text.normal("backup mechanism.") await require_confirm( ctx, text, ButtonRequestType.ProtectCall, cancel=None, confirm="Continue" ) async def show_invalid_mnemonic(ctx: wire.GenericContext, word_count: int) -> None: if backup_types.is_slip39_word_count(word_count): await show_warning(ctx, ("You have entered", "an invalid recovery", "share.")) else: await show_warning(ctx, ("You have entered", "an invalid recovery", "seed.")) async def show_share_already_added(ctx: wire.GenericContext) -> None: await show_warning( ctx, ("Share already entered,", "please enter", "a different share.") ) async def show_identifier_mismatch(ctx: wire.GenericContext) -> None: await show_warning( ctx, ("You have entered", "a share from another", "Shamir Backup.") ) async def show_group_threshold_reached(ctx: wire.GenericContext) -> None: await show_warning( ctx, ( "Threshold of this", "group has been reached.", "Input share from", "different group", ), ) class RecoveryHomescreen(ui.Component): def __init__(self, text: str, subtext: str = None): self.text = text self.subtext = subtext self.dry_run = storage.recovery.is_dry_run() self.repaint = True def on_render(self) -> None: if not self.repaint: return if self.dry_run: heading = "SEED CHECK" else: heading = "RECOVERY MODE" ui.header_warning(heading, clear=False) if not self.subtext: ui.display.text_center(ui.WIDTH // 2, 80, self.text, ui.BOLD, ui.FG, ui.BG) else: ui.display.text_center(ui.WIDTH // 2, 65, self.text, ui.BOLD, ui.FG, ui.BG) ui.display.text_center( ui.WIDTH // 2, 92, self.subtext, ui.NORMAL, ui.FG, ui.BG ) ui.display.text_center( ui.WIDTH // 2, 130, "It is safe to eject Trezor", ui.NORMAL, ui.GREY, ui.BG ) ui.display.text_center( ui.WIDTH // 2, 155, "and continue later", ui.NORMAL, ui.GREY, ui.BG ) self.repaint = False if __debug__: def read_content(self) -> List[str]: return [self.__class__.__name__, self.text, self.subtext or ""] async def homescreen_dialog( ctx: wire.GenericContext, homepage: RecoveryHomescreen, button_label: str, info_func: Callable = None, ) -> None: while True: if info_func: continue_recovery = await info_confirm( ctx, homepage, code=ButtonRequestType.RecoveryHomepage, confirm=button_label, info_func=info_func, info="Info", cancel="Abort", ) else: continue_recovery = await confirm( ctx, homepage, code=ButtonRequestType.RecoveryHomepage, confirm=button_label, major_confirm=True, ) if continue_recovery: # go forward in the recovery process break # user has chosen to abort, confirm the choice dry_run = storage.recovery.is_dry_run() if await confirm_abort(ctx, dry_run): raise RecoveryAborted