from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import storage.device as device from storage.cache_common import ( APP_CARDANO_ICARUS_SECRET, APP_CARDANO_ICARUS_TREZOR_SECRET, APP_COMMON_DERIVE_CARDANO, ) from trezor import utils, wire from trezor.crypto import cardano from trezor.wire import context from apps.common import mnemonic from apps.common.seed import get_seed from .helpers.paths import BYRON_ROOT, MINTING_ROOT, MULTISIG_ROOT, SHELLEY_ROOT if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import Awaitable, Callable, TypeVar from trezor import messages from trezor.crypto import bip32 from trezor.enums import CardanoDerivationType from trezor.wire.protocol_common import Context from apps.common.keychain import Handler, MsgOut from apps.common.paths import Bip32Path CardanoMessages = ( messages.CardanoGetAddress | messages.CardanoGetPublicKey | messages.CardanoGetNativeScriptHash | messages.CardanoSignTxInit ) MsgIn = TypeVar("MsgIn", bound=CardanoMessages) HandlerWithKeychain = Callable[[MsgIn, "Keychain"], Awaitable[MsgOut]] class Keychain: """ Cardano keychain hard-coded to 44 (Byron), 1852 (Shelley), 1854 (multi-sig) and 1855 (token minting) seed namespaces. """ def __init__(self, root: bip32.HDNode) -> None: self.byron_root = self._derive_path(root, BYRON_ROOT) self.shelley_root = self._derive_path(root, SHELLEY_ROOT) self.multisig_root = self._derive_path(root, MULTISIG_ROOT) self.minting_root = self._derive_path(root, MINTING_ROOT) root.__del__() @staticmethod def _derive_path(root: bip32.HDNode, path: Bip32Path) -> bip32.HDNode: """Clone and derive path from the root.""" node = root.clone() node.derive_path(path) return node def verify_path(self, path: Bip32Path) -> None: if not self.is_in_keychain(path): raise wire.DataError("Forbidden key path") def _get_path_root(self, path: Bip32Path) -> bip32.HDNode: if is_byron_path(path): return self.byron_root elif is_shelley_path(path): return self.shelley_root elif is_multisig_path(path): return self.multisig_root elif is_minting_path(path): return self.minting_root else: raise wire.DataError("Forbidden key path") def is_in_keychain(self, path: Bip32Path) -> bool: return ( is_byron_path(path) or is_shelley_path(path) or is_multisig_path(path) or is_minting_path(path) ) def derive(self, node_path: Bip32Path) -> bip32.HDNode: self.verify_path(node_path) path_root = self._get_path_root(node_path) # this is true now, so for simplicity we don't branch on path type assert ( len(BYRON_ROOT) == len(SHELLEY_ROOT) and len(MULTISIG_ROOT) == len(SHELLEY_ROOT) and len(MINTING_ROOT) == len(SHELLEY_ROOT) ) suffix = node_path[len(SHELLEY_ROOT) :] # derive child node from the root return self._derive_path(path_root, suffix) # XXX the root node remains in session cache so we should not delete it # def __del__(self) -> None: # self.root.__del__() def is_byron_path(path: Bip32Path) -> bool: return path[: len(BYRON_ROOT)] == BYRON_ROOT def is_shelley_path(path: Bip32Path) -> bool: return path[: len(SHELLEY_ROOT)] == SHELLEY_ROOT def is_multisig_path(path: Bip32Path) -> bool: return path[: len(MULTISIG_ROOT)] == MULTISIG_ROOT def is_minting_path(path: Bip32Path) -> bool: return path[: len(MINTING_ROOT)] == MINTING_ROOT def derive_and_store_secrets(ctx: Context, passphrase: str) -> None: assert device.is_initialized() assert context.cache_get_bool(APP_COMMON_DERIVE_CARDANO) if not mnemonic.is_bip39(): # nothing to do for SLIP-39, where we can derive the root from the main seed return icarus_secret = mnemonic.derive_cardano_icarus(passphrase, trezor_derivation=False) words = mnemonic.get_secret() assert words is not None, "Mnemonic is not set" # count ASCII spaces, add 1 to get number of words words_count = sum(c == 0x20 for c in words) + 1 if words_count == 24: icarus_trezor_secret = mnemonic.derive_cardano_icarus( passphrase, trezor_derivation=True ) else: icarus_trezor_secret = icarus_secret context.cache_set(APP_CARDANO_ICARUS_SECRET, icarus_secret) context.cache_set(APP_CARDANO_ICARUS_TREZOR_SECRET, icarus_trezor_secret) async def _get_keychain_bip39(derivation_type: CardanoDerivationType) -> Keychain: from trezor.enums import CardanoDerivationType from trezor.wire import context if not device.is_initialized(): raise wire.NotInitialized("Device is not initialized") if derivation_type == CardanoDerivationType.LEDGER: seed = await get_seed() return Keychain(cardano.from_seed_ledger(seed)) if not context.cache_get_bool(APP_COMMON_DERIVE_CARDANO): raise wire.ProcessError("Cardano derivation is not enabled for this session") if derivation_type == CardanoDerivationType.ICARUS: cache_entry = APP_CARDANO_ICARUS_SECRET else: cache_entry = APP_CARDANO_ICARUS_TREZOR_SECRET # _get_secret secret = context.cache_get(cache_entry) if not utils.USE_THP: if secret is None: from apps.common.seed import derive_and_store_roots_legacy await derive_and_store_roots_legacy() secret = context.cache_get(cache_entry) assert secret is not None root = cardano.from_secret(secret) return Keychain(root) async def _get_keychain(derivation_type: CardanoDerivationType) -> Keychain: if mnemonic.is_bip39(): return await _get_keychain_bip39(derivation_type) else: # derive the root node via SLIP-0023 seed = await get_seed() return Keychain(cardano.from_seed_slip23(seed)) def with_keychain(func: HandlerWithKeychain[MsgIn, MsgOut]) -> Handler[MsgIn, MsgOut]: async def wrapper(msg: MsgIn) -> MsgOut: keychain = await _get_keychain(msg.derivation_type) return await func(msg, keychain) return wrapper