from trezor import wire from trezor.crypto import bip32, hashlib, hmac from trezor.crypto.curve import secp256k1 from apps.common import HARDENED, cache, mnemonic, storage from apps.common.request_passphrase import protect_by_passphrase if False: from typing import List, Union class Slip21Node: def __init__(self, seed: bytes = None) -> None: if seed is not None: ="Symmetric key seed", seed, hashlib.sha512).digest() else: = b"" def __del__(self) -> None: del def derive_path(self, path: list) -> None: for label in path: h =[0:32], b"\x00", hashlib.sha512) h.update(label) = h.digest() def key(self) -> bytes: return[32:64] def clone(self) -> "Slip21Node": node = Slip21Node() = return node class Keychain: """ Keychain provides an API for deriving HD keys from previously allowed key-spaces. """ def __init__(self, seed: bytes, namespaces: list): self.seed = seed self.namespaces = namespaces self.roots = [None] * len( namespaces ) # type: List[Union[bip32.HDNode, Slip21Node, None]] def __del__(self) -> None: for root in self.roots: if root is not None and hasattr(root, "__del__"): root.__del__() del self.roots del self.seed def validate_path(self, checked_path: list, checked_curve: str) -> None: for curve, *path in self.namespaces: if path == checked_path[: len(path)] and curve == checked_curve: if "ed25519" in curve and not _path_hardened(checked_path): break return raise wire.DataError("Forbidden key path") def derive( self, node_path: list, curve_name: str = "secp256k1" ) -> Union[bip32.HDNode, Slip21Node]: if "ed25519" in curve_name and not _path_hardened(node_path): raise wire.DataError("Forbidden key path") # find the root node index root_index = 0 for curve, *path in self.namespaces: prefix = node_path[: len(path)] suffix = node_path[len(path) :] if curve == curve_name and path == prefix: break root_index += 1 else: raise wire.DataError("Forbidden key path") # create the root node if not cached root = self.roots[root_index] if root is None: if curve_name != "slip21": root = bip32.from_seed(self.seed, curve_name) else: root = Slip21Node(self.seed) root.derive_path(path) self.roots[root_index] = root # derive child node from the root node = root.clone() node.derive_path(suffix) return node def derive_slip77_blinding_private_key(self, script: bytes) -> bytes: """Following the derivation by Elements/Liquid.""" master_node = self.derive(node_path=[b"SLIP-0077"], curve_name="slip21") return key=master_node.key(), msg=script, digestmod=hashlib.sha256 ).digest() def derive_slip77_blinding_public_key(self, script: bytes) -> bytes: private_key = self.derive_slip77_blinding_private_key(script) return secp256k1.publickey(private_key) async def get_keychain(ctx: wire.Context, namespaces: list) -> Keychain: if not storage.is_initialized(): raise wire.ProcessError("Device is not initialized") seed = cache.get_seed() if seed is None: passphrase = cache.get_passphrase() if passphrase is None: passphrase = await protect_by_passphrase(ctx) cache.set_passphrase(passphrase) seed = mnemonic.get_seed(passphrase) cache.set_seed(seed) keychain = Keychain(seed, namespaces) return keychain def derive_node_without_passphrase( path: list, curve_name: str = "secp256k1" ) -> bip32.HDNode: if not storage.is_initialized(): raise Exception("Device is not initialized") seed = cache.get_seed_without_passphrase() if seed is None: seed = mnemonic.get_seed(progress_bar=False) cache.set_seed_without_passphrase(seed) node = bip32.from_seed(seed, curve_name) node.derive_path(path) return node def derive_slip21_node_without_passphrase(path: list) -> Slip21Node: if not storage.is_initialized(): raise Exception("Device is not initialized") seed = cache.get_seed_without_passphrase() if seed is None: seed = mnemonic.get_seed(progress_bar=False) cache.set_seed_without_passphrase(seed) node = Slip21Node(seed) node.derive_path(path) return node def remove_ed25519_prefix(pubkey: bytes) -> bytes: # 0x01 prefix is not part of the actual public key, hence removed return pubkey[1:] def _path_hardened(path: list) -> bool: return all(i & HARDENED for i in path)